King of Stage

Chapter 75: Key interview

A figure appeared at the end of the corridor, but it was not the expectant Scooter. From a distance, you could see Cathy’s figure coming from right in front. Obviously, she was the singer who met Scooter in front of the King’s Band one day. Moreover, there were more than two singers that Scooter met today.

After a long night of ups and downs, Cathy's spirit was already very tired, and the traces of dark circles and the dryness of the skin were clearly noticeable, and the makeup was a little faint, a little awkward; but the heavy footsteps did not It did not affect the uprightness of the shoulders and spine, especially the bright eyes.

   It seems that it should be good news!

   Does this mean that the chances of the King’s Band have also risen sharply in one day? After all, Scout may sincerely want to come over to hunt for treasure, so I must not miss it by casting the net. With Cathy as the pioneer in front, the king's opportunity for a day will also be brightened together.

   But Cathy was still relatively low-key. She didn't celebrate or show off. Instead, she clenched a fist to cheer the members of the Kings for the day, "Hurry up and go inside. Skurt is waiting in the bar."

   For the superiors, they all have one thing in common, that is, they don't like the other party to be late, because they don't want anyone to challenge their authority.

   Then, Cathy looked at Ronan again, her eyes focused and said seriously, "Tonight's performance is very exciting, you are worth it. Good luck!"

This is Cathy’s heartfelt thought. She feels that the quality of the performance of King One Day tonight is very outstanding, even better than her performance. Of course, she should be affirmed. She believes that Scout can also see the highlights of the band. .

   It’s just that it’s not time to have a deep conversation, Cathy gestured with her eyes, and then moved aside and let the band members come on stage.

Ronan smiled at Cathy, and then followed in the footsteps of his teammates and entered the Old Blacksmith Bar again, but this time instead of walking to the stage, he went straight to the venue. In the empty space, you can see in the middle at a glance. The location of Scout and his party are chatting and laughing.

   The stars in the center are clearly the protagonist of today, Scott-"Skut"-Braun.

The Scutt in front of him is indeed young. The simple dress of a white T-shirt and jeans is not as mature and stable as a company boss or Wall Street white-collar workers, nor is he greasy temperament of a middle-aged man. It shows more approachable vitality and enthusiasm, neatly manicured. From the cheeks of the beard, he can see that he attaches great importance to his image. Even after the all-night party, his image is not too problematic.

   It can be seen from the arc-shaped fan-shaped station on the scene and Skurt's relaxed and relaxed posture with open arms. On the surface, Skurt, who looks easy-going and friendly, is actually in control of the atmosphere and breath of the audience—

The King’s Band had just debuted one day, and Scooter, who was chatting, had already used his gaze to complete the survey and judgment. Any disturbances on the scene could not escape his eyes. The only thing is that he sees six directions and listens to all directions. Ability is no small matter.

   And, when the band members showed up, the ongoing conversation paused for a quarter of a beat. They noticed Scout's reaction and made sure that Scout hadn’t diverted his attention at all, so the small talk continued. Such a small detail can interpret a lot of things.

   Ronan is always able to perceive many things delicately and sensitively. When vision fails to work, he learns to observe and interpret with his heart, but he can see more.

  Scott did not say hello, and Ronan was not anxious, but cast his gaze at Alice who was standing next to him.

At this time, Alice continued her filming work conscientiously. No matter what, filming a documentary is indeed Alice’s first job; but from the slightly moving eyes of Alice, she can still feel her attention shifting slightly. .

   "Hey! Good morning!"

Cliff took the initiative to greet him with an energetic voice, and at the same time showed a big smile, completely unable to see the nervousness just now, "Ladies and gentlemen, how are you, do you feel the atmosphere of the full moon party? Have you enjoyed it tonight?"

   his gaze turned to Scout again.

  Scott turned his head and looked over, and looked at the four members of the band separately, and finally fell on Cliff, but did not speak.

The figure standing next to Scout, a tall, thin black man, a slightly curly beard, and short hair that is fluffy like a steel ball, can’t tell the age, but it looks like a thirty-year-old, and it doesn’t look like a nouveau riche. He wears a gold necklace with the thickness of his wrist, just with a gold watch.

   "Party is still very easy and happy, you know, brother, the meaning of carnival is carnival, as long as there is music and alcohol is enough."

What does it mean? Is it just a courtesy, or does it imply something?

   Cliff looked at the other person, his gaze paused briefly on Scout, and then looked back, his expression a little eager, UU reading www. "So, do you like our performance? How do you feel?" Because the other party never took the initiative to speak, it also forced Cliff to take the initiative to fight for it, and the atmosphere was a bit strange.

   Ronan and others can feel this atmosphere, and they can't help but become nervous.

  Golden Watch did not speak, but looked at Scout, and only after he realized that Scout was still silent, he said, "Your performance is good. It is very suitable for a full moon party. We all enjoyed it."

   This is just a cliché, and there is nothing worth studying in detail.

Cliff’s face changed slightly, and he turned to look at his teammates. Ronan tried to stop Cliff—in fact, they could change the way of communication a little bit. Now Skutming didn’t intend to speak, he was too anxious. The result may be head-to-head.

But Ronan didn’t know how to deal with such a situation—he hadn’t faced it before, so his reaction speed was a little slower. Before he had time to speak, Cliff turned his head again, and the words just blurted out. A little eager and a little irritable.

"I want to hear the truth. There is no need to go around like this. We are not kids anymore." Cliff forced himself to smile and tried to make a relaxed and calm posture, but the slightly tight voice still leaked too much. Many emotions, "You can tell us what we really think."

"Do you really want to know?" Scout finally said, leaning forward slightly, with a playful smile on the corner of his mouth, like a hunter who is setting up a trap, but the simple words are because of the relationship between the tone and the look in his eyes. Full of danger.

   Cliff also noticed the abnormality, and his subconscious mind was sounding an alarm, but facing Scout's scorching sight, there was no way to go back.

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