King of Stage

Chapter 731: Ups and downs

"...To be honest, I don't like "Young and Hot". I think it's too popular. It doesn't have the characteristics of King One Day at all..."

"But you can't deny that the band still gives different characteristics, especially Ronan..."

"No, don't use Ronan as an excuse. Ronan's live performance is one thing, the music itself is another..."

"No, no, no! Of course I can do this! Of course I can! Performance and music complement each other, you can't separate them and discuss them separately..."

"Why not? I can, and I'm doing this..."

The twitter quarrel became more and more intense, the red face and the red ears had already deviated from the track, and even completely forgotten the topic of the first discussion.

But what is certain is that they are discussing the king for a day, and they are discussing with enthusiasm and excitement. Any topic can make people excited. From music to band members, from tour highlights to close encounters, the words are thorough. Detonated the party atmosphere.

Sitting next to Joaquin is a black man named James, wearing a dark brown casual suit, but the crumpled suit is slightly wide and unfitting. He has a good feeling for Juliet. In order to participate in the party, he went to Wal-Mart to buy a few. The polyester skirt was used as a party gift, and it also brought two plastic sunflowers with smiling faces, which attracted a lot of attention at the party.

Juliet is willing to chat with James occasionally, because James also likes Maxim's bass, she can always get some professional comments from James, and then next time she meets Maxim, she will show off her knowledge, and Won the love of Maxim.

But tonight, Juliet is not in the mood to deal with James, all her thoughts are occupied by the **** man, and she can't lift her energy in a dispirited manner.

The Indian boy Dave finally finished the painting-a painting that he has been creating since his first encounter in Tampa but has never had a clue or progress. The other friends thought that this painting would never be finished, but did not I thought that Dave had actually successfully completed the creation.

Dave told Juliet that when he got up one morning, he suddenly found himself bend, but he still didn't know the reason, so he was deeply troubled, trying to figure out what happened to him.

Others laughed at Dave and refused to believe in Dave’s bizarre story of "turning in one night", but Juliet did not, and Juliet did not laugh at Dave or question Dave, and even occasionally accompany Dave to chat, even if not. Give the answer, but it can also make Dave no longer alone.

Therefore, Dave "likes" Juliet.

Every time we meet, Juliet will ask if Dave has found someone he really likes, but now it seems that Dave is still looking for it. The only thing he can be sure of is that the king’s music can make him feel high. /Tide pleasure-sounds like another freak, but Juliet will not criticize others' preferences at will, as long as Dave enjoys it, that's enough.

As soon as they met, Dave shared the latest news with Juliet. His current source of "inspiration" is "disintegration". Every time the music is played, he can press the button in his body. He thinks this is a very interesting thing. Experiment; Juliet encouraged him to continue the experiment.

Juliet wandered around in the living room in slippers and pajamas, waiting for the tobacco leaf just smoked to take effect, and enjoying the performance of the circus accompanied by the ringing of her mobile phone-I have to say that Joaquin is a very good clown, but now the clown has fallen behind No one wants to appreciate the times.

At this time, at least half of the guests in the room were faces that Juliet didn't recognize. Of course, they didn't know Juliet either.

This makes Juliet a little sad.

A few weeks ago, "Juliet" was a famous name. Among the fans who followed King One Day, no one knew it. They all knew that Juliet was Maxim’s guest, and it was one of the few who could One of the fans who made trouble among the band members.

And now?

Juliet felt that she had been forgotten, as if she had been erased in the life of the band, she began to worry whether Maxim was tired of herself.

Seeing the strange face in front of her, Juliet was a little irritable.

Then, Juliet successfully found two notorious flesh and blood from New York. They stole a large number of birthday gifts at a birthday party in Detroit. They disappeared for a while, but they reappear today.

Anxious and anger intertwined emotions rushed to the brain, Juliet tried to go forward and fight them well, but the effect of the tobacco leaf began to rise, and the world became dizzy, so that she could not stand steady, and she almost fell after just striding, and had to give up Such thoughts.

I saw a child named Darren rubbing the big red cream on the soles of the dirty and inferior carpet. In Juliet’s blurred vision, the cream seemed to merge into the Pacific Ocean, and then the entire ocean changed. It became pink, spreading along the corners of the room bit by bit.

On the rented piano, someone played a serenade, which vaguely sounded like a work that the king hadn't officially published for a day. It should be called... "The Murderer"?

Rumor has it that Ronan wrote a piece for Ollie at the Coachella Music Festival.

The melody is submerged in the noise and noise of the party, and it is not loud, but Juliet feels that her hearing is particularly keen, and she can accurately capture the gurgling melody. It seems that the looming singing voice is singing vague lyrics— —

"My dear, you have been slowly killing me, you are the murderer..."

The soft, warm, itchy singing leaped on the eardrums, and in a daze, Juliet could not control her miss Maxim, the **** murderer, until the heart curled up and seemed about to split. In countless fragments, the whole person faintly escaped into the black hole vortex, and the calm emotions boiled again, and the eyes were warm.

So she almost missed Maxim's call.

Jingle Bell.

Jingle Bell.

A masterpiece of mobile phone ringtones.

The deafening noise is intertwined with the gentle and moving piano melody. The earth-shaking cell phone ringing is like a volcanic eruption. The hot lava and muddy volcanic ash rushed over, and the whole world fell into the turbulence and chaos of a tornado. Among.



Juliet’s brain was in chaos. The whole brainstem throbbed and turned around dizzy. When she realized what the sound was, she hurriedly took out her phone-but almost dropped it on. On the ground, then, like a clown juggling, he threw his mobile phone with his hands, stumbled on his feet, rushed out of the crowd in a street gesture, fled to the balcony, and answered desperately before the phone was about to be hung up.

"Hey, sweetheart."

It's Maxim.

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