King of Stage

Chapter 77: derailed

Taking a deep breath, taking a deep breath, Ronan forced himself to take a deep breath, returning to reality, and then you can see Ollie took two big steps forward, the arm muscles of both hands tightened because of the angry and excited fists, and his voice was slightly hoarse. There is no usual joy at all.

   "So, what about our last song?" Olly's anger needed to be suppressed with all his strength, and his voice squeezed out from deep in his throat.

   "Inborn", this is their pride and their soul. Ollie sincerely likes Ronan’s creation. Although it is only a song composed two days ago, although their running-in practice time is too short, he still really thinks this is their best performance. It has condensed their souls, if even this kind of performance can't move Scout...

   Inexplicably, Ollie shuddered, and he couldn't help but remember that Maxim said the same words just now: This is the best stage they have ever had. If this still doesn't work, what does it mean?

   The answer seems to be ready to come out, but I dare not continue thinking about it.

"Yes, the last song is good." Scout gave an unexpected answer. It was obvious that Olly, Cliff and Maxim's emotions were slightly relaxed for a while, "If it's the last song If it is, I can sell it, I’m serious, and this is your only highlight."

   The only one?

   the only bright spot, then this also means...

   Maxim's face turned gray.

Scout didn't care at all, and continued to smile and speak cruel words, "My suggestion? You should keep working hard to follow the style of the last song. Maybe you can still have a glimmer of hope, but don't get me wrong. It's just a faint glimmer of hope."

   Even though Maxim did not look back, Ronan could still feel the muscles of Maxim's arm, shoulder, and neck that were close to him all stiffen. He seemed to be doing his best to control his urge to turn his head and look at Ronan.

Even if Maxim kept telling himself that Scout had no authority and expertise in music at all, he didn’t need to care about his ideas, because his opinions were completely layman’s fingertips, but he faced such a blow in person, refuted it. Discourse has also become weak due to the disparity between status and power.

   Maxim lowered his head deeply without opening his mouth.

However, Ronan did not have time to take care of Maxim's thoughts at this time, because he was already overwhelmed, watching Scout's expression, the memories in his mind continued to surge, and the faces of Scout and Trastan were so blurred. The two faces are overlapped together, and then you can see the disdain and contempt of the two faces hidden under the smile, and it is not clear who is who, whether it is the expression of Scout or Trastan, the voice in my mind remains the same. Reverberating.

"How many people do you face when you stand on the stage of a bar? Thirty people? Forty people? Then you think you have the world's attention, just like a high school football player, you always feel that you are standing in the center of the world. , Standing on the peak of Mount Everest, but the reality is that they are just a bunch of high school kids!"

Trastan's face was looming in the smoke of cigarettes, and the flickering lights of the motel downstairs fell on his face, sketching out a trace of cold cruelty, seeming to mock Ronan's overpowering. .

   "So are you," he said.

"In this world, there are too many talented young people, and the music market is already overcrowded. How many musicians do you think are free and talented but unable to make their heads? Ten thousand? One hundred thousand? Twenty? Ten thousand? I don’t know, it’s innumerable. You don’t have much more, and you don’t have much less. Don’t dream anymore. You are not as special and outstanding as you imagined."

   "Don't think that if you can sing a few songs, you can change the world. Wake up and stop dreaming."

   "If you still don't recognize the reality, you will always have to stand still and be trapped here. Don't think that Peter Pan, who won't grow up, will have no price. Captain Hook will always be there to watch."

  The words of Trastan, cold, sharp, cruel, and direct, fell on Ronan's heart so fiercely, even if you feel those words through memories, you can still feel the pain in your bones—

From the memory of Trastan to the reality of Scout, he suffered a double blow, and in an instant he defeated all of Ronan’s persistence, as if he had experienced the pain and despair of being betrayed, abandoned, and abandoned again. He could not tell. It was clear whether it was the soul in his mind trembling, or his own soul was bruised all over, but... unable to breathe.

  Skut is still making speeches in front of him, and when Ronan's sight falls, Trastan's face re-evolves into the appearance of Scout.

   "I now give some professional advice. You need to have some highlights, just like the last song, so that we can sell it."

"That song, if you are lucky, you can enter the top 100 on the bulletin board, but you also know that the first 100 songs on a bulletin board are not enough to make up an album, unless it's one song. The top ten singles on the bulletin board, but your performance tonight, I don’t see any value, you will never sell the top ten on the bulletin board."

  Skut didn't keep it, and he didn't need to keep it in front of the King Band for a day, and such words completely angered Ollie.

   is not Cliff, but Ollie.

"Shut up!" Ollie yelled angrily at Scout, and went all out. "Can't you see what's going on here? That song, that'innate' is our story. , We have nothing, we have tried our best, we have no retreat."

   "Tell me, what should we do? Are we not working hard enough? Isn't it enough? Tell us, where is our heading?"

   Ollie's voice became completely tense, with a hint of crying. Usually in front of strangers, Ollie is rarely willing to take the initiative to speak because he is afraid of life, but today he loses control because of strange anger; more importantly, he does not like the kind of evaluation of "innate" and the band by Scout Tone.

But in the face of Ollie’s anger, Scout seemed to have already taken offense, completely indifferent. He was still calm and calm, making the angry Ollie and the tight Cliff look just like Like a fool, that kind of powerlessness is humiliating their persistence and resistance.

   Like ants, their struggle is just a joke in the eyes of giants. The harder they struggle, the more ferocious, the more miserable and pathetic they are.

   can't you? Are they really bad? Are all the arduous adventures and hard work in the past three days just a joke? Are they still not good after all?

   Is this the end? Are they still too greedy after all?

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