King of Stage

Chapter 683: Try different

For Maksim, he is constantly learning and improving, looking forward to finding the right track again and participating in the music creation of King One Day again, but Maksim has forgotten that while he is making progress, Luo Nan is also growing.

The clever use of unplugged classical musical instruments resonates, constructing a three-dimensional architectural structure, allowing emotions to agitate and extend in the space.

This is undoubtedly an interesting attempt. Even if it is the unplugged version, it is not limited to the structure of the acoustic guitar and bass, but fully and actively absorbs the characteristics of the symphony orchestra, and deduces the shocking melody, as if-although this The description is not very accurate-the symphony orchestra plays rock and roll.

Maxim had to admit that Ronan's simple arrangement of "Sparks Splashing" unplugged version was very shocking, not what he had imagined.

He was originally worried that Ronan wanted to return to simplicity and purity, and then used an acoustic guitar to create an unplugged album. Then a little carelessness might one day the king evolve from a rock band to a country band. This span allowed Maxi Mu was a little flustered. It must be stopped anyway.

But now it seems that Ronan’s unplugged is very, very different from what he imagined. The abundant use of piano, violin, cello, drums, harp and other instruments not only keeps the arrangement pure and clean, but also guarantees The magnificence of the melody is really shocking.

Don't forget that the classical symphonies from 400 to 500 years ago, even if they were all unplugged, could still create majestic vigor.

Moreover, the complexity of classical symphony arrangements is beyond the reach of contemporary popular music.

At this moment, Ronan is writing the score of "Mars Splashing" in the way of classical music. The pure melody can already feel the emotional level, so that people can't help but start to think, if you join Ronan's singing, in the end, What is the effect? How would Ronan interpret this song?

Even if it's just thinking about it now, Maxim can't bear his expectations.

Maxim couldn't help being a little curious, where did Ronan get the inspiration? Is it the Grammy collaboration?

"...So, what about the plug-in version?"

There was a sound from the door, and he turned his head to see that it was Ollie who had returned from the bathroom. He seemed to have recovered and was ready to go to work.

Ronan didn't pause, and said directly, "We can make a follow-up chapter to become'My Devil.'"

"Remember?'My Demon' fell in the universe, while'Mars Splashed' was wandering in the universe. It also struggled and fell in the darkness, but the emotions presented are different. The former is a kind of Asking for help, the latter is a kind of awakening, or in other words, release."

"In terms of arrangement, we can continue the similar style, build a three-dimensional sense of space, and highlight the emotional level through the use of musical instruments."

Ronan didn’t seem to think carefully. Hearing Ollie’s question, he grasped an idea in his mind and said it, but it was precisely this kind of inspiration that came in handy but burst into brilliant sparks——

"My Devil" is to create the vastness of the universe through the superposition and entanglement of different electronic devices, and to inject energy into the lyrics in the continuous explosion; now it seems that "sparks" can also be made through similar techniques. The emotion contained in the lyrics is more important, and the emptiness and despair in the mist of the universe can also form an invisible response.

The opening chapter of "My Devil" is floating in the universe to ask for help; while the opening chapter of "Sparks Splashing" is an escape through space satellites, but I don't know if Ronan has created associations when he is creating .

In an instant, Maxim's eyes brightened and he nodded repeatedly.

"This is called Orly's Two Steps?"

Objectively speaking, the lyrics of the two songs "My Devil" and "Sparks Splashing" are from Ollie, but the creative background and ideas are completely different, and there is no connection between the two lyrics; but after Ronan's arrangement gives vitality, but behind the surging emotions, he captures the inner connection.

It feels like a constellation.

Each planet is an independent individual and forms a world of its own, but in the magnificent universe, connecting planets to planets can be regarded as constellations, redefining the position of human beings in the vast universe, and the invisible connection in the universe. , Has been given more meaning.

It's amazing.

Ollie only raised a question, but got an answer beyond imagination, his first reaction was...deny.

"My Demon" calmly faced his own fear demon, but "Mars Splashing" was a true face of his beauty and fragility. There is always something deep in everyone's heart that they don't want to be known by others.

Especially he didn't want Ophelia to know.

But the words of refusal rushed to his lips, looking at Ronan, he was a little bit hesitant when he couldn't say it.

Ronan seemed to be able to see through Ollie’s mind, “I want to continue the arrangement of'My Devil’, not to make Ollie’s two parts, but to place our emotions in the background of the universe and look up at the stars. Feeling insignificant, as to how the audience interprets it, I am afraid it is their business."

In other words, the arrangement and production of "Sparks Splashing" is to weaken the part of "Oli's personal emotions" as much as possible.

If Ollie does not want his emotional life to be the center of attention, Ronan understands it 100%, because he himself is avoiding this as much as possible. To some extent, Ronan admires Taylor Swift's calmness and directness, and because of this, at least he can't do it for the time being.

"But if you don't want Ophelia to hear, we can consider other possibilities." Ronan added again He still hopes to take care of Ollie's idea.

Before Ollie could speak, Cliff murmured beside him, "Creation is originally derived from life above life, not to mention that every relationship between Taylor Swift will inevitably give birth to a song or even many songs. Speaking of other singer-songwriters, I am afraid that no one can completely get rid of such influence."

"I think the Cavaliers might think this is Ronan's emotional experience when they hear it." Cliff said nonchalantly, as if it was nothing at all.

Ronan gave Cliff a helpless look-although the truth is so, all art comes from life. This is an objective fact, but the actual situation still needs to be considered separately, after all, it has been surging in just half a year. Starlight, it takes time for every member of the Kings Band for a day to adapt.

Including Ronan and Cliff themselves are no exception. Did you forget the quarrel just now when you turned around?

Cliff didn't know if he understood Ronan's eyes, but he diverted his gaze with a guilty conscience without thinking, and didn't go on.

Ollie also noticed that Ronan and Cliff's eyes were clashing, worried that the two would quarrel again, and hurriedly broke the siege, and directly changed the subject, "Knight? What is that?"

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