King of Stage

Chapter 699: 1 impulse

Jessica was a little dazed.

She once thought that life needs to escape, escape the cage, escape the fish tank, escape the restraint and depression, escape the mask and armor, only in this way can she discover a whole new world.

But what about after escaping?

Even if you change a place and an environment, life must continue, and the problems that should be faced will surface again. Then, what is the difference between life at that time and life now? It's like traveling, a brief escape from reality, but after all, you still need to return to reality.

Jessica never found the answer. She attributed it to the fact that she had never really tried to escape, so naturally she didn't know what problems she would encounter and how to solve it.

Until now.

Looking at the picture on the phone screen, she couldn't help but think, is the answer not in the distance, but in the depths of her soul? Compared to escape from the physical level, what really restrains one's ankles is actually the mental distress?

But, what else did she find out? What else did she not realize? She thought she had enough time to think about life.


The phone’s standby time is too long, and the screen lights are automatically turned off.

Jessica lights up the screen again, and the door in chaos reappears, like the endless emptiness of real life. When you open the door, you can see a new world that breaks the shackles of real life, and the answer lies in In that golden dawn.

Return to daily life and discover life.

Jessica couldn't help whispering, savoring the meaning of this sentence on the tip of her tongue, chewing repeatedly, completely unaware that her brain was not thinking, she seemed to fall into a state of epiphany briefly, waiting for her to recover. There is still no answer, but a decision has already been made in my heart.

She wants to go live to watch the King’s concert for one day.

She wanted it, and set off.

After the decision was made, the mood became lighter, and there was an urge to fly. She knows that her brain is hot now, and she is making unreasonable decisions, a strange band, a concert, she naively thinks that the answer to her life can be found in a pop band, not only absurd, but also funny, but on the contrary , But she couldn't bear her excitement and excitement.

She always felt that the truth was hidden behind those words, the truth she had been searching for.

It's just a concert anyway, just one night in New Orleans, no big deal.

Thinking of this, Jessica really made the decision:

She decided.

Perhaps, the answer she wants has always been in her life; perhaps, the glory of dreams and happiness are hidden in her daily life; perhaps, life still has different possibilities and more adventures; perhaps, she I can also feel the enthusiasm and madness of Duncan-maybe a little bit, there is no need to be so crazy.

Even if she guessed wrong, it doesn't matter, it's just a concert anyway, just treat it as an evening pastime.

My eyes fell on the phone screen again, watching the poster carefully, and the sense of anticipation couldn't help flying, and then Jessica's smile also followed. No matter what, now I have a little expectation, right?

This little "expectation" broke the deadlock in life. Jessica's mood in the next few days was very cheerful and bright. She always felt that life was no longer a stagnant water, and there was a new sense of adventure, especially hiding her husband and Child, as if he has some secrets.

It's a bit exciting.

In a blink of an eye, it was the day when tickets for "One Day King's Departure Concert" officially went on sale.

It was Monday, and Jessica got up early to prepare breakfast, busy taking care of her husband and children, but her footsteps were so light that she was so busy that she danced with her large skirts, from her spinning back. Can clearly feel the good mood of dancing in the sun.

However, the husband who was immersed in the Wall Street Journal and the two children who were immersed in the tablet computer did not notice. Everyone was focused on their own world. They were unaware of Jessica’s subtle changes. It was quiet, as if the sound of insects in the backyard could be heard.

If it were the usual, Jessica would be a little bit lost; but today, she doesn't care, because she also has her own secret.

After hurriedly sending off her husband, and then escorting her children on the school bus, Jessica turned around and hurried back to the house, "Tickets, concert tickets."

At this time, the children sitting in the school bus noticed that the mother was slightly wrong.

Normally, my mother always stood at the intersection and watched the school bus leave. She turned around and left until she couldn't see the shadow of the school bus. But today it seems... as if she can't wait to go back. What's the matter?

However, the children didn't think much about it. Maybe the mother was just going to the bathroom in a hurry? After the school bus started, he retracted his eyes and looked down at the tablet computer in his hand again.

Jessica has no experience at all. So far in her life, she has never watched a concert live, so she doesn’t know if she should buy tickets in the first place, or it’s okay to go to the scene to buy tickets on the day of the concert. Shortly before she backed down, she decided to buy tickets in advance.

Even if it's just impulsive.

Open the website, complete the registration, purchase tickets, select the area and location, and then enter the credit card number to complete the payment.

A series of movements were a little slow. After all, they were all the first attempts. She needed to fumble for a while, but in the end she completed the purchase without encountering any problems.

The high-hanging heart returned to the chest cavity, as if...just completed an important event, the feeling of satisfaction and accomplishment fills the chest, and there is a slight swelling of happiness; and ~www.readwn. com~ I can still look forward to the concert next. It seems that life has a goal, just rush towards the goal.

Life is no longer about copying and pasting day after day; life is no longer about repeating in a muddle manner; life is no longer about paying for the husband for the children; life, finally being able to have a moment that belongs to her goal; In life, I can finally look forward to something different.


Jessica couldn't help clapping her hands, raised her hands high and cheered, and then turned around in a circle, the skirt flew again, and the laughter was gently surging deep in her throat. I haven't felt this for a long time. For joy and happiness, she herself didn't realize that there was a thought in her body that she wanted to dance to break through.

Soon, Jessica realized that she had made a very, very correct decision. It was not a decision to go to the concert, but a decision to buy tickets in advance if she wanted to go to the concert, because of the tickets for the "departure" concert. The sales frenzy far exceeded expectations!

Even people in the industry were very surprised.

If you hesitate a little bit, Jessica may not be able to buy tickets. At that time, regardless of whether she wants to go or not, she can no longer go.

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