King of Stage

Chapter 76: Virtual and real

   The situation seems a little bit wrong, at least not the scene that was expected before entering the bar, and Scout's expression and tone were a little strange.

Ronan glanced at Alice quickly, but found that Alice was also frowning, and there was a trace of confusion in her expression. Moreover, the current situation is not for Alice to help. The opportunity has already appeared in front of the band. They need to hold it with their own hands.

   But, Cliff...

   "Cliff!" Ronan took the initiative to take a step forward, calling Cliff's name and trying to clear him, but he was still half a beat slow.

   "Yes." Cliff answered Scout's question in this way, and then turned his head to look at Ronan after half a beat, and expressed comfort with his eyes: Don't worry, just leave things to me.

Then, without waiting for Ronan to react further, Cliff turned his head and said, "Yes, of course, we open our chests to embrace all opinions at any time. We have been touring for so many years, and we can humbly accept any opinions. Question, you can tell the truth."

   The babbled words still leaked the tightness of his vocal cords. Maxim exchanged a glance with Ollie and Ronan. They were able to detect the abnormality, but what should be done? Will they handle it better than Cliff? Will they be able to reverse the predicament?

   They also have no answer.

   So they could only fall silent, their eyes fell on Scout again, anxiously waiting for the judgment—

   People are swords and I am fish. This is the most appropriate and correct sentence to describe the current atmosphere.

Scout seemed to enjoy such an atmosphere very much. The smile at the corner of his mouth fell on the bottom of his eyes, and then he took a step forward, spreading his hands, making a gesture of welcome, and controlling the audience like the protagonist, "Since you asked for it, Then let us open the skylight to speak brightly."

"One sentence: you are not good enough, at least not enough for now." Scout gave the answer, without fancy decorations, and no lengthy explanations, so he directly stated the result, like a promise, to tell the truth. .

   Cliff’s eyes were slightly flustered, his hands adjusted restlessly, he hugged his chest for a while, and dragged his chin for a while, "...what does this mean?"

Scout still keeps smiling, "Summer camp performances are one thing, bar performances are one thing, and what we are discussing now is another. You should know that we are now discussing record production, which is about sales. It’s about the record that the market is about survival. What you just performed, I can’t promote it in the market. I don’t see the commercial value.”

   I don’t see commercial value.

Such a simple and heavy sentence confuses the starting point. From the position of the artist to the position of the businessman, the deviation of angle and perspective creates an irrefutable dilemma. It easily pushes the One Day King's Band to nowhere. The bottom of the abyss.

   Ronan's eyebrows can't help but frown slightly, because of Scout's words, but also because of other—

   He always felt that he should have heard this sentence, but where is it? Faint always feel familiar, but always can't remember where it is.

"Summer camp performance?" Cliff's voice echoed in the bar. The rising tail sound obviously couldn't believe his ears, and his expression became excited. "Did you not see our performance? You did not see the cheers of the audience. Is the audience full! The audience is crazy! The audience’s response is the best praise! We have given a wonderful performance, if you miss it, then I can understand it, you don’t know..."

"No!" Scout interrupted Cliff's excited words, but his soft tone had unquestionable determination. Cliff couldn't help but be stunned. "We didn't miss your performance. We know what happened. But you need to face reality. Seriously, your music is not good enough."



   In this way, Scout threw a heavy pound, without detours or covering up, and hit the ball directly, hitting the band members so hard.

   Not only Cliff, but also Maxim and Ollie—

   Their music is not good enough? This is a denial of the whole band from the root, which is tantamount to a complete denial of all the efforts and persistence of the band. Without talent, inspiration, and works, there is no future in the field of artistic creation. Because there is no commercial value, even if it relies on gorgeous packaging to become a commodity, it is just an assembly line product.

   Then, why must it be a King for a Day? Since it is an assembly line product, it can be anyone, and any Barbie doll that can be played casually is more suitable. It is not necessarily the King of the Day at all. There are countless more suitable choices than them.

   What's more, who would like to pack the King Band for a day?

   At the same time, Ronan was the target who hit the ball directly.


   Ronan finally remembered, "I can't see the value", this sentence comes from Trastan.

Ronan's expression fell into a shocked astonishment. The focus and focal length focused on Scout's body just collapsed, his thoughts fell into chaos, everything was so familiar, the memory in his mind surged upwards, gradually eating away at his brain. , And then destroyed the attention concentrated on Scout and Cliff with brute force. is in a trance—

   "You are not a genius, you are not, neither are they. You should not dream. Wake up! Wake up!"


The memory began to become clear. The distorted and hideous face in his mind was... Trastan, their agent, the guy who betrayed them, opened his blood basin, his face flushed and roared at Ronan's mouth. —To be precise, it should be facing Ronan Cooper.

   When did this happen? When is the memory again? How did it happen? What was the situation at that time? Where are the other three band members? Do they know this conversation between Trastan and Ronan? Why does Trastan treat Ronan like this?

   "Wake up!" Trastan bared Bai Sensen's teeth, "You should know that dreams and dreams are the same word, and they don't belong to you!"

"Dreams can't be eaten. These things are just an excuse for you to escape reality, pretending that you are like Peter Pan who can never grow up, escaping everything from reality, refusing to grow up and rejecting reality! Wake up, you can't. Live in fantasy forever. You need to open your eyes!"

   Trastan's face was enlarged in his pupils, enlarged to the extreme, and he could even feel his breath with the smell of thick tobacco, scorching his cheeks.

He could not breathe-"Ronan Cooper" could not breathe, but at this time Ronan seemed to be able to truly empathize with him. He deeply felt the fragility and despair from the depths of his soul, the trembling fear, firmly Pinching his throat, like drowning, the world began to become trance.

   The real and the false are intertwined, the true and the false are difficult to distinguish, and the memory and reality overlap in this way.

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