King of Stage

Chapter 751: Missing

Jack Boyle could feel Ronan's eyes, calm but sharp, as if he could penetrate the truth.

Among the kings of the day, Cliff is the toughest and Maxim is the most critical. Usually the band’s business is mainly for the two of them to express their opinions. Ronan and Ollie are always approachable, undesirable, and easy-going with smiles on their faces. The cordiality is like a spring breeze, and the staff like Ronan and Ollie even more.

But Jack would say that they are too naive.

In the band, Ronan rarely asks, but his words are the heaviest. As long as he speaks, he can change the situation in the team. Hidden behind the kind, gracious and elegant face, there is a bold and sharp soul, and I am afraid that Maxim will also bow down to the wind.

Jack would rather provoke Cliff than presumptuously in front of Ronan.

This is the case at this time.

Cliff was complaining about Jack's recklessness, but Ronan's gaze made Jack out of control and strained. He always felt that he was bathed in the shadow of a sword and light sword, without any protection, and all his weaknesses were exposed.

"...What the **** are you thinking!" Cliff murmured fiercely.

"No, no... I'm sorry!" Jack didn't answer directly, but apologized again and again, and then Cliff's face eased slightly.

Jack secretly breathed a sigh of relief, looked around the lounge, and when he was about to turn and leave, Ronan's voice came over.

"Jack, what happened? In such a hurry?"

The words "No" whirled on the tip of his tongue, but Jack felt Ronan's deep gaze fall on him, and he felt a sharp pressure pouring down in an instant. He couldn't help but swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and all the words of defense were blocked in his throat. I can't make a sound at all.

Ronan's eyebrows moved slightly closer to the middle, "What are you looking for?"

First Johnny, then Jack.

Obviously, what they are looking for, it is very likely that the lounge is only part of it, even if the Nokia Theater is turned upside down, they must achieve their goals.

So, what is the situation?

"No..." As soon as the first syllable of the denial words were uttered, Jack could feel Ronan's sight hitting head-on like a wall.

"Don't lie. Johnny and you are looking for something." Ronan's pupils narrowed slightly like cats. "Things can no longer be hidden. Are you expecting us to be blinded one by one? Before bad, tell us what happened, maybe we can help."

The waves are calm, but thunderous.

Ronan’s words were not rushed but possessed powerful strength, layered layer upon layer, and then Maxim and Cliff also noticed the anomaly, both looked over, and Jack was immediately surrounded in the corner, nowhere. Can escape.

Maxim also noticed the subtle changes in the air, and looked at poor Jack. He couldn't help but go out and say something, "Are you too sensitive? Ronan? Maybe Jack and Johnny are just for the concert. prepare……"

But before the words were finished, Maxim could feel Ronan’s eyes passing through, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth—but he didn’t smile, and couldn’t detect any temperature. Maxim rolled his eyes and hit back directly. "I know that in the last performance, your nerves are particularly sensitive, but there is no need to vent to me."

Ronan opened his mouth and tried to refute, but then realized that maybe Maxim was correct, so he swallowed the words that came to his mouth, and looked at Jack again, "Is that so? Am I too sensitive?" In fact, nothing happened at all, neither you nor Johnny were looking for anything. Cathy is already in the warm-up field, and we will be on stage soon."

After a pause, Ronan said calmly again, "Is that right? Jack."

At this time, Maxim and Cliff could also perceive the weirdness in Ronan's words. Looking at Jack's expression again, the atmosphere was a little bit wrong.

But Jack didn't say a word, and seemed speechless.

Cliff was a little nervous, "Jack, what's the matter? Didn't you listen to Johnny? Today, the main sponsors came to watch the show, our performance must not be accidental, absolutely not. If something happens, you are the most So frank!" As he spoke, he became strict.

Jack, was blocked to the corner.

Jack's vision was a little flustered, he looked at Cliff and Maxim, and then at Ronan, feeling that his heart was about to burst and he couldn't breathe.

"... Ollie."

Closing his eyes, Jack said,

"We are looking for Ollie. Ollie is missing. He was supposed to change his costume in the locker room, but he is gone and no one can see him."


Ronan was shocked when he guessed right, a completely unexpected answer.

Maxim and Cliff were shocked when they didn’t guess right. They couldn’t believe their ears. Even though they were vaguely worried about what might happen, they didn’t expect Jack’s answer at all. Things broke expectations, and stormy waves hit their faces. Then, the first reaction was:


"What? What did you say?"

"What nonsense are you talking about?"

"What exactly is going on?"

"What is missing? How can a big living person evaporate? Do you think you are making a science fiction movie?"

"How did it happen?"

"Do you know what you are talking about?"

"Where is Johnny? Let Johnny come over."

The chattering words of Maxim and Cliff came surging. The first reaction was to question and deny. Even if it was confirmed repeatedly, it was still unbelievable. The unbalanced emotions were like magma over the eardrums, and there was some splashing in the mouth. Incoherent.

Ronan's brain also appeared blank for a short time, and the "hum" sound straightened on the eardrum, but he still tried his best to force himself to calm down.

At this moment Ronan also has countless question marks in his mind. He can't believe that there is a teammate who has a moth at the last moment, and it is still Ollie? What exactly is going on? How did it happen? Why is there no sign, or is there already a sign before but was ignored by them?

How could it be Ollie?

But now is obviously not the best time to pursue the reasons and accountability. Cathy’s warm-up performance has already begun, and there is not much time left for the King’s debut. The top priority should be to find Orly. No wonder Johnny and Jack are so anxious. At this point, it can be said that the eyebrows are on fire.

They need to find Ollie.

Take a deep breath, take a deep breath again, "Jack, where have you been looking?" Ronan finally recovered his voice, as well as his sense and calmness.



The former is Cliff and the latter is Maxim. Although the tone of voice is different, they convey the same meaning. They are all in shock and anger. They can't believe the situation they are facing, but their emotions have not been vented yet. Ronan has directly entered the "solution" link?

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