King of Stage

Chapter 679: Brave and fearless

A little bitterness, a little bit of vicissitudes, a little bit of relief, a little bit of heat... In Ronan’s singing, there are too many mixed emotions, hard to say, but all are hidden in the melody, like the same ray of sunshine, that falls into the heart, only The listener tastes alone and interprets different tastes.

Maxim raised his gaze slightly, watching Ollie, who was bursting into tears but laughing wanton, crying and laughing, as if he was running away with reason.

However, Maxim can really understand the sad and happy ambivalence in Ollie’s expression. He was immersed in Ronan’s calm but vicissitudes of singing, and a touch of confusion appeared on the tip of his tongue. He involuntarily raised the corner of his mouth gently. The eyelids drooped, concealing the surging emotions in his eyes.

Sometimes Maxim will also envy Ollie.

Envious of the purity and heat on Ollie, like a moth to a fire, he devotes himself to everything he has and devotes himself to, even if his body is broken, he still rushes up without self-interest, those joys and sorrows, those happiness and loss, those laughter and tears, All are released without reservation, as if a fall has consumed all the energy and energy, love so deeply, and love so madly.

However, Maxim couldn't do it.

It's not because of being too sensible, but because of lack of that heart, for the sake of another person who poured all of that heart without reservation.

So, what kind of feeling is it? I am so happy that I want to tell the world, but I am so painful that the world is broken.

Maxim's thoughts slowly and slowly settled down following Ronan's singing.

After lightly touching the peak of the chorus, the sonorous, powerful, passionate piano melody quietly returned to calm, as if retreating into darkness.

Quiet and gentle.

Gentle and fragile.

"All broken souls, they can never make me complete; they don't understand, they don't understand where my heart is, they don't know anything about me."

Whispering, like a whisper in the ear, but caught a touch of loneliness in the clear and bright voice.

It is not only the loneliness of parting, but also the loneliness of being in the middle of the crowd but no one can listen to one's own thoughts. It is also the loneliness of being in traffic but no one can understand one's own pain, but, "broken "Soul", who is it?

Those broken souls who have been deeply in love but have been severely hurt by love?

Or do those who cherish feathers never let go of their dignity and unreservedly expose themselves to others, and consequently never know what is the broken soul of true love?

Maxim, a touch of bitterness appeared on the tip of his tongue.

Ollie, the tears were more turbulent, but he buried his head deeply in the palm of his hand, and the choking sound of fragmented choking was all pressed into the palm of his hand.

Then, the door of the recording studio was pushed open, and Cliff's figure appeared, still holding four cups of coffee in his hand, but he couldn't help but pause. He didn't know what was happening in the room, but just stared blankly. Ronan looked over, moving from calm to high-pitched again, and the high pitch erupted.

"All cruel souls, every fragment is so dazzling; they don't understand, they don't understand where my heart is, they don't know anything about me."

Treble, one after another.

It broke out, wave after wave.

At this time, Ronan really ushered in the peak of the climax/tide. His hands fell heavily on the black and white piano keys, and the turbulent emotions in the depths of his mind fell unreservedly along the fingertips, flooded with mountains and seas. The turmoil is the vicissitudes of life, the pain, the happiness or the sadness, the sorrow or the helplessness...



From calm waves to huge waves, the cascading storms are magnificent and magnificent in the studio. The bitterness hidden in the singing makes people feel the deep and heart-piercing pain. The heart was completely curled up, too hard to breathe.

"I will do my best to touch a more beautiful new world, but they don't understand, they don't understand where my heart is going, there is the darkest realm."

Treble, burst!

Treble, burst!

At this moment, Ronan has no reservations. The rising treble has broken through the ceilings one after another. Even with the piano accompaniment, he can still feel the storm of the stormy sea involving everyone in it, releasing everything in the depths of his soul. energy.

Cliff, dumbfounded.

He didn't understand what was happening, but he could hear the extreme pain and the extreme sadness in Ronan's singing. The power that was rushing over his face had been crushed before he had time to guard, and he rushed to the spot. , Unable to move——

Ronan, what do you mean?

They (they), who are they talking about? Who is the broken soul?

reporter? Paparazzi? Anyone else at Vanity Fair? Or is he?

Cliff is a little guilty.

When they were under the spotlight of Vanity Fair, everything seemed to change, twisted into different postures, dazzling with colorful lights, surrounded by applause and cheers, surrounded by lights and cameras, as if they were standing on top of the world. , A gesture of action can change the fate of others, the kind of lofty indulgence and wanton, destroy all the thoughts in the mind.

Then everything changed.

"There is the Darkest Realm." Is Ronan talking about Vanity Fair?

The endless piano keys that released all the energy made Cliff stand at the door of the recording studio. There was a struggle between his eyebrows, but he didn't know what to do.

Maxim raised his head and looked at Ollie. He noticed Cliff's appearance, but at this time all his mind remained on Ollie.

In an instant, Maxim was able to understand the meaning of the "darkest realm", and he seemed to be able to finally taste the bitterness in Ollie's tears——

Pour all, even his own heart handed over, but hit the wall covered with thorns hard, and fell on the ground with scars. The powerful force of free fall made the heart shattered, and every fragment still carried the depth. The emotions, the unstoppable fanaticism.

It is so heavy and so hot that even one fragment is enough to burn his soul into However, everything is over.

There is no more chance, no hope anymore, so it is completely over, and into the endless darkness.

It is not "abandoning this forest for the sake of a tree", but "the only tree that I care about is exhausted so that the whole forest is still lush and it is meaningless."

"Mars splashes all around (.

Maxim stared at Ollie, whose body could not restrain the trembling slightly, chewing this word repeatedly on the tip of his tongue, as if he understood something.

The melody finally stopped, but there was no piano keynote, the roar of the surging river still surging in my ears, like the impact of a surging heart.

Then, Ollie raised his head, did not wipe the tears, did not hide the embarrassment, just let out a long sigh, the smile on the corner of his mouth bloomed in the tears, and he faced his wounds bravely and calmly, because it was not just pain. At the same time, it's part of myself.

Note 1: Sparks are splashing all around (——Starset, -)

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