King of Stage

Chapter 717: break the usual

After being spotted by a friend and repeating the story of the "departure" tour for three months, Carter Blake realized that he had changed unknowingly.

  Thinking about it carefully, there are indeed many memories worth cherishing that night.

In addition to Cliff’s moment of panic, the audience sang "Chasing the Light" in unison, the chorus of "My Devil" suddenly disappeared into Ronan's cappella mode, and Encore shouted mightily and shook his eardrums... etc. Wait, those shining star moments are all deeply imprinted in the depths of my mind.

   By the way, and the scene that caused a national sensation——

   At the back door of the concert, the one-way band's brain fans spit and yelled at Ronan, but Ronan calmly, did not humble or arrogantly dealt with it, and succeeded in winning a full house and causing an uproar on the social network.

   This incident happened in Tampa, and Carter was there, witnessing the whole journey with his own eyes and feeling the charm of Ronan up close.

Later, when the scolding war broke out on social networks, Carter did not hold back explaining what he had seen and heard, waved a cheer for Ronan, refused to throw dirty water at the band by those brain-dead fans, and even rejected the one-way band. It's really hard to control my anger when I see those brain-dead speeches.

   so that Carter's friends also didn't like the one-way band together, and the spit after dinner added another "attack" object.

   To put it simply, it was an unforgettable night with countless highlights.

Carter also had to admit that King One Day was indeed very popular. Originally, he thought that he was just seeing the spectacle up close, which was too rare, so he couldn't forget it; but in fact, the melody of music has long been deeply imprinted in his blood. Among them, along with the passage of time, not only did it not disappear, but it also became clearer.

Gradually, the figure of "One-Way Band's Remnant Fans" disappeared from that memory. They were just a group of insignificant outsiders. The real protagonist should be the King of the Day, and the King of the Day from beginning to end, and then Carter will Think of those memories after the unexpected chaotic event ended.

   brilliant and bright, blooming with warm light.

That night, due to the chaos and shock caused by the accident, there were not many fans who eventually followed the band back to the hotel, that is, less than a hundred people; however, the small crowd still crowded the hotel lobby, and the heat wave seemed to be still hot in summer. Tumble on the surface of the skin.

One day, the members of the King’s Band cordially and politely expressed their gratitude to the fans, and they stayed in the hotel lobby for a short time, communicating with the fans for about 30 minutes, and then returning to the room to rest; the enthusiastic fans still did not leave. Gathered in groups to chat.

In fact, the content of the chat has not been remembered clearly, there were no special accidents and no new events, but after calming down, Carter could still clearly feel the joy and happiness of that night, a pure emotion that made the night cold. Neither is important anymore.

   Those memories are beautiful and irreplaceable.

   At this time, Carter realized that he was already a knight. After thinking about this, Carter's mood was completely bright, because he seemed to have found his never island. As long as the music played again, the memories of that night would wake up again and relive his dreams.

   October 11th, Kansas City.

   Nina Norri couldn’t believe that she actually appeared at the concert.

At birth, due to the incorrect fetal position, the umbilical cord entangled her neck, resulting in dystocia, and she almost couldn't survive, but she still breathed the world's fresh air after all-although the lack of oxygen in the brain caused a series of side effects, including her calf muscle atrophy , Used to be able to walk for a while with crutches, but later returned to the wheelchair.

   Nina has no big dreams, she just wants to live, and just this one goal has consumed all her time and energy.

   Sometimes, she also complains that the injustice of fate brings too many ups and downs, but after complaining, life still needs to continue. The only thing she can do is to cheer up, take a deep breath, and then cherish the days when she can still breathe.

   Now that Nina becomes a librarian, her life is still difficult, but she has at least a job to make sure her life can go on.

   Normally, Nina likes music, because in the world of music, she is free. She can plug in the wings of imagination and feel the power of wind and sunshine.

She likes a lot of music, as long as it is music, she is willing to try to listen to it, from jazz to bluegrass, from metal rock to pop, from the 1960s to the current hottest golden song-because of the wheelchair. There are not many activities she can participate in, which also means that she has a lot of time.

She knows the King of One Day, and she also knows the "Departure" concert tour. She wants to go to the concert site, stand in the turbulent crowd, feel the charm of music and feel the surging vitality, as always, but she also knows that it is impractical— —

   Because of the crowds at the concert, safety and health problems are often not guaranteed, and accidents may even occur. Nina has tried to go to the concert site more than once, but in the end unfortunately failed to make the trip and encountered different problems.

Of course If it is a large venue for a large concert, it is basically equipped with corresponding wheelchair facilities. Nina will have no problem going there. However, there are not many venues in Kansas City with such complete facilities. All the concerts held in these venues are top big names——

   A ticket is hard to find. It is very likely that you need to buy scalper tickets through the black market, not to mention that Nina does not have the financial ability to buy them. Even if she can buy them, she does not want to support scalper tickets.

   So, Nina was stuck in a position where she couldn't get up, and her dream of watching a concert has yet to come true.

   This time, it should be no exception, because the performance venue of King One Day is a small and medium-sized venue, and the related supporting facilities are not perfect.

   So, when her friend Phoebe Bridget told her that she could go to the "Departure" concert, she thought Phoebe was joking.

"Really! Really! I wrote an email to the band, telling them your story and telling them your wish. I sincerely hope to be able to go to the concert to watch the concert! They agreed! They sent out a special invitation letter, and that day A car will also be sent to pick you up to the concert site, and then special passages and sections will be arranged at the concert site to ensure your safety."

   Even if Phoebe repeatedly stated that everything is true, Nina still couldn't believe it.

Nina couldn’t understand why the King would agree to such a request. She even wondered if Phoebe had fallen into a scam, until a van came to greet her on the day of the concert, and the King’s agent, John, Nyquaid appeared before his eyes, and the sense of reality fell into his stomach like a block of lead.

   Is this really happening?

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