King of Stage

Chapter 678: Looking back at the darkness

"You and I are one body, blooming like moths to the fire; you linger between the lines of my words, but now they are turned away."

"You and I are drifting away, savoring the bitterness and bitterness that you have left alone; I cut out the whole heart for you, but hit the high wall you built, sparks splattered everywhere." (Note 1)

Just now, Ronan was able to feel the power of words just by whispering the lyrics; now, the lyrics blend into the melody, the notes entangle the syllables of the words, the magnificent and majestic power exploded in a tenfold, hundredfold posture, as if full. The stars fell and roared like nine heavens.

Ronan’s singing is so gentle and so light, it seems that he can’t feel any power injection. Behind his slightly hoarse voice, he can savor a fragile sadness. There is no roar or roar, no treble, no release, just a shallow chant. , But he tugged his ankle and fell severely.

It seems that following the singing into the depths of memory, in those black and white pictures, the sky is broken, the earth is falling apart, and the blood is dripping, and the whole world is in a state of destruction, but all have become pictures of memory, but light and breezy talk about the past artillery fire. , And even a small smile can be captured at the corner of the mouth.

Ollie suddenly realized:


In the true sense, everything is over. A living heart just hits the ground in free fall, breaking into countless fragments. Memories, all become memories, not the present tense, but the past tense, there is no future anymore, draw a clear end.

This time, it really ended.

In an instant, his breathing was cut off, and Ollie held his breath as if standing in a turbulent waterfall. Only in this way could he stay standing in the roaring impact. It seemed that as long as he stopped breathing, time would not continue to move forward; But just for a short while, he could no longer support him, gasping for breath, and then the reality was so turbulent, his knees softened, and he was submerged by the endless waterfall.

Cold and biting.

Cover, swallow.

Darkness is coming.

"If I remain intact as before, I will immediately turn around, forget the pain, and walk away. Because I already know that the truth is not close at hand. But I was crushed just to see you, and after hardships, just to say goodbye to you, but you I sealed myself behind the fortress, and when everything was silent, I finally realized that I was just tying myself into a cocoon from beginning to end."

The hoarse voice whispered, the calm trickle leaped and flowed between the cold piano keys, it seems that the fingertips can touch the cold clear stream, a breeze blows, and the goose bumps go smoothly. I covered my whole body with my fingertips, and I couldn't stop the shivering one after another.

The lyrics are obviously from Ollie’s creation. After Ronan gave the melody interpretation, he was so unfamiliar. It was as unfamiliar as to hear it for the first time. The melody was injected into the lyrics, and the lyrics merged into the melody. An incredible chemical reaction burst out——

Vicissitudes and grandeur. Majestic and delicate.

Bitter and happy. Sad and sweet.

Ollie thinks that parting is sad, the end is painful, and the farewell is cruel... He refuses to face it and refuses to accept it. He just wants to escape, to escape far away. It seems that as long as he temporarily empties his mind and abandons his thoughts, he will not Feel the depression of suffocation, and will not feel the erosion of darkness.

But he was wrong.

Forgetting temporarily does not mean disappearing completely, let alone never happening. What should happen has already become an established fact. The wounds cannot be erased. The **** and **** wounds are drawn on the heart one after another, even if they are ignored, they are still dripping blood.

But what should he do?

Once, he was desperate just to hold her in his arms; now, he lives to death just to clear his memory.

Once, he broke his bones just to see her; now, he is doing his best just to forget everything.

Ollie raised his eyes and looked in the direction of Ronan. He could only see a figure from his back, unable to judge Ronan’s eyes and expressions, but he could hear a kind of release in Ronan’s singing. This kind of catharsis, a kind of wanton, bravely, firmly, and fearlessly face the wound.

It's like going back to the boyhood, back to the era of ignorance, fearlessness, and heroism.

Running wantonly, wanton hurting, wanton happiness, wanton sadness... Amidst the great ups and downs and great compassion, I always hold my head high, straighten my waist and embrace everything that life has given, pain and happiness. .

"You and I are one heart and one body... Blooming lives like moths to the fire..."

Ronan’s singing voice was unblocked in this way, and his wings flew high. One treble and another treble were released like a torrential rain in the heavy and surging piano keys, hitting hard again and again. With the eardrums, the roar sounded like a billowing wave.

"You linger on my zhengzheng they no longer exist..."

One wave, another wave.

Ronan’s treble continued to be output steadily, far from reaching the treble limit, but he could feel the shock of the huge wave hitting the rock in the turbulent layers. The power erupting from the depths of his soul was so heavy and so complicated, and thunderous. The frontal impact came and broke all the lines of defense in an instant.

"You and I are drifting away... Savor your gorgeous memories alone..."

Is it all sad?

Obviously not.

The end is a full stop and a beginning. It is an end and a release. If you are immersed in the past forever, the end will never be realized. It just drags the soul slowly into the darkness; but if you are brave to face the past, then after the end Only then can we open a new chapter.

More importantly, memories should not all be bitter and sad, but also happiness, sweetness, joy, and countless joys.

In the past, even if it was just a glance back at a time, it could light up a whole day, and even the continuous rain could not cover up my good mood.

Once, even if it was just a conversation with a smile at a time, I could continue to recall, even if I fell asleep at night, I couldn't help but kick the quilt to convey happiness.

Once he believed that he could live happily with a ray of weak thoughts in his arms, even if he could not really own it, he would still not regret it.

"I cut out the whole heart for you... but hit the high wall you built... sparks are flying all over..."

Before being caught off guard, the gates of defense opened in this way.

A smile bloomed at the corner of Ollie's mouth. At the same time, tears broke through his eyes and slipped down. He finally started to face his wounds bravely.

It's like eighteen years old.

Love bravely, forget bravely, give bravely, burn bravely, and then bravely step forward again to welcome a new beginning.

He does not regret it, he will not regret having a deep unrequited love for Ophelia, nor will he regret inviting Ophelia to the Coachella Music Festival. Although the dream is so short, at least once had it. Memories are always rosy.

Hot tears burned his cheeks, but they also lit up a smile.

Note 1: Sparks are splashing all around (——Starset, -)

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