King of Stage

Chapter 801: Magic

A second, "Ah, I was found." The group was boiling.

In the next second, "But first of all, we must declare that we are definitely not fighting because of Cathy." The roar of laughter, especially the superposition of three consecutive emphasizing adverbs "absolute," added a sense of absurdity.

Before the reporters in the interview area had time to threw ammunition excitedly, and the king launched a frenzied bombardment one day, the whole situation was reversed by Ronan, and a simple sentence pushed the absurdity of one question and one answer. Extremely, the end of the red carpet will become a sea of ​​laughter in the next second.

Even Ryan and the program crew who are broadcasting the red carpet can't help but cast their eyes: What happened there? What is so funny?

Cliff also looked at Ronan with a miserable face, but immediately heard the commotion of Maxim's clapping and laughing, and leaning forward and backward, and he also laughed dumbfounded.

On the contrary, Ronan, who has become the focus of attention, is still calm and calm, taking control of the rhythm calmly.

"Yes, we quarreled, there should even be physical conflicts, I'm not sure..."

Ronan seemed to be discussing today's weather, turning his head to look at his teammates, cast his sight to verify.

"Have we done it?"

But he didn't need an answer from his teammates, and then turned to look at the reporter and continued.

"You should know that it's like brothers and sisters quarreling. Afterwards, we don’t remember who caused the incident. Anyway, it’s definitely not my fault. We don’t remember who did it and who didn’t. Anyway, I am definitely not the worst loser. Well, I don’t even remember what the dispute was about."

Brothers and sisters quarreling?

"I have an older brother and a younger sister. Believe me, we should have fought countless times since we were young. It's a totally troublesome combination. The things at home should have been destroyed a lot. I'm not sure if we didn't fight. Are the Coopers now multi-millionaires?"

There was another kind laughter on the scene.

"Whether we had a physical conflict that day, I now have selective amnesia, but one thing I can be sure of is definitely not the first thing I did! I swear!"


wonderful! It's amazing!

Ronan not only generously admitted the band's "infighting", but also gave an explanation: the quarrel between the brothers.

It is direct because of intimacy, conflicts because of closeness, it is because it is not worth mentioning that it is able to talk and laugh, and most importantly, it is because of the family that there is no scruples.

The act of acknowledging the "infighting" actually shows that the so-called conflict is not important at all. The band has nothing to do with it, and they can face it calmly. Therefore, the major issues are reduced to small, small issues, and just understatement. The nature of the matter has changed.

More importantly, Ronan kept emphasizing that he hadn't done anything, and that he was exactly the guy who would inevitably appear in the quarrel between brothers and sisters.

To be honest, most of the reporters present at the scene have brothers and sisters, and most of them know what the siblings quarrel is like. Ronan’s analogy easily evokes the reporter’s sympathy, and then the sharp edge and conflict are transformed into a few words. invisible.



Fox's brain can't be turned around, why...what's going on? How come Ronan has completely reversed the situation in just two or three sentences?

This, how did this happen? Is it some black magic?

Seeing that the "crisis of internal strife" is about to be eliminated, the TMZ photos are going to be discarded before they are released. It is like holding a nuclear switch in your hand, but you have been told that the switch has failed before it can be detonated, and your own threat is also It has no effect, like a joke.

No way!

Absolutely not!

Fox's heart was about to burst.


Fox straightened up again and said, "Excuse me, what exactly is the content of the band's dispute? Judging from the photos, the atmosphere is very fierce. The four members are tit-for-tat and not to be outdone. It seems that the inside of the band There has been an irreparable crack, is it true?"

At the critical moment, Fox can't take care of that much anymore. He didn't count everything about what to prepare and wait. He talked a lot without beginning and ending, but the logic was inconsistent before and after, and he didn't notice. Exposing the horse's feet is already It was riddled with holes, and it attracted countless attention in an instant.

Other reporters cast their confused eyes:

This reporter friend, didn't you say that TMZ "threats" that there are photos? How come it has been completely implemented now? If TMZ has determined to hold the photo, why hasn't it been made public? Is there any inside story? In addition, this friend, are your words too firm, as if they were witnessing on the spot?

Fox did not realize that he had exposed the details at all, but he can no longer take care of it now. If Ronan fooled the past like this, then the photos would have no public value. He worked so hard to take photos undercover. It's about to hit the water!

Although TMZ has already paid, the salary is not a problem; however, he crawled in the grass for forty minutes and his arms were bitten by mosquitoes. How should his physical and mental injuries be counted!

Damn it!

Because he was too excited and too urgent, Fox completely forgot to hide his identity, so it was exposed to everyone's sight, and then—

"Oh...hey! Big Ben! We meet again!"

Surprised. joy. Cheerful.

In just one sentence, you can clearly feel the progressive changes in the three levels of emotions, so that the reporters' eyes when they look at Fox are even more scorching:

Hey, why do you think things are not quite right?

Fox slowed down for a whole shot, and then realized that he had exposed his identity and was bathed in the sight of the audience, especially Ronan’s scorching sight. In an instant, his heart was half cold and he felt cold. , And then nightmarish memories swallowed up again like a tide.


Fox reflexively reacted physiologically in his mind, but the crowds around him were completely stuck in position. UU reading found that he was embarrassed on all sides and had nowhere to escape.

It's over.

"Big Ben! I didn't expect to see old friends here."

It was Ronan who made the sound.

Ronan's gaze followed everyone's gaze and projected toward Fox. At a glance, he could see the familiar face hidden in the dense sea of ​​people. Only then did he realize who was behind the attack.

But after thinking about it carefully, it is not surprising that Fox is a paparazzi, who always follows the paparazzi behind him who is ready to attack, taking advantage of the day the king is not paying attention, recording the key evidence, and then detonating the bomb at the Grammy Awards , The purpose could not be clearer.

However, Ronan is not angry. How to fight the paparazzi and the reporter is a required course for Vanity Fair.

So Ronan showed a big smile, "Hey, Big Ben, what is your question, can you ask it again? I'm sorry I didn't hear it clearly."

Fox couldn't react, there was only one thought in his mind: the devil! what! devil!

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