King of Stage

Chapter 716: stunned

September 13th, Tampa.

   Carter-Blake still remembered the lifelike scene even after the concert, which was shocking and hilarious.

There is no doubt that the King’s performance in one day is wonderful. Almost every song can ignite the enthusiasm of the audience. The enthusiasm from Florida is unreservedly released, igniting the scene, and even clearly feeling the hormonal breath in the air, just like It was raging like a storm.

It is precisely because of such a fanatical atmosphere that when Cliff Barron was performing "Top of the World" in the band, the audience raised their hands to beat the rhythm, and the dense and cheerful drums burst out to sweep the army. The billowing heat was enough to burn all reason, and then Cliff did not control his excitement:

   A diving!

Cliff just "floats" above the sea of ​​people. The whole audience supported Cliff with their arms raised high like a birch forest, and then began to drift in the stormy sea. Cliff opened his arms and both. Legs, drifting among the waves of people, use your body to feel the hot waves surging on the spot.

   The waves of people who have witnessed in countless music festivals and concerts are now happening in reality. Like a dream, Cliff is also a little forgetful.

"Top of the World" was originally a kind of song like Qingjian hitting a rock. The cheerful and happy emotions created a continuous burst of volcanoes, and the impassioned emotions surged in the drums. As a result, Cliff One I accidentally "drifted" too far and couldn't come back.

   Yes, I can't go back.

   One day the king was preparing to play the next song, and the keyboard player drifted away, which made the other band members on the stage helpless and funny. In the final analysis, the band lacked concert experience, Cliff was also the first attempt, and the result was... deviated from the path of imagination.

  At this time, Ronan once again showed his composure in the face of the big scene, "While we are waiting for the keyboard player to return home, it is better to let us enter the next performance first, ‘slowly kill me’."

   was a pun, and the audience laughed.

   Then, Ronan took the guitar on his back and acted as the guitarist. The concert continued, giving Cliff some time to return to the stage, only to change the repertoire accordingly.

Cliff finally returned to the ground, and then walked through the turbulent crowd. He traveled a long distance to return to the stage, and finally returned to the stage after going through thousands of mountains and rivers, but the location was not very good, and it was far away from the stage. , So Cliff turned directly onto the stage from the side.

As a result, the security guard standing next to the stage was unknown. So, I thought it was someone who wanted to sneak up on the stage to hug the band members. There are too many similar things happening, countless. The job of the security guards is to stay vigilant throughout the process, and there is no time to appreciate it. When the band performed, naturally they didn't know what happened to Cliff just now.

   So, the security guard grabbed Cliff's neck with one hand, like a baby chicken, pulling Cliff directly back to the ground.

Carter Blake was in the first row of rock and roll zone, watching the whole process up close, watching the scene where the security guard controlled Cliff with one hand like the Hulk, his head buzzed directly. , Couldn't believe his eyes, and his jaw was about to dislocate in shock.

   At the same time, Cliff was also frightened, and his face became pale and pale after brushing it. This was definitely more exciting than a roller coaster.

   Later, the security guards recognized Cliff's face and realized that they had caused trouble, and apologized again and again, and then they took Cliffe to the stage with one hand.

   This drop by one rise is much more exciting than the elevator.

Although Cliff is a pocket-sized existence in One Day King, he is also a healthy adult. As a result, he is carried around like a sandbag, and the experience of jumping up and down like bungee jumping is basically a cartoon that only appears in cartoons. Stories, such as "cat and mouse".

   It's really... stunned.

   Cliff returned to the stage, collapsed directly to the ground as soon as his knees were soft-and the band members had no idea what was going on.

   Only Carter and the others who witnessed the whole process up close were dumbfounded, and he couldn't forget it for a long time after the concert.

Later, Carter always liked to talk about it when meeting with friends, for three months, until a friend mentioned "this is the eighth time I have heard", Carter realized that he was a little too excited. Now, think about it seriously, in addition to the visual impact of the highlights, the most important thing is the excitement of the concert itself.

It is because that night was an unforgettable experience, so even after three months, I still can’t help but think of the bits and pieces of that night, and the most impactful episode is undoubtedly "Popeye Pope's Brute Force" The moment, as if the highlight moment of one's ordinary life, this is repeated endlessly.

Carter is not a knight at all, just an ordinary fresh graduate, but because of the downturn in the job market, he has not been able to find a job. Recently, he has temporarily helped those construction workers file taxes on construction sites to earn some sporadic extra money. Then wait for the interview opportunity.

The mediocre and purposeless life is like stagnant water, no hope is seen but there is no Days go by like this, it seems not so bad, but there is no vitality, but , Isn't life like this? To the end in the boring.

   went to the concert just because a few friends were ready to go. He had also heard of the band's performance at the Coachella Music Festival, and was a little bit curious, that's all.

But since he came back, he has been circling the "Seven" album of King One Day. The boring life of day after day seems to be rejuvenated and regained vitality. Even if he does not find a job in the future, he is in his daily mental state It's all different too, the change happened long before I realized it.

   Maybe, life is the same; maybe, life has no meaning at all. It may be true or not, but at least, before reaching the end, they can choose the way to spend each day, and they can also choose the attitude of facing each day, even in ordinary daily life, they can also find the light——

Not everyone is able to shine, but not everyone needs to shine. The weakest and smallest ordinary people also have the possibility to illuminate their lives. In a certain corner, at a certain moment, they become a bright light. Light up a little bit of light.

   There is never an island.

Everyone thinks that Neverland is hidden at the end of the world, and real life is so tired that they don’t have the energy to find it; but in fact, Neverland is by their side, even day after day. A boring life can also find some vitality.

   Carter thought, he could also try it to add a touch of color to the dull life. A day of King’s music seems to be a good start.

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