King of Stage

Chapter 672: 2 consecutive 3

"good morning!"

   "Good morning, Ronan, all your teammates have arrived."

"Ah, it seems that I am late and I must go in quickly. By the way, I haven't enjoyed today's breakfast coffee. Could you please buy it for me? By the way, the breakfast coffee in the entire office is also credited to my account. You can Order slowly."

   "Haha, no problem, wrap it on me, and I will thank you all on your behalf."

   Cut short and cheerful conversations, you can see the close relationship between Ronan and the staff in the recording studio, and of course, Ronan’s good mood.

   Pushing open the door of the recording studio, Ronan greeted with a bright smile, "Hey, guys, good morning."

The room is a little quiet, Maxim is busy in front of the sound console, with his back facing the door; Cliff with his hands on his chest, leaning on the wall on the right side of the sound console, but not paying attention to Maxim’s work, hanging down. Holding his eyelids, he was immersed in his thoughts; Ollie was sitting on the sofa on the right side of the doorway, his body sinking deeply into it, and he could not see if he was asleep.

"Hmm? Haven't you had breakfast coffee yet? I just told the front desk, do you need coffee?" Only Ronan was very emotional, like a ray of sunlight tearing through the haze and falling down, the silent air in the studio Was stirred.

   Cliff raised his eyes and glanced at Ronan, yin and yang grotesquely, "Someone is late and the sun is still shining."

   Actually, Ronan was not late.

In order to deceive Fox into being fooled, Ronan made a slight detour, but when he arrived at the recording studio, there was still about three minutes before the appointed time, which was regarded as stepping into the field on time; but compared to his teammates, especially Ronan, who had just arrived late a few days ago, was indeed the last to arrive.

   Ronan was in a bright mood and didn't mind, and smiled at Cliff, "I'm sorry, but the paparazzi followed in the morning. It took a while to get rid of the paparazzi."

   But he did not expect that Cliff curled his lips and replied with a smile but a smile, "So now we have paparazzi following. It's amazing."

   The weird tone of yin and yang makes it hard to tell, whether this is a joke or an attack, the atmosphere is obviously weird.

Ronan’s smile on the corner of his mouth froze slightly, he turned to look at Cliff seriously, and bluntly replied, “Cliff, if you have any comments, you can just say it directly. There is no need to be so cynic. If you mind that I'm late. , Then you can put it straight. If I remember correctly, there is still one minute left before our agreed time."

"Yes, there is one minute left." Cliff directly pushed back, "How could our lead singer make a mistake? He will always be right, so we should stay where we are, and close up." Mouth, it's better to be completely invisible, right?"

   The words sharpened involuntarily.

   Ronan was so inexplicable, his eyebrows frowned slightly.

At this moment, Maxim turned around, stood up and walked towards Ronan, and gave Ronan a hug, "Don't pay attention to the high school student who hasn't grown up, he is pure jealous. How about, are you and Taylor had a good time?"

   Ronan did not answer Maxim, instead he noticed the previous sentence, "What are you jealous of?"

"I am jealous that you have become a celebrity now. Everyone knows that you are Taylor's new gossip boyfriend. The eyes of the world are all on you. I am afraid we have all been forgotten." Maxim smiled and slammed into it. Ronan's shoulders raised his eyebrows high and his face was full of gossip.

   This made Ronan dumbfounded, "Maxim, your expression really looks like a paparazzi. If you are considering a job change, I recommend you apply for TMZ."

   "Who is jealous, don't talk nonsense." Cliff scolded Maxim with a very ugly expression, "Do you think I am you?"

Maxime winked at Ronan and did not respond to Ronan. Instead, he turned his head and looked at Cliff, "Dare to say that I dare not recognize it. First Justin and Bruno, then Taylor. Don't you be jealous that Ronan is now a media player." Beloved, and then not just a band, he himself has won countless attention, and now there are even paparazzi stalking, but you have nothing."


   Seeing that Maxim's words became more explicit and sharper, Ronan bumped Maxim's shoulder, indicating that he didn't need to speak so harshly.

   Cliff's expression was directly pulled down.

"I just watched Ronan completely forget about our band's own affairs because of other things. Don't forget, our band still has a tour and a new album to prepare, but Ronan is currently involved in private affairs. He is not late today, but it is also The distance is not far, and I don’t want Ronan to slack off."

   "Don't think that you only care about the band, we are a team, remember?"

   Talking, Cliff glanced at Ronan again, stayed for a while, then moved away and refused to communicate.

   Ronan was a little helpless.

   If he could, he would rather all the paparazzi follow Cliff instead of paying attention to him; he would also rather Taylor’s scandal entangled Maxim, so he could stay out of the matter.

   But Ronan couldn't say these words. Once they were said, they would not know what was good or what was wrong, and would be dazzling in the ears of others.

Actually, Ronan didn’t want to explain, because those things really didn’t matter, but since Cliff cared and Maxim also mentioned it, he still needs to explain. Some things he doesn’t care about doesn’t mean that everyone doesn’t. care.

   "Remember the day we had a meeting in the club? The day Maxim was late?" Ronan said! Maxim patted Ronan on the shoulder in protest.

Ronan couldn't help but laughed and gave Maxim a "you deserve it" look, and then continued, "I and Ollie left first, and we accidentally bumped into Taylor and her female partner in the club lobby. , I apologized, that brunch was a practical expression."

   explained the ins and outs of the matter in a few words.

   "You can ask Ollie, or even Taylor." Ronan was very open and turned his head to look at Ollie.

   But he found that Ollie was still curled up in the corner of the sofa. He didn't know if he was asleep or what was going on. He never made a sound.

Ronan tilted his head and didn't call Ollie again. He looked at Cliff again, "The paparazzi appeared with Tyler, not me. I still don’t have that great charm. Even this morning, the paparazzi thought I was preparing. Meet Tyler and follow along all the way."

   "Trust me, with the current level of our band, it is a little bit short of attracting paparazzi." Ronan spread his hands and faced Cliff with a sincere attitude.

   Cliff's mouth squirmed, after all he couldn't say anything, he turned away slightly, avoiding eye contact.

From the first time to the second time, Ronan also knew that there must be a third and fourth time. When they were placed under the spotlight, the problems they had to face after the overnight burst were like torrential rains. Everyone needs to readjust their position.

   However, Ronan also has his dissatisfaction with such frequent occurrence in a short period of time.

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