King of Stage

Chapter 68: Darkest moment

The whole bar is brightly lit. The lights follow Ronan’s treble step by step as he climbs the peak, and finally reach the peak in the full release of emotions. The entire bar is shrouded in bright lights, as if bathed in a meteor rainstorm. Below, the trembling of the soul couldn't stop at all.

Ronan, standing in the middle of the stage, holding the microphone in both hands, sang as much as he wanted, shaking uncontrollably even after using his whole body strength. The hot tears almost burned his closed eyes, but he didn't care. , Just feel the temperature of the skin surface wholeheartedly.

   The slightly hot temperature allowed Ronan to feel the flow of blood and the beating of his heart, so real, blooming on the stage without reservation.

   He likes moments like this.

   Then, the lights went out again one after another, and the darkness shrank from the outside to the inside like a tide. Wow! The entire bar reunited under a spotlight, and the world was left with only a little bit of light in front of them, guiding the audience's attention to the past.

   The spotlight fell gently on Ronan's shoulder, and then he opened his eyes again.

Duncan could clearly see the gleaming tears in Ronan's eyes, without hiding or covering it, fully revealing the fragility and fear in his heart. At this moment, Duncan truly understood the meaning of the expression in his eyes and understood it. The persistence of this band—

   They should give up. All signs of life are telling them that giving up is the wise choice. In the highly competitive music world, there is no place for them. They have persisted for long enough. Now is the time to give up, turn around and leave the stage, and come back again. calm.

   However, they still can't give up.

   This is their dream, this is their persistence... even, this is their obsession, a kind of obsession deeply imprinted in their genes.

   "I haven't given up in my blood, who will save me?"

Ronan sang quietly like this, the fragility hidden in the voice was trembling slightly, and the tenderness that was fully exploded and after the defensive was removed, but the firmness and determination in his eyes told another story, and the singing was so light. The earth was released again, "I was born so, refuse to give up."

A treble, a transition, a handy interpretation, but the **** breath in the lyrics is fully presented, again gently pulling the heartbeat, the emotions fall, drawing a perfect end to the whole performance, the chills pass from the soles of the feet through the spine He rushed to the top of his head, one after another, and couldn't stop at all. The only thought in his mind was to kneel down and surrender like this.

Duncan’s brain is a bit unclear, as if he feels after a high fever for many days. His whole body is hot and top-heavy. Even when he is half-dreaming and half-awake, he can’t even stand on his feet. The skin that can be touched by his fingertips is all hot and the tears are blurred. The sight, the world is evacuated into nothingness.

   The head is blurred, the vision is blurred, and the feeling is blurred. I always feel that the world is trapped in the chaotic realm between dream and reality, and can no longer distinguish the truth, just like the self-lost protagonist in the "Inception".

However, Duncan still had no way to look away, so he stared blankly at the stage, watching the disappearance of the spotlight, and then the darkness swallowed all the members of the band, and his thoughts remained stuck. On the stage, it has been a long time since I was able to withdraw.

   It was like... part of the soul fragments were left there, in the kingdom of King One Day.

   Duncan didn't know how he left.

He can’t remember exactly how the band’s performance ended, how the next performance started, or when he turned and left. He stepped deep and shallow on the clouds, shaking like a wandering soul. Dangling staggeringly, groping forward.

Groping in the darkness, walking forward in a trance, it seems that I can't find a trace of light, and more often I can only stay sullenly in a chaotic area, but my mind is always reverberating with layers of melody and rhythm. In this way, he quietly guided his steps forward.

   Then... 嚯!

Pushing open the door, from indoors to outdoors, the cold air at dawn instantly rushed from all directions, the skin tightened, the temperature dropped, goose bumps came out again, the whole brain woke up in an instant, and the focus and focus were reunited. Then you can see that all the street lights in front of you go out, one after another, just like the magical story in "Harry Potter", the world retreats into darkness.

However, the darkness is not pure inky black, but a peacock blue filled with water vapor, fresh and bright with a little coquettish, which makes people involuntarily hold their breath, wide their eyes, and carefully capture what is in front of them. The beauty is beautiful, and time seems to be stuck in a deadlock.


A gleam of light tears the night at the far end of the horizon, and the orange-red light penetrates the layers of the night, and then the bright red spreads, slowly transitioning from red to orange, then gradually transitioning to pink, and finally becoming light. Blue, UU reading www. The bright and bright colors of were smeared freely, filling the corners of the world, and the entire sky was like crystal clear jelly, and all the scenery was hazy.

   To the dark moment, it's over.

   When dawn broke, it came.

   The boundary between day and night becomes clear again after a brief blurring. From night to day, the world in the eyes transforms into a whole new look.

Until this moment, Duncan truly understood the meaning of "breaking dawn" and the magnificence of "breaking dawn". Only by witnessing with his own eyes can we understand the magnificence, and only by real experience can we understand the ups and downs of the process. The splendor ends the endless darkness, and the earth-shaking sight is enough to cut off the breath and heartbeat, and completely lose the brain's ability to think, and can only sigh humbly and religiously.

   When I entered the bar, the world was still in chaos; when I left the bar, dawn finally arrived.

   If there is a world away.

  Especially after experiencing a stage performance with a trembling soul, the magical workmanship of nature is even more shocking.

A song "born with them", let them go from darkness to light, just as Ronan said. They walked hand in hand and fought side by side waiting for the dawn to come, and turned to bid farewell to the chaos and anxiety in the darkest moments, because they In his blood, there is no natural giving up factor.

   was born so, refused to give up.

From the stage to the reality, from the spiritual world to real life, from the melody scene to the natural scene, the seamless connection between the two produces a physical and spiritual shock, and then they can’t help holding their breath, even He didn't even notice the action of holding his breath, only felt the burning sensation after the lack of oxygen in the lungs, spreading in the chest cavity.

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