King of Stage

Chapter 653: Sunny

"But you almost couldn't help it. For a little while."

   Alena murmured and spit out, which made Ronan a little helpless and embarrassed. She scratched her head and couldn't help but chuckle.

"NO, I have not."

   Although I was a little guilty after speaking, my throat started to itch, and it took countless efforts to control the urge to clear my throat and hide my embarrassment.

Alena did not pierce Ronan, and thought quietly, "You have been tempted/confused." Then, tilting her head slightly, she glanced up at Ronan from the corner of her gaze, and the smile in her eyes overflowed. "I seduced/confused you..."

   Ronan tried to say something, the words had reached the tip of his tongue, but after all he swallowed.

   At this time, what is the role of fighting for a little bit of victory over the language confrontation? Actions are always more honest than words, and arguments are only to cover up, but the real facts have been kept in my heart and cannot be denied.

  Thinking about it seriously, the smile on the corner of Ronan's mouth rose slightly, and he raised his arm to embrace Alena into his embrace. Without force, he just hugged.

Quietly, the two people stood there quietly, feeling the sound of heart beating and impacting, as if touching the pulse of life, and then the rhythm of breathing was so slowly that they fit together, but inadvertently When the time was dislocated again, a smile flowed from the bottom of his eyes.

Obviously there is no eye contact, no verbal dialogue, or even the power to feel the hug, just relying on hugging each other, but still can feel the blending of breath, as if every inch of the skin surface can truly feel the flow of emotions , Lifelike.

"and so……"

Ronan spoke. Alena pressed her ear to Ronan’s chest, buzzing around her ear like the sound of a cave, deeper and more hoarse, and there was a burst of airflow above her eardrums. It faintly tickles, but it's not bad, just can't help but indulge.

   "Will you come tomorrow?"

   The slightly hoarse voice sounded slowly like a deep cello, Alena raised her head, pulled a little distance back, and tilted her head back, looking for Ronan's eyes.

   Then, she saw Ronan's eyes again.

The light is not bright, but those eyes are still clear and bright, and they can still catch a trace of flame that has not been completely extinguished. The flame is burning quietly in the deep blue ocean, quiet and gorgeous, just like this gently and gently surging. It is as gentle as the waves and as hot as a flame.

   was reflected in Alena's eyes, and she seemed to be able to clearly feel the brightness.


she says.

   There was a shallow sound from deep in the throat, like a breeze blowing in, some shy and refreshing, some throbbing and some joy.

   A simple syllable, after the collision, the smile in the eyes could not help but gently burst, shining with happiness.

   Ronan gently chins his head, trying to say something, but can't find the correct words in his mind, so he gives up altogether, everything is silent.

   Ronan tilted his head slightly and gestured to the side of the field, "I... uh, I have another lunch meeting waiting."

   Alena seemed to have thought of something, she couldn't help but chuckled, jokingly, "Dating?"

   "Ha." Ronan said affirmatively with his jaw lightly, "Well, date."

   Alena laughed happily.

Ronan didn't say anything more, let go of his arms, distanced himself, paused, took two steps, but stopped again. He always felt that he should say something, and then he didn't know what to say, so he hesitated. "Oh, if you need to use the bathroom, then welcome..."

   Ronan turned around and motioned to the door of the men's bathroom.

   The eyes of the two collided again, and both laughed.

   Ronan never stopped again, took another step, and left the corridor with a turn.

Alena looked at the direction where Ronan had left, and watched quietly. Even though she could no longer see Ronan's back, she still stared at the empty corridor, a blank brain without any thoughts, and then suddenly a flash of light in her mind , Raised his hand subconsciously and touched his lips.

   is hot and hot.

Fingertips seemed to be scalded, but Alena did not let go. Instead, she gently tapped her lips with her fingertips, as if she was still feeling the temperature and touch, gently, her smile was like ripples. Then, the instant Fanghua bloomed between the eyebrows, and the entire corridor became bright.

In this compartment, Ronan’s footsteps have left the shadows and re-entered the golden sunshine of California. The radiant heat was shed from top to bottom, his eyes closed reflexively, and the rhythm of dancing in the sun could be felt on his cheeks. The smile bloomed along with it.

   Footsteps, passing by the position of the symphony orchestra far away, his gaze paused for a while, but he didn't think much about it, and then walked straight towards the original position.

   On the table, the brunch they just ordered has been put up.

   Ronan glanced at him, "Wow, the contrast is so obvious that my conscience is beginning to hurt. Are you sure you don't need to look at the menu again?"

Tyler was not looking at his phone, but looking at Hancock Park in the distance. He was a little fascinated. He caught Ronan's voice with his ears, and then he came back to his senses, reacted slightly, and immediately realized that Ronan was talking about food. .

   Indeed only has a salad, pitiful.

   But Ronan has a total of four plates and a glass of drink, big and small, and the entire table is occupied.

  Taylor couldn’t help but chuckled. When the waitress served the food, she was also taken aback—

  In Hollywood, it is everyone’s task to control diet. Although women have stricter requirements, men’s standards are not low. To take a step back, even if not everyone is on a diet to lose weight, but few people overeating, at least in the public need to pay attention to the image.

However, Ronan did not seem to have such troubles. The aroma of bacon, the gravy of steak, and the golden color of French fries were intertwined, blowing in the breeze, so that Taylor couldn't help swallowing her saliva. She didn't remember that she was already. How long hasn't it been so heartily to eat and drink.

   "No need." Taylor waved his hand gently, covered his mouth and laughed, "If necessary, I will take the initiative to greet the waiter."

Then Ronan sat down opposite Taylor, staring at the meal in front of him brightly, it felt like...Before entering the fierce battle, you need to scan the enemy's situation, know yourself and know the enemy to be able to win all battles, and prepare eagerly. Fight a good battle.

   Such an undisguised sincere appearance made Taylor's eyes full of smiles, but she was not sure whether it was an illusion, she always felt that Ronan's mood seemed...brighter and lighter, could it be because of the meal in front of her? Or is it because the release was just completed in the bathroom?

   Involuntarily, Tyler's gaze was fixed on Ronan, and he looked at it carefully, and inadvertently was lost again.

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