King of Stage

Chapter 690: heartbeat

Da Da Da Da.

Snapped! Snapped!

The snapping fingers are entwined with the rhythm of the castanets hitting, intertwined one by one, as if you can clearly feel the rhythm of the heartbeat transmitted to the fingertips, and involuntarily raised his hands high, stepping on Flamenco's dance steps to jump wantonly Get up and feel the gushing vitality with your body.

Just when his body was about to move, Ronan paused, the accompaniment and singing both stopped, and the silence came to an abrupt end to gather all his eyes on him.

Maxim. Cliff. Ollie.

There is no exception.

Three scorching eyes fell on Ronan, but he saw a small smile flashing in the bottom of his eyes, and then the corner of his mouth raised and the smile bloomed.


Ronan hummed softly in accordance with the melody. He raised his right hand and fell heavily, as if Ollie hit the drums with all his strength. The drum beats, castanets and melody in the speaker roared instantly, and the heart burst open. Then, reason can no longer control the body, immersed in the melody and rhythm, jumping and dancing wildly.

"Youngblood, say you want me, say you want me, disappear from your life, tonight I am just a walking dead; but you want it, yes, you want it, all the time."


Bang bang bang!

Boom boom boom!

The melody, passionate roar.

The heart beats wildly.

The violent and raging energy makes people wander in the pumping of the melody completely, without even knowing the dance steps, just beating unconsciously.

Close your eyes, as if you are returning to the 18-year-old young blood again, running wildly, running at full speed with all your strength, like a burning fire, unknowingly open your arms, and use your body and soul to feel the rushing wind. Slowly feel that I completely dissolve in it, and then break free from the shackles of gravity, soar freely, just want to get closer to the sun, and then to get closer.

Just like Icarus.

"Oh oh oh..."

Ronan whistled and hummed the melody softly, but the light and simple whistle made people truly feel the breath of freedom——

Go to love, as if never hurt.

Once upon a time, they were so simple and pure, and boldly said their true inner thoughts. Love would love, hate would be hate. They dare to love and hate, and love and hate are distinct. The world seems to be only black and white, burning vigorously and unscrupulously. With the energy of the soul, until exhaustion.

Once you love, you will get a serious illness.

But they don’t remember clearly. Since when did they become cautious, they no longer have no reservations, they learn to protect themselves, they learn to be timid, learn to fear, learn to be vigilant, learn to reject, learn to escape, and then things will never happen again. There is no such thing as a simple one.

"It", in the second half of the lyrics, "You want it, all the time", what is this "it" in the end? Not him or her, nor you or me, but it. What does this "it" refer to?

But the context of the lyrics did not give any clues, as if a pronoun came out of thin air, making people confused. Was it a word that Ronan didn't pass through his brain when he was composing the lyrics? Or is there another interpretation hidden in Ronan's mind?

Don't understand.

I don’t want to understand. For a moment, I’m even afraid of knowing myself. It’s like facing a scourge. I just dance quickly, throwing all the messy thoughts out of my head, and be an ostrich for a short time. If I don’t want to, I don’t need to face it. Correct.

Jumping, shaking, and crazy, Maxim's eyes fell on Ollie inadvertently. He just felt embarrassed and embarrassed, but now he once again burst into a wanton smile. Maxim himself I didn't notice it, but there was a little envy in my heart.


However, before Maxim had time to think about it, another wave of torrential rain rushed forward, and then he began to dance again.

It's as if no one is watching.

"Young passionate, say you want me, say you want me, return to your life, tonight I am just a walking dead, but I want it, yes, I want it, all the time."

Going around and around, it reappeared again.

you want me. I want you.

You want it. I want it.

"It (it, what is it?

Could it be...

is love".

An answer flashed in Maxim's mind. Even though he tried his best to escape, he buried his head in the sand like an ostrich and danced until dawn, but he still found the answer deep in his heart, a sweet but bitter, heavy and light Answer, true and irreplaceable answer.

The bitterness spread on the tip of the tongue, but before it had time to completely burst, the smile on the corner of the mouth had already bloomed, and she was dancing selflessly.

Dance, as if tomorrow is the end of the world.

Dance, as if you never got hurt.

Dance, as if you were eighteen years old.

Be calm, be honest, at least don’t lie to yourself, because a lie can deceive everyone, but after all, you can’t escape your own scrutiny. At the age of eighteen, it is simple and pure to face myself again, dare to love, hate, say, dare, dare to admit myself.

Bang bang.

Bang bang.

Maxim felt the beating of his heart again, and there was some pain. He thought that he had already practiced the impervious body of King Kong and was invulnerable, but now he is willing to admit that he is still a flesh and blood body after all; a little hot, he thought he was already in The ice cave sinks, even the flames of **** can't make the heart feel the temperature, and now embracing the hotness again is a little timid, and can't help shaking.

Puff through.

Puff through.

The heartbeat was always there, but he didn't dare to calm down and listen.

Dance became more and more reckless.

The smile became brighter and brighter.

If he can, he only wants to dance to the end of time, then he can forget the pain for a short time, then he can release all the energy freely, then he can enjoy the enthusiasm, the more bitter the tip of the tongue, The brighter the smile, he started to like this moment.

More than Maxim?

Turning around Maxim can see Cliff and Ollie, who are beating rhythm with their bodies.

The two guys are as clumsy as bears, they don’t know how to use their bodies at all. The dance steps trembling in place are like an eighty-year-old lady suffering from arthritis and unable to control her body, standing unconsciously under the disco snow globe. Trembling, that look is really hard to explain.


However, before Maxim laughed at the two people, Cliff had already watched Maxim laugh mercilessly.

"What is your dance step? Did you get an electric shock?"

Fifty steps with a hundred steps, Maksim's dance steps are obviously not much better, no matter how they look like they are nerve-damaged.

It was because of Cliff's laughter that Ollie noticed Maxim's dance steps. Without holding back, the shocking laughter exploded directly.

Note 1: Youngblood (5--Of-Summer)

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