King of Stage

Chapter 671: Speechless

Is Ronan really ready to meet Tyler?

   This is... against the wind?

   But... is that really the case?

  Fox realized that his judgments were constantly being established, overthrown, and rebuilt, and they kept going back and forth, as if they had fallen into a vicious circle, so much so that he couldn't distinguish himself now.

   So, what should he do now?

  Should we keep up tightly and exert further pressure to force Ronan to make a mistake; or should he hide his figure and deliberately let Ronan think that he has successfully got rid of, so that he can do things with peace of mind, and Fox can seize the exclusive?

   There are too many judgments and decisions to be completed in a limited time, and there is a sense of excitement on the verge of an explosion.

Miscellaneous and random thoughts were surging in my mind. One thought of Ronan, one thought of himself, another awakened the memories of that day at the club, and another thought of the Grammy midnight party Dalton experience. There was no thought and no context. , It is so intertwined to become a mass.

Subconsciously, a reluctant stubbornness dominates the body, stepping on the accelerator all the way, and following closely reluctantly, seeming to vent all the irritability and anger hidden in the heart, but it is not clear how the anxiety is returned. I am not sure whether my choice is correct, but blindly colliding like a headless fly.

   Fox has the urge to hit the wall.


   The sight in front of him temporarily interrupted the surging of thoughts in Fox's mind, because Ronan entered the parking lot with a turn, and it seemed that he should have arrived at his destination.

So fast?

   Fox is already nervous, and the first reaction to any turmoil is to express doubt.

   No matter what, now that he has arrived at his destination, Fox still cheers up, concentrates on the present, and looks at it carefully, looking for Taylor's figure like a fox, and then realizes that this is a recording studio—

   Bruno Mars's recording studio.

The collaboration between Ronan and Justin Timberlake and Bruno Mars is already well known. Just a few days ago, they were still finishing the recording work here. It is no secret that Rolling Stone magazine got an in-depth interview. , Then why did Ronan return to the recording studio today?

   Is there something wrong with the recording? Need to modify? Need to re-record?

   If this is the case, it has nothing to do with Taylor Swift. It is not heavy news, but it can also be regarded as some inside information. It is better than nothing. Fox can still track it.

Fox was a little excited. After all, this was the first light in four days. He quickly found the parking space and didn't wait for it to stop completely. He pulled up the handbrake, picked up the camera, and quickly photographed Ronan entering the recording studio. Photographs, the whole action is smooth and flowing, in one go.

   The brain has started to work again, thinking about how to take pictures in depth.

After waiting for Ronan to enter the room, Fox took out his mobile phone, turned his head quickly, and made continuous calls, trying to find clues by tapping sideways. This time it was not too difficult. The fog quickly dissipated before his eyes, showing the original face-

   Bruno is not in the studio. He is not even in Los Angeles, but in New York. Similarly, Justin, who is in the publicity period, is so busy that he is recording the "Allen Show" in Burbank today, so naturally he is not in the studio.

  The reason why Ronan came to the recording studio was not that there was a problem with their cooperative repertoire, but that the king needed a studio to prepare for the concert one day—

  Although Atlantic Records also has its own recording studio and studio in Los Angeles, how can it be comparable to the private recording studio built by Bruno? Bruno generously lent his studio to Ronan.

   Then, Fox successfully found Cliff, Maxim and Ollie's vehicles in the parking lot, but Ronan was the last to arrive at the recording studio.

   The truth is revealed.

   But Fox is not happy at all.

  What...what? What the **** is this!

   If it’s a re-recording of the cooperative tracks of three popular superstars, it’s worth digging a bit. What is going on? Could it be that the three people have inconsistent contradictions? Or is there something wrong with the recording process? No matter what, this is worth digging deeper.

   But if the king prepares for a concert in one day, then there is no news value. Even if Fox releases the news, it is at most the level of Atlantic Records official draft, I am afraid it will not be able to stir up any waves.

   In other words, waiting for four days, still empty-handed.

Fox has a deep sense of powerlessness. Even if he wants to roar, he can't make a sound. He slumps his shoulders weakly and looks at the door of the recording studio under the golden sunlight, just as Alice sees the rabbit hole and speculates on the mysterious wonderland inside. Like the moment, stupefied in a daze.

   Give up? Really unwilling.

continue or not? But Ronan is really not an easy opponent.

Thinking of this, "huh..." Fox let out a long sigh. After all, he had to admit that he was completely defeated. This time he was unable to dig out any news. It really felt like crying without tears. It was so tight. The nerves slackened again, as if falling from high altitude.

   The emptiness of free fall made his brain go blank. Fox has given up thinking, his body sank deeply into the back of his chair, and all his strength was emptied.

   Maybe... the best option now is to give up temporarily.

   paparazzi, UU reading still needs to hide in the dark, like a submarine, evading radar searches, and then patiently wait for the opponent to relax his vigilance and leaks. Then is the best time for the paparazzi to leave.

   He needs to step back a few steps, hide his figure again, and wait for the opportunity to move.

   The brain finally recovered its sanity and freshened up again. Although it was difficult, Fox knew that this was the right decision.

  'S gaze stayed at the entrance of the recording studio, reluctantly turning around for a moment, then forced himself to retract his gaze, put down the handbrake, turned the steering wheel, returned to the highway, and walked away.

The recording studio and Ronan were left behind in this way, and the mountain heavy on his chest disappeared unknowingly. Fox himself did not notice a long sigh of relief, as if he finally got rid of his nightmare, again. Recovering the ease, he unconsciously stepped on the accelerator and fled the scene at the speed of light.

   even got a ticket for speeding.

   But Fox didn't care at all, he just felt... a moment of relaxation, the corners of his mouth were liberated, and the ground rose uncontrollably.

  Because it was too weird, it also attracted traffic police's doubts about drunk driving. Now I have tested it and confirmed that Fox should be just @脑袋有问题的hilpies" and not overdrinking. This left Fox.

   Even so, Fox is still uncontrollable and relaxed. He originally thought he would be angry and sad, but in fact there is only one kind of ease of escape. Now he finally knows what it means to be refreshed.

   Cherish life and stay away from Ronan.

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