King of Stage

Chapter 761: Proudly blooming

The roaring accompaniment, one switch, only the string of the electric guitar is entangled in Ronan’s singing, thin but rich in layers, and the sigh and release of Ronan’s singing are vividly displayed——

"You push, push, push me to the edge, push me to the abyss."

"I give, give, give everything, everything you ask for."

"You flee, flee; I flee, turn around and run away from you."

Obviously loving each other, but hurting each other, so both sides turned and fled. He was running away from her restraint, trying to gasp; she was running away from his indifference, licking the wound.

Only in this way can they continue to breathe.

Juliet laughed, but at the same time, the tears burst, after patience and then patience, depressed and depressed again, until this time, emotions finally can no longer be controlled, sadness and painful negative emotions are all released, crying loudly, As if wanting to vent all the grievances.

So much so that Michelle was scared.

But Juliet waved her hand to Michelle, showing a big smile, the bright and bright arc blooming proudly in tears.

She is fine. she's fine. She is really fine.

Juliet raised her hands high, gestured to Michelle with her eyes, and asked Michelle to follow her to the stage and join Ronan's ranks.

Michelle hesitated for a moment. Although still a little uncertain, amidst the roar of the Nokia Theater, it was difficult not to be attracted by the stage. So he turned his eyes back together with Juliet and looked at the center of the stage. Ronan was hitting his hands hard.

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

The relaxed rhythm perfectly fits with Ollie’s drumbeat, bursting out incredible power——

Tonight, Ollie’s drums are full and full, enthusiastic and unrestrained. Every contact between the drumsticks and the drumhead is so full and solid and so light and agile. The surging power penetrates into the drums and vents vastly and perfectly. The combination of earth and "young blood" stirs the mind.

Incredibly, the line of sight couldn't help but gathered towards Ollie.

Usually, the position of the drummer is always at the end of the stage, even if a high platform is specially set up so that the height of the drummer can be higher than that of other band members, but the depth difference between the front and rear positions still masks the light. People may notice Cliff or Mark Sim, it was hard to notice Ollie.

But tonight Ollie is like a chicken blood, the majestic drums are played to the greatest extent in the opening performance, like a round of bright moon, and Ronan’s singing complements each other, and easily attracts the attention of the audience. In the past, endless drumbeats rushed to the face.

turbulent! Crazy!

It's like this time.

Only Ronan and Ollie were cooperating, high-fiving and drumming, but the vigorous strength was still intertwined and released violently.

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

Whether it’s Juliet or Michele, they are just one of the 15,000 spectators in the audience. At this time, they all raised their hands high and started high-fiving. The gurgling enthusiasm and madness ran across their chests, neatly. The uniform applause was deafening, and the blood began to burn.


"Young and passionate, say you want me, say you want me!"

Juliet opened her mouth to sing loudly, the excitement and passion in her mind burst out impulsively, she started singing along with Ronan without being ready, but she immediately discovered that she had the same idea as her. There are other fifteen thousand in the audience, and everyone sings in unison.

There is no melody, only drums.

There is no soundtrack, only rhythm.

But catchy songs can easily be hummed by everyone--

For Los Angeles, "Young Blood" is still unfamiliar, songs that have never been heard before, even if tonight is the third consecutive night of carnival at Nokia Theater, but after all, it is not the release work included in the album "Seven". For most people, this is the first time listening.

However, just listening to Ronan sing several times repeatedly, the smooth melody in his mind has been hummed effortlessly. It is more popular than "My Devil", more catchy than "Falling apart", and better than "Chasing." "Sunshine" is more reckless and wants to be part of the melody involuntarily.

Singing and singing, smiles bloomed at the corners of the mouth, feeling the excitement in the blood, getting louder, more excited, more and more crazy, and the mighty momentum filled the audience.

Obviously, this is Ronan's purpose-the first sentence of the chorus, he deliberately did not sing, but left it to the chorus of the audience, roaring momentum, and then Ronan approached the microphone again and continued to sing.

"Disappeared from your life, I am just a walking dead tonight."

Pause, raise your hand!

The audience can catch the signal without words, and invariably shouted again, "But you want it, yes, you want it."

The uniform singing broke out with stronger and more sturdy power. It continued to roar like thunder in the Nokia Theater, so that it ignited blood. Then, Ollie and Maxim also sweated and played the melody again. The chorus of Rolling Thunder collided.

Sparks are everywhere!


Then Ronan also joined the ranks of singing on all occasions, and the treble broke out in the roaring heat wave, "All the time!"

Wanton! Publicity!

Gorgeous! Brilliant!

The gurgling blood and burning soul firmly condense all the audience into a rope, and the collision of enthusiasm and enthusiasm bursts out ten times a hundred times the energy, covering the audience majesticly, no one can be an exception. No one can escape, there is only one voice left in the Nokia Theater.

"Young and passionate, say you want me, say you want me!"

Roaring, circling.

Echo, stirring.



It's more than the Nokia At this time, the Olympic Avenue outside the theatre can clearly feel the billowing heat, spreading towards the entire city, a Sunday that belongs to the City of Angels. At night, the curtain has only begun slowly, and a midsummer madness that shouldn't exist in January is lighting the night.

"Going back to your life, I'm just a walking dead tonight!"

An instant burst, an instant high pitch.

Instant control, instant return.

But behind the torn voice, the audience can clearly feel the relief and invigoration after the scars, and they can also feel the wanton and publicity after the disintegration, not laughing because of happiness, but dancing because of sadness, and all the bitterness and The pain is all turned into excitement/feeling, and it is released without reservation.

The brief release is like a ray of sky shattered by tearing layers of dark clouds. The moment of brilliance is enough to light up the world. The tremors in the depths of the mind can no longer be controlled. The mountains and the sea are swept over, the body trembles along with it, and the surging heart passes through. The roars and shouts came out unreservedly.

Then... the Nokia Theater evolved into a sea of ​​lightning, thunder, and fire.

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