King of Stage

Chapter 684: Open the box

"Knight? What is that?"

Ollie changed the subject a bit bluntly, before Ronan and Cliff had another verbal conflict.

But before Cliff could answer, Maxim shook his head repeatedly to express his disappointment, sighing as if Ollie had missed a hundred million, "Our fans, knights? Guardian knights? Don't you know? If knights If we know it, they will be sad."

Uh, this...

Ronan heard it for the first time, and then Ronan and Ollie exchanged sights and realized that they seemed to be missing something.

Ronan asked hesitantly, "When did it happen?"

Maxim rolled his eyes relentlessly, making people suspect that the eyeballs might not turn back, but it is certain that even if they rolled their eyes, they are still handsome. Maxim's talent is indeed full. Chela."

Since the Coachella Music Festival, One Day King has his first group of **** fans.

Prior to this, there were really many fans who followed the One Day King on the tour. A small part really liked the band, a small part was keen on the concept of walking on the road, and most of them were pursuing freshness. After all, the Grammys are endless. Being born is still very attractive to many skins.

The number of these fans is so large that the King One Day really feels the substantive popularity. Obviously, it is completely different from the former namelessness.

But they still lack organization and strength, and there are not many true loyalties.

Until the Coachella Music Festival, the three-finger ritual sweeping the Indio Desert not only made the audience feel the shocking power of the King’s Music in One Day, but also gave birth to the first batch of fans who fell in love enthusiastically and desperately. The "Knight" also formally took shape.

This also means that one day the king is getting rid of the halo shackles of Grammy's overnight fame, and is no longer an object of curiosity, but with music to make a way through performance and gradually gain more recognition.


One day the king’s fans claim to be so, not the subjects of the kingdom who worship the king, but the knights fighting side by side with the king!

They will guard the king's music dream for a day, and will guard their own beliefs in life.

Cliff and Maxim are often active in social networks, and know this spontaneous organization; but Ronan and Ollie are out of touch with the Internet, unless it is officially recognized, then Atlantic Records or Johnny Quaid Tell them otherwise they really know nothing.

Ronan suddenly realized, "So, they are now..." As he said, Ronan made a three-finger salute himself, confirming with his eyes.

Maxim nodded arrogantly, "Yes, this is a sign gesture, maybe, next time on our tour, we will be able to see the three-finger salute from the audience."

Unexpectedly, the grand scene of the three-finger salute of the Indio Desert once again appeared in his mind, and then it was unable to suppress the surging of the earth's heart.

Ronan and Ollie also exchanged glances, and both smiled.

Then Ollie took the initiative to say, “If you think it’s appropriate, then do it. Cliff’s right is right. Creation comes from life, but creation has been processed and interpreted. There is no need to be attached to its source. I It should be more calm."

Cliff stood by and nodded repeatedly, writing on his face, "Let's see, let me just say it."

But Ronan did not respond to Cliff, but looked at Ollie, "Are you sure? Actually, there is no need to make a decision in such a hurry, we still have time..."

"Ronan, it's okay, don't worry." Ollie let out a long sigh, "Just like'my devil', I should be happy. I found inspiration for my creation, transformed life into art, and gave it vitality. In fact. , I also know that only to face it calmly means relief."

After speaking, Ollie showed a big smile again, let Ronan not worry.

The smile on the corner of Ronan's mouth also rose.

Maksim put his hands on his chest and put on a gesture of strong protest, "Hey! You guys!" Seeing all three teammates turned their heads and looked around, Maksim nodded, "Yes, that's you. What, do you think I don’t exist?"

What is this again?

"It was Ronan who was going to take a look at my creations, but Ronan and Ollie were there for inspiration, and they threw me aside and sat on a cold bench. Do you think I am a dead person?" Being angry, especially what Ollie said just now, he felt that he was complaining about himself.

Ollie scratched his head in embarrassment, and didn't know what to say, and gave a dumb laugh twice.

Ronan understands that in terms of creation, Maxim has always had stubborn conceit and pride. Even if Maxim now admits Ronan's core position in the creation of the band, it does not mean that he will bow his head and give up. Still waiting for the opportunity to prove himself again.

Especially on the Grammy stage, Ollie got the song of the year as a songwriter, and Ronan got the album of the year as an album producer. At that moment, Mark, who was once the core of the creation of King of the Day I'm afraid no one else knows what Sim is thinking.

After the Grammys ended, Maxim has been sharpening his sword.

For the new album, Maxim has his own ambitions. He hopes to regain his position as a creator. Even if he cannot return to the core position in one step, the first step is to get his original tracks to be included in the album again.

Who could have imagined that Maxim, who was gearing up to flex his muscles, was unexpectedly intercepted by Ollie.

No wonder Maxim rolled his eyes directly.

Ronan's eyes also showed a smile, but he didn't say much. At this moment, the words are invalid. Going directly to the topic is the best solution.

"So, what are you ready to be proud of?"

Ronan sent an invitation's face looked better, but he raised his jaw proudly and said, "You care about it again?"

Ronan did not refute, and said with a smile, "We have not yet determined the style and direction of our album, and I don't know what works can be included, including the one just now. We are brainstorming now and look at the impact Can you find some new ideas."

Maxim handed the tablet over and waved his hand nonchalantly, "I know I know, otherwise Cliff guy should be sleeping at home."

Cliff, who doesn't have any ambitions and talents for creation, although not creative, he can still give different perspectives and perspectives when he participates in the discussion of the band.

Faced with Maxim’s “attack”, Cliff didn’t mind, raising his hands to surrender. Anyway, in the creative part, his right to speak was the last one, even if he was mocked by the group, it’s natural, "Then I Can I go to the sofa to make up for sleep now?" He also laughed at himself.

The atmosphere in the recording studio is also relaxed.

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