King of Stage

Chapter 730: 1 way to see and hear

Juliet's nerves are already numb, and she shouldn't even be surprised that she is used to Maxim's sudden disappearance and no news.

It seems that this is the course of the story for granted, there is nothing to be surprised at all.

However, the anxiety still rolled in her stomach, as if she had swallowed a few red briquettes with her mouth open, and then allowed them to roll over in her stomach to throw a ball in Haiti. Even if she tried her best, she couldn't control it. The repeated ups and downs made her feel like she was out of the lake Like a fish, struggling on land.



I can't feel any vitality from the weak beating and the mouthful breathing. Instead, I feel the life force slowly passing from my fingertips. The so-called struggle is just a weak struggle. I open my eyes and open my mouth, but I just accelerate myself. Death.

She just lay quietly on the dirty carpet of the motel. The world around her was completely silent, but the stormy waves in her mind could not stop, as if a dementor was kissing her forehead, a biting cold current. A little bit to freeze the blood-but the blood is still rolling.

Maybe, she should go to San Francisco and go to the City of Angels to find Maxim, like moths fighting a fire, burning the last bit of energy remaining in the body.

Perhaps, after the burning is exhausted, she will be healed, she will no longer be anxious or despair, and will regain her long-lost peace.

But this thought made Juliet faintly afraid, because she was too eager, too mad, and too hot, as if she could feel that the soul was tearing apart, producing a sense of destruction. Maybe she would be a little bit in the long journey to Los Angeles. Little by little, he left with the wind, and finally disappeared in a wisp of breeze.

She was a little curious, if she disappeared, would Maxime notice?

The scary thing is that she knows the answer: no.

Maxim didn't pay attention or care at all. Perhaps, only Luo Nanhui showed a sad and unexpected expression and sighed softly, "Oh, Juliet, that poor girl."

But... But, even if she knew it, she had to do it. She couldn't wait in place, because she was exposed to the flames and tormented repeatedly every minute, either standing in place and destroying herself, or she was running toward the sun like Icarus.

She must go to Los Angeles.

Maxim, this **** fellow, how many times does he have to wait for her? How many times can she wait?

she does not know. She also has no time to think.

Then Juliet regained his strength and prepared to go to Los Angeles.

She imagined herself like a poor and abandoned dirty puppy, using lipstick to draw a perfect smile arc, dressing up as a clown, concealing her broken heart, and holding the softest and most sincere emotions in her palms. Here, unreservedly dedicated to Maxim, trying to show the most splendid and beautiful posture, and begging Maxim's attention.

"I want to see him."

With this belief in her arms, Juliet hit the road.

Taking a ride on a ride to the east, in less than a week, Juliet met countless weird people and happened countless weird things-but they were all knights, all men and women had them, weird shapes All colors are different, all of them are knights who set foot on the journey in the footsteps of the king one day.

There is no need to arrive in Los Angeles. In Salt Lake City, Juliet has successfully caught up in the footsteps of the King's tour. A large group of knights gathered in a bustling manner to celebrate the successful conclusion of the King's first performance in Salt Lake City. Discussing the details of the performance.

In just a few weeks, the team surrounding the King One Day seemed to have grown again, adding many strange faces.

In Juliet’s impression, there are three main squads that follow the King of One Day. They gather in groups, go on the road together, live together and live together, just like moving gypsies, and then there are some scattered groups. Scattered retail investors.

But now the team embarking on the "departure" tour has a full eight teams.

Juliet can't tell who is who. The only thing that can be determined is that the king's momentum is still rising. The Salt Lake City stadium gathered more than 3,000 spectators who did not buy tickets, even if they were standing outside the stadium. , Followed by singing loudly to join the carnival.

Some people say that Ronan sang crazy in the Salt Lake City field, and his full-fire and arrogant live performance was comparable to a soul baptism.

Some people say that Ollie almost fainted during the performance, but he was not the only one. The audience also fainted due to lack of water in a large area.

Some people say that the Kansas City field is still an unsurpassed existence, but Salt Lake City does show a brand new look for the band.



There are endless rumors, and the happy and open faces are enough to make people clearly feel the powerful influence of the band. Compared to the Grammys, the Coachella Music Festival and the "Departure" tour are the real stage for fans to get close to the band's stage.

Naturally, as the tour progresses, the charm of the king will conquer more and more audiences in one day.

Juliet was not surprised by this result, but she was slightly surprised, and the speed of following the band's team was beyond imagination.

However, even though there are more and more strange faces entering the line of sight, the familiar figure can still make Juliet feel at ease, especially in the ears about the discussion of King Maxim about One Day, it is always easy to make Juliet's mouth corners. Rise up.

"Joker" Joaquin arrived early in the temporary dormitory where twenty knights crowded together. A shy weird man with low emotional intelligence he sat in the corner anxiously and expectantly, wearing a clown costume, holding With a bucket of balloons and party gifts, it is obvious that this is a birthday party for a six-year-old.

Whenever someone approached, he couldn't wait to show off his animal hat, but he was afraid that the other person would not like it, so he spoke incoherently.

Sometimes, Juliet can’t help but wonder, maybe Joaquin doesn’t like King One Day at all. He just doesn’t have friends and is afraid of being alone, so following the King One Day on the road is just to surround the turbulent crowd, as if only like this, I won't face loneliness alone anymore.

But even if the truth is so, Juliet has no way to blame Joaquin-after all, King One Day's music does have such a charm.

Leaving aside Maxim's entanglement with her, Juliet also likes the music of King One Day. She likes it crazily. Whenever the melody sounds, she is willing to believe that she is not alone.

She likes to "chase the light", she likes to "embrace the new life", and she likes to "fall apart", but recently, her favorite is "my demon", just like Maxim's face, obviously an angel in appearance. The inner core is an out-and-out demon.

Maybe she just likes demons?

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