King of Stage

Chapter 67: Soul baptism

   "There is no giving up in my blood."

  'S clear voice lightly touched the two-octave high pitch, instantly penetrating the layers of restraint, opening the whole world.


Close your eyes and open your arms. It seems that you can feel the violent wind raging across your arms and fingers. The narrow space spreads out endlessly. The vast and empty stars and the sea are spreading out in front of you. It seems... standing on the edge of a steep cliff, wobbly, and may fall to pieces at any time.

Use your body to feel the squally wind and huge waves rushing in from all directions, the roar above your ears swells the stormy waves, open your chest to embrace the vast ocean, immersed in the boundless deep blue, gradually dissolving in it, and then gradually changing like this It became small, and finally turned into a dust in the deep blue, escaping into nothingness in the magnificent universe.

   "This is not what I was born with!"


Ronan’s singing easily surpassed the roaring melody of the audience, truly releasing all the depressed and depressed emotions. The torn treble made the entire stage brighter, and the majestic power was like a meteor shower. Dive violently and recklessly toward the earth—

  He can't give up.

   He knows that he understands that he understands that he understands clearly that he understands everything, everything is clear. But... he refuses to give up, he doesn't want to give up, he can't give up, he resists giving up, because this is not something he was born with, there is no gene for giving up in his blood, even if he knows that giving up is the right choice, but He still wanted to hold on for a while, just another time.

   Stupidly, hold on for a while.

   Innocently, run for a while.

   He, really... won't and can't give up.

   Can anyone hear his cry for help?

   "I read the messages on my phone frequently, endless anxiety struck, and fear was overwhelmed by loneliness again. I hate it. I tried to find a way to relax, but I still couldn't breathe."

   "Can anyone hear me?"

Drums, faster and faster; blood, faster and faster, heartbeat, faster and faster, the fanatical impact made the whole chest pain uncontrollably, it seems that the heart is about to burst, and the eardrums are bursting. The throbbing throbbed, and the blood vessels that pulled the temples kept twitching.

I was clearly in the midst of the turbulent crowd, but the fear surrounded by loneliness and loneliness rushed from the soles of the feet to the top of the head, shivering one after another, unable to stop, the tossing anxiety was tearing the soul, but the panic and uneasy emotions could not find one. I couldn't find a catharsis where I stayed.

   so familiar.

Every audience present is so familiar. Anxiety seems to have become a part of life. Everyone can find in the melody the emotions that they have to experience countless times every day, and then they are in the rhythm of the **** melody. Climbing slowly, like adrenaline.

   "It seems that the surrounding walls collapsed and besieged me. How many times I want to give up, no medicine can cure it."

   "Who will help me, anxiety is overwhelming, how many times I want to give up, but I can't."

The words and sentences are so real, the lyrics of "I-am-crawling-in-my-skin (I-am-crawling-in-my-skin, literally, I crawl under the skin is so apt, it really outlines the emotions under the skin. The tingling pain of rolling and struggling, the slightly hot pain is like standing barefoot in the middle of summer in the desert.

Every word and every sentence is crying, and the pain hidden in the piano keys is entangled in the drums to vent down, like a vine wrapped around the calf with spikes, and the bloody, **** pain has torn the skin. The protection is still tightening up a little bit.

   But I still can’t give up.

   "I didn't give up in my blood; I was born so, I refuse to give up."

Duncan's eye sockets became slightly hot, and even his body became slightly hot. The hot and hot tears blurred his vision, but he could not move, so his muscles froze in place stiffly-perhaps because of fatigue at 5 o'clock in the morning. It may have caused him to lose control of his body, perhaps because his slack spirit was completely disintegrated, and perhaps because of both, he could no longer make a judgment at this time.

   can't give up.

   refused to give up!

   Duncan is the same. He wants to give up his dreams, he wants to give up persistence, so he bows his head to compromise, agrees with the guidance of fate, returns to ordinary daily life in a proper manner, admits that he has done nothing with his feet on the ground, and becomes the most common person among thousands of ordinary people. One member.

   But... he can't do it.

   He really can't do it!

Deep down, he still yearns to be able to chase dreams, he still yearns for a corner of the soul, he still yearns for the baptism of the soul and spiritual awakening, he still yearns for being able to truly live, burn life and release energy, because Love lives because of excitement/love and because of happiness.

   There is no giving up in his blood.

   The hot tears broke free from the shackles of the eye sockets, completely blurred his vision, staring at the figure in the bright lights in the center of the stage, and the heart was hot.

Ronan, grabbing the microphone with both hands, his slightly hoarse voice leaked a trace of fragility, and the green veins emerging from his arms exposed the fact that the muscles all over his body were exerting strength, and his emotions were released in full with the melody, without concealment or concealment. , Show yourself truly.

   "Who will save me, who will save me? Is anyone here to save me? Who will save me."

The slightly trembling voice vented in the high notes, as if standing on the edge of a cliff and shouting to the vast ocean, but the echoes never got any response, and the despair of loneliness and loneliness bounced back again, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com surrounded himself again, and the ending voice slightly lost control. The emotional surge made the singing voice no longer perfect, but it is precisely this imperfection that can really touch the softest part of the audience's heart.

In the gorgeous spotlight, you can vaguely see Ronan's closed eyes. His long eyelashes are trembling slightly, and a moist glow burst into the light, gently falling on his cheeks. , Those fragility from the heart, those suffering, those struggling without reservation.

   At the darkest moment of dawn, it is at this moment that the deepest part of the soul is really touched.

   Then, the melody slowed down like this, only the drumbeat was like the sound of diving under the lake, and Ronan's singing was slowly pushed forward.

   They seem to be back to the starting point.

   "Save me, as if the surrounding walls collapsed and besieged me. How many times I want to give up, but I can't."

   Bass and guitar joined, the lights of the audience suddenly lit up, and the stars were overflowing.

   "I didn't give up in my blood, this is not something I was born with."

  Piano joined again, the thickness and level of the melody reached its peak again, and in just three lines of lyrics, it rushed to the climax step by step.

   Ronan, whose voice has just reached the first treble, releases his emotions effortlessly, continues to raise an octave, and sings into the microphone.

   "I didn't give up in my blood!"

   "I was born so, refuse to give up!"

   High pitches, one after another, the soul was bathed in a shocking baptism, the goose bumps all appeared in an instant, involuntarily began to tremble again and again, and could not stop at all.

  Note 1: In-My-Blood—Shawn-Mendes

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