King of Stage

Chapter 752: Burning eyebrows

The anger is still boiling.

Shocked, still overwhelming.

Cliff and Maxim are still in a shock state, their brains are running a bit slower, and Ronan has already entered the next stage, which made both people exclaimed and called Ronan’s name, but Faced with the pressure of the layers, Ronan was not afraid at all.

"If there is any problem, wait until the concert is over. But now, we can't let 15,000 spectators stand there stupidly waiting for us, Cathy can't delay too much time."

Tension to the extreme, anxiety to the extreme, Ronan completely calmed down, and his usual unhurried and unhurried words also picked up quickly, like a machine gun.

"Cliff, you should know what it means to add games, and you should also know how many people want to see us making embarrassing jokes, and sponsors you absolutely don’t want to offend. Do you think Ollie should be held accountable or other work? Is the responsibility of the personnel able to shut up those opponents?"

Cliff opened his mouth, unable to make a sound.

Ronan nodded, "Yes, you can't, neither can I, nor can Maxim. So, we need to shut our mouths, find Ollie as soon as possible and perform on stage, how about it, do you have any questions?"

Cliff stared into Ronan’s eyes, with intricate emotions surging in his chest, but after all he could not find a foothold for rebuttal. In the end, he could only vent his anger on himself, "Grass!" But one sentence was not enough, or not. I could believe that Ollie had caused them to fall into such a predicament. He clenched his fists and sweared five sentences, six and seven sentences in a row, and finally calmed down.

"Jack, where did Ollie go missing? Where have you searched?" Cliff finally got his sanity.

Jack was almost crying, "We don’t know at all. Ollie was changing clothes in the locker room, and we didn’t pay attention. Then we noticed that the warm-up time was approaching, so we knocked on the door but didn’t get a response. No one was seen when I entered the door, only an empty room."

"We have searched every corner of the audience, such as the bathroom, stage, equipment room, stairwell, etc., but none of them have seen anything."

Fragmented, Jack finally explained the ins and outs of the matter clearly, but still didn't have any clues——

With this one turned, does the entertainment type of story turn to the detective type? They are not Sherlock Holmes, how can they solve such a case of disappearance in a secret room? Ollie can't just evaporate out of thin air, right? And did not leave any clues? What is the ghost story of The Thousand and One Nights again?

"Grass!" Maxim could not hold it back either, and cursed fiercely. He couldn't help but gritted his teeth, "If I find him, I will kill him!" Like an ant on a hot pot, he went round and round. Turn around in circles, "What the **** is Oli? Is he crazy?"

At this time, the young woman had been completely forgotten in the corner, watching the turmoil in front of her, doing her best to eliminate her sense of existence, she did not dare to make any sound, lest she would be silenced because she knew too much.

Ronan glanced at Maxim and joked softly, "The premise is that you can find Ollie's words."

The ridiculous tone made Maxim directly fall down with anger, and he ranted bitterly, "Ronan!"

In such a nervous and flustered atmosphere, Ronan is still thinking about joking?

Ronan is also having fun in hardship. They need to calm down. The chaos is not helpful at all. Then he didn't quarrel with Maxim anymore, turned his head to look at Jack, "You continue to search, I will go to the locker room to see. Look, are Ollie’s phone and belongings still in the locker room?"

Perhaps the clues can be seen with the belongings.

"Yes, it's all here. The phone is also there, the wallet and the credit card are also there." Jack quickly replied, and it is precisely because nothing is abnormal that it is even more confusing: How did Ollie disappear?

Could it be evaporated out of thin air?

Ronan didn't hesitate anymore, and strode towards the dressing room next door.

Cliff and Jack spread out in other directions and went to different places to search; Maxim thought for a while, couldn't help feeling frustrated, originally wanted to stay in place, deliberately not to look for Ollie, but after all, there was no way to sit back and watch. , So he quickly followed, chasing Ronan's footsteps into the locker room.

"How about, what did you find?"

Entering the room, Maxim saw Ronan standing next to the sofa, looking through Ollie's phone and wallet.

"Do you need to call the police?"

Maxim is still irritable--

I just flew some leaves with that girl, and now I slowly started to get up, my spirit started to become excited, and the whole mood was a little off track.

Those who shouldn’t be excited but can’t do it, those who shouldn’t be smiling but can’t help smiling. Such a weird emotional performance makes Maxim want to throw his fist and hit something, but his slow nerves make his footsteps feel like stepping on cotton. , Unable to react accurately.

Damn it!

Ronan did not look back. "Even if the police call the police, the current situation will not be resolved. First, worry about what to do with the concert. If you can't find it, you may need the police's help, but I hope we don't need to get to this point.

If you really need to call the police, then the matter may be very serious, even...

Ronan and Maxim didn't dare to think further down.

Maxim also hurried closer, standing behind Ronan, "What did you find?"

"Nothing." Ronan handed the phone and wallet to Maxim. "Look at the call log. Before leaving for the Nokia Theater today, he kept his dealer (Dealer)."

How should tobacco dealers be defined? Simply put, it is a mobile hawker on call, but the goods they sell are slightly special, from leaves to powder to more exciting and powerful things.

"God." Ronan only felt a little depressed, "Maxim, how far is Ollie now? I thought he was just trying some leaves, and it had nothing to do with addiction."

Maxim also issued a strong protest, "Ronan, you can't blame me, it has nothing to do with me. I also thought Ollie was just trying the leaves. Those traffickers were not introduced to him by me at all, so I should ask those flesh and blood. Pi. You know, they are all mixed guys."

If only leaves (Weeds) are actually legal in California, they are also widely used for medicinal purposes, but the problem is that once they are linked to addiction, things will easily deviate from the track. A little carelessness may break the boundary. Blurred and very fragile boundaries.

The problem is that they are all adults, have the ability to make independent judgments and choices, and no one is someone's nanny. So even if they live together every day, there is no way to know what happened to Ollie.

"Damn it!" Ronan cursed fiercely, but didn't know if he was angry at Ollie or himself, maybe both.

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