King of Stage

Chapter 698: Waiting for departure

The sun on Sunday is bright and brilliant, and I can feel the humidity and heat of early summer early in the morning, lazily spilling on the surface of the skin and slightly hot, the thin sweat makes the body a little sticky, but not sweating profusely , On the contrary, it is a bit enjoyable, the pores opened in the breeze breathe the fresh breath of the fragrance of mud.

Life is full of energy.

Jessica stared at Duncan in a somewhat cramped manner, suppressing the envy in her eyes. She couldn't help but wonder what kind of feeling it was.

"Now, the band is about to hold its first solo concert tour. Before that, they have been insisting on it for seven years. Oh, no, it should have been eight years now. This has finally waited for the opportunity. Many knights should be ready to follow them. Embark on this journey together."

As he talked, Duncan became excited again and couldn't help waving his fists. His smile bloomed under the sun. People with a discerning eye could deeply feel the enthusiasm and excitement that burst out from the inside out, even if they were fundamentally about the concert You can be deeply infected if you are not interested.

"Knight?" Jessica realized that she could not keep up with the speed. The first second she was still lamenting the eight years of persistence. She couldn't imagine what it means to persist for eight years. That requires much enthusiasm and enthusiasm. What a lot of perseverance, but the next second I was attracted by the unfamiliar words.

There are too many unfamiliar information, which seems to open the door to a whole new world for Jessica, a world she has never heard of or understood.

"Ah! Fans of the band, we call ourselves a knight, guarding our dreams, life, and guarding the band's knights." Duncan shared the information generously. "Many people are ready to follow the band on a journey to complete this tour. But even if they don't have so much time and energy, it doesn't matter. Their tour includes the New Orleans station, and then we can enjoy the performance up close."

After speaking, Duncan sent out an enthusiastic invitation, "Mrs. Ryder, if you are interested, welcome to join. Trust me, you will fall in love with them."

Jessica was a little flustered, she was not sure what was going on, she was not interested in things at all, but now she couldn't help being curious, lest her thoughts would be exposed, she hurriedly cleaned up her emotions, and still maintained her usual politeness. Show off a decent and generous smile.

"Thank you for the invitation, but I think I may not be suitable for the concert. I just thought that maybe the children would like it. After all, they are the age who likes parties. As for me, I have not had a chance with parties for a long time. No matter what ,Thank you for your information."

An eighteen-year-old child attends a party, that is enjoyment; a forty-five-year-old middle-aged person attends a party, that is out of season.

After speaking, Jessica was about to turn around and leave, but Duncan's words stopped her.

"Mrs. Ryder, it's not just a party."

Jessica didn't know, so, "Huh?"

Duncan said again, "Mrs. Ryder, a one-day King’s concert is more than a party. Believe me, I am not an eighteen-year-old boy anymore. I can’t move away from seeing a girl and alcohol; I know what it is. Party, what is better than a party."

Jessica was slightly stunned, standing in front of the strange neighbor, not knowing how to respond for the first time, "...Thank you for the information, Mr. Turner, thank you."

Then, Jessica hurriedly turned around and left. If she continued to stay, she was worried that she would leak her feet and lose control of her panic.

Duncan’s enthusiastic voice came from behind, “Mrs. Ryder, the one-day King’s concert is called ‘Departure’. You can check for relevant information.”


Jessica's footsteps paused slightly, and she turned around politely and waved to express her gratitude to Duncan. Then she hurried back to the house and poured a large glass of cold water into her belly. The emotions were boiling. He calmed down a bit and found his usual sanity.

Set off.

The last words of Duncan came to mind again, and curiosity rushed out like a twig of a willow in spring: Where is the journey going? Is it the start of the concert? But are the themes of the concert so crude? Doesn't it make any sense?

"One Day King".

Jessica murmured softly: Be your own king, even for a day.

"A king for a day... a king for a day. A king for a day. A king for a day."

From once to countless times, murmured the name of the band over and over again, unconsciously, as if I could really feel the wanton and splendor between the lines, my mind couldn’t help feeling the traction, curiosity began to surge in my chest, and then , Awkwardly, Jessica turned on the phone.

Looking at the screen of the phone, I thought about it for a while, opened the search engine and entered the keywords of "One Day King, Departure, Concert", and pressed the search button.


Soon a series of search results appeared. Click to open the first one. When the web page was loaded, Jessica herself did not realize that her breathing became rapid, and the beating of her heart disrupted the rhythm for a long time. The uneasy sense of confusion has not been felt for a long time.

It's a tweet.

Obviously, the hottest discussion now is the tweet from the official account of King One Day. When you open the tweet, everyone is concerned about the specific performance and schedule of the concert, but for Jessica, everything is brand new. Yes, she is more curious about the comments that can't be paid attention to.

The background of the entire picture is a gate towering into the clouds and standing above the ground, surrounded by a chaotic and gloomy void, full of mystery; at this moment, the gate opens a gap slightly, and a golden light spills out of the gap. Halo, UU reading fell on the ground, as if implying a new world behind the gate, and then you could see a line of words in the halo.

"Return to daily life and discover life. If you want to arrive tomorrow, you need to set off now. What you are looking for is actually in the depths of your soul."

What does this sentence mean?

For most people, this sentence may not be found at all, because it is not the focus of the picture at all, but Jessica's heart missed a beat.

An ordinary sentence, bathed in golden light, the dark blue font is not obvious in the boundless chaos, but it is easy to catch Jessica’s sight, as if the layers of fog are leaked. , Emerged on the threshold to the new world, as long as you can comprehend this sentence, you can open the towering gate in front of you.

At this time, once again taste the title of the tour, "departure".

Chewing carefully, Jessica vaguely seemed to understand what it meant, but she didn't seem to understand anything, but the pounding heartbeat in her chest seemed to have given the answer, eagerly waiting for the departure. This feeling was so strange because it was too long, that Jessica was a little panicked.

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