King of Stage

Chapter 689: Creation takes shape

Boom boom boom. That's the drumbeat.

Da da da. That is castanets.

In the rhythm of BPM120, it seems that the beating heart in the chest can be clearly seen, contracting and striking at twice the speed quickly and vividly.

Blood spurts!


Waves of turbulent air slammed the eardrums and pulled the nerves, involuntarily immersed in the rhythm of the impact, and the body began to shake.

Bang bang bang. That is leg shaking.

Then Ronan sat up a little bit, nodded slightly, felt the rhythm with his body, hummed gently to the melody between his lips and teeth, and started humming after one eight beats.

"Remember that you once made the promise of unswerving love to death? Let me hand over everything willingly, because you make me believe that you are unique to me." (Note 1)

Even if you sing softly, you can still feel the heart-piercing tension hidden behind the strong drum beats, like a billowing heat wave in the southern Iberian Peninsula in midsummer August, unwillingly, blatantly, and madly releasing everything. Energy, burn all life.

It's sadness, it's also scorching heat.

It is pain and blooming.

In a trance, I can't help but think again of the song "Dance Alone" they once sang on the streets of Las Vegas. In the original song, Robin used to dance until dawn to bid farewell to his bitter unrequited love and hide his sadness. It was vented in sweat, and the bitterness burst into the dance.

At this time, the same is true.

Obviously it is a surging BPM120 rhythm, but the lyrics can deeply feel the pain of tearing the soul.

"You used to call my baby, now you call me by name. Exchange your sincerity for your sincerity, you defeated me in my **** game."

Ronan’s singing is always like this. Every word can penetrate into the notes. The delicate and mixed emotions and melody are perfectly combined. It is easy to break the protection of layers of armor and rush to the soul like sparks hit the earth, and then Bathed in the scouring of the starburst.

Maxim opened his mouth slightly, and his heart missed a beat:

Ronan, what did you find?

The first half of this line is Maxim’s original creation; the second half is Ronan’s temporary creation, but the two are seamlessly integrated, and they even further interpret the lyrics and melody to express deep emotional power. So Maksim's heart couldn't help tightening.

So far, Maxim has no chance to say what the inspiration for this melody is. After all, it is not conspicuous in the creation of more than 30 songs. The way Ronan listens to the master is also random and unpredictable. Maxim did not anticipate the development of things.

Recently, Maxim kicked the iron plate. The merciful things in different cities on the North American continent were discovered by one of the women living in New York, and she realized that she took the initiative to end the relationship between them, refusing to have no future in such a period of time. The entanglement without direction continues to sink.

"I am not a **** in your love game, Maxim."

This is her original words.

Once, she called him baby; now, she calls him by his name.

Maxim pretends that he doesn't care. After all, he has many other candidates. There is no need to worry about the window period in his romantic life. Just like what he just said to Ollie, he will never be affected by a tree. Give up the entire forest, even without her, he can be fine.

At least, Maxim himself thought so, and when he turned around, he had already left the matter behind.

This melody, this lyrics, is just one of Maxim's countless creative attempts, and he doesn't think that he is still brooding about that relationship, but it is just a little inspiration in life, there is nothing to fuss about.

But now, Maxim's heartbeat missed a beat.

Originally, Maxim’s lyrics creation was not completely completed. Now Ronan breaks up the lyrics directly, and then creates a second time. It seems to be totally different but maintains the core idea of ​​Maxim’s lyrics, but... more concise. It is also sharper, blending into the rhythm of BPM120, blowing like a storm.

"You knocked me out in my **** game."

This line of lyrics slammed into Maxim's heart with the power of piercing the clouds and hitting the stone. He felt that he was a little difficult to breathe, and looked towards Ronantou:

Did Ronan really not peek into his private life?

The point is, should he correct Ronan? I haven't been defeated, I don't care at all, that relationship has already been forgotten? Moreover, they did not promise any alliances, nor did they last forever, and their relationship has never been as strong as imagined!

Or is it that he should be wrong? Pretending that Ronan is not talking about himself, he has no idea what the lyrics are saying, he is calm now?

The mood is a bit chaotic.

But Ronan didn't seem to notice Maxim's emotions at all, and then he could see Ronan raising his right hand and starting to snap his fingers.

At this moment, the music flowing out of the computer suddenly appeared blank. Originally thought it was a machine malfunction, but watching Ronan calmly slamming his fingers, he knew that this should have been deliberately composed by Ronan, and then through the snapping of his fingers. Hit to complete the accompaniment.

a bit. One more time.

It fits the rhythm, but not so dense and turbulent, but the frequency of hitting, resting, hitting, resting.

Snapped. Snapped.

Snapped. Snapped.

Then, after an eight beat, the rhythm of the castanets also appeared. The rhythm of the snapping fingers seemed to be further on the basis of the castanets, allowing the body muscles to blend in with it, feeling the hard beating of the heart, one high, one low, one The light and heavy rhythm makes the heartbeat start to speed up.

"You push, push, push me to the edge, push me to the abyss."

"I give, give, give everything, everything you ask for."

A gust of wind and rain completely broke the rhythm of the lyrics written by Maxim himself, and injected new energy. Each beat fits a word. The rhythm of BPM120 makes the lyrics vent like a storm, obviously without the melody accompaniment but still Can feel the impact of the stormy sea.

Sadness and and suffering, struggle and tearing, mixed emotions weaved in the melody and lyrics, suffocating.

Maxim opened his mouth, and the words surging on the tip of his tongue could not be said after all, and he felt his heart beating quietly like this.

Bang bang.

Bang bang.

So strong and so fierce, as if the whole chest was about to explode.

Then, the body could feel the surging heartbeat rhythm, and involuntarily followed Ronan's finger snapping movements.

Just want to... dance to the end of time.

Lifting his eyes, he accidentally ran into Ronan's eyes. Those eyes, like the blue sea, shone with shallow sparkles, like a smile but not a smile, as if they were saying:

Are you ready? Dance to your heart's content, as if no one was watching.

Note 1: Youngblood (5--Of-Summer)

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