King of Stage

Chapter 762: Forget about it


There was a roar in the ears.


The brain is blank.

Then, all the armor, all the masks and all the shackles were thrown away, and the most real and most fragile self was displayed without reservation, bathed in the bright halo of the Nokia Theater, without fear at all, just blooming wantonly. Keep burning, feel all this with your heart.

Juliet followed the audience to join the ranks of singing loudly. She laughed as she sang, and cried as she sang, just like a lunatic with a mental disorder, with intricate tastes rolling on the tip of her tongue. In memory, she has never been like this. Embarrassed has never been so indulgent.

But... this feeling is not bad, because she no longer needs to pretend to be able to let her real self breathe fresh air.

Juliet completely let go of her restraint, just show her own color frankly, sincerely, boldly, and wantonly. Then, her smile fully bloomed in tears, and she could even hear the joy and passion surging in her chest. It's like a small volcano.

"But I want it, yes, I want it, all the time."


The band members all stopped playing, creating an abrupt cessation effect. They could even catch the trivial sound of Cliff pressing on the strings, returning from the extreme roar to the extreme quiet state, and the heart contracted suddenly, sinking into it. In the state of weightlessness, the whole person is stagnant in the air, and the sound of the wind whizzes in the ears, as if I can feel the traces of air movement with my body and skin.

So exciting. And so graceful.

Ronan then took off the microphone directly, holding the microphone stand with his left hand, and stepping forward, his bright eyes scanned the audience, igniting all the enthusiasm where he could see, and no one kept it.

"You push, push, push me to the edge, push me to the abyss."

"I give, give, give everything, everything you ask for."

The melody sounded again. Olly’s drum beats for a four-beat first, and then Maxim and Cliff also joined in the performance. The roar broke out in the audience, pushing it to an incredible new climax, high and low, and fluctuating. The sudden quiet rhythm control makes the roller coaster effect unobtrusive.

At this moment, the audience did not continue to sing in the chorus anymore, but raised their hands high, cheered and jumped, freed themselves, immersed in the melody, and danced.

As if, I could feel the drums running in the blood.

Use your body and your soul to touch the track of the melody.

"Young blood, say you want me, say you want me, disappear from your life, tonight I am just a walking dead, but I want it, yes, I want it, all the time."

The singing hits a high point, but it stops abruptly here. The music and melody all disappear, suddenly cut off, once again, for the second time in just two eight beats, it's like a roller coaster has reached a new fixed point. Then it's free fall.

After a short pause, the thrill of weightlessness surged, instantly leaving the brain blank.

The body that danced happily and wanton stopped temporarily, but it was still not in contact with it, looking forward to the stage, waiting for the next call. The tension that was ready to go made the air boil with steaming blood. Rushing in the body, unable to calm down.


Bang bang bang.

In the air, trivial noises are surging, the beating heart is hitting, sweating profusely, panting like a cow, but it makes people so enjoyable.

Then, among the audience’s attention, you could see Ronan’s lips pressed against the microphone, his eyes gleaming like a sparkling lake, and he whispered in a whisper that was almost a breath, “Good evening, Los Angeles."

Light and deep.

Hoarse and full-bodied.

Juliet only felt that the hot and scorching breath gently tapped her ears, making people suspect that the ears were about to become pregnant, and her knees were itchy and soft.

Puff through puff through puff through.

The whole world is quiet, only the sound of the beating heart is constantly hitting the ears, and the dry mouth and tongue have fallen into weightlessness. Although the blood is still boiling, and the body is still jumping for joy, but the mood is trapped in a kind of ambiguity and obscurity that words can hardly express.

The only thought is, want to release, want to vent, want to...explode.



Even if she is on the scene, even if she goes through the whole process, Juliet still can't believe her eyes and ears. Everything in front of her is like a mirage, without the slightest sense of reality, but beautifully immersed in it. I even forgot myself.

How did this happen?

From the late debut to the ease of controlling the audience, the King only took one song four minutes a day to reverse the atmosphere of the whole scene, easily complete his enthronement here, and become Nokia again. The king of the theater, led the audience into another country.

Then, all the distracting thoughts, all the thoughts, all the troubles disappeared, just immersed in it.


This seems to have been a matter of the last century, and it is no longer a problem. No one can even remember. Even if Ronan did not apologize or explain the reason, those trivial matters are no longer important. The only thing that matters at this moment is this. Party, this party that makes everyone crazy.

As for the things that have nothing to do with the party, all have been left behind.

This is precisely Ronan's purpose.

In fact, the opening repertoire should be "My Devil", "Young Blood" is still an encore, but today's situation is special, because Ollie's accident disrupted the rhythm, and even made Cathy fall into something that doesn't belong to her. The dilemma, the mood and expectations of the audience have also undergone subtle changes.

If you continue to perform "My Devil", I am afraid the concert will not be able to get the expected effect.

Then Ronan came up with an idea, just like the difficulty he encountered when he warmed up for Bruno. Ronan knew how to mobilize the atmosphere and how to control the situation. It was like an innate one. Talent As long as you stand on the stage, that is Ronan's world.

Choosing "Young Hot Blood" is an adventure; but Ronan did not play "Young Hot Blood" in a proper manner. Instead, he combined the unplugged version and plug-in version of the band practice to create a roller coaster-like ups and downs. The effect is to bring all the audience's attention into the control of the melody.

The concert is such an experience, integrating with the stage and the band as well as other audiences on the scene, sharing such unique moments together.

Ronan perfectly demonstrated the correct way to open the concert.

Then, the results have been seen.

In particular, Ollie was in a state of explosiveness tonight. His hands seemed to possess magic. Every time he touched the drumhead, he could feel the collision of passion and power, and unparalleled energy burst out in the opening stage. Perhaps as Johnny said, with clever control, tonight's crisis can also become a good opportunity.

In the next second, Ronan raised his right hand high, facing the microphone, a force slowly rose from the depths of the dantian, and finally completed the burst release:

"Hey... Los Angeles! Are you ready?"

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