King of Stage

Chapter 802: Trivial

Nightmare, reappear.

Fox seemed to be back in the afternoon again. Ronan waved hello to him enthusiastically, but hidden behind his smile was a kind of beast intuition. The brutal murderous intent firmly locked his position, like a sniper. , Just pull the trigger to complete the glory kill.

And he?

He is just a pitiful, powerless little lamb, huddled in place and shivering, his muscles are so stiff that he cannot move, no matter how he resists or counterattacks, he still can't escape the shroud and control of that line of sight. At the end of the rampage, he can only Catch with nothing, and surrender.

How to do?

Fox wanted to cry.

Even if Ronan was just looking at him with a smile, the feeling of "cat playing a mouse" was always hung over his head like a dark cloud, lingering, and the pressure of the layers was like this. Come, before reacting, the knee has already begun to tremble.

Run away!

But his legs are like soft noodles, unable to exert strength, just standing in place, surrounded by crowds from all directions, like sandwich biscuits.

"Don't be afraid! Don't shrink! Don't be timid! Anyway, Ronan is not a big devil, so should he be so scared?"

Fox secretly clenched his fist to cheer for himself.

Then, he straightened up again, and bravely faced Ronan’s gaze, but when his eyes were switched, he saw Ronan’s clear and translucent eyes again, but there was a burst of scorching heat, and he subconsciously moved his gaze slightly upwards. Moved, locked Ronan's...forehead, it was a little calmer.

"...Excuse me, the content of the band's dispute, please tell us what the content of the dispute is."

After all, I asked the question, but it has completely lost its previous momentum.

This cannot be blamed on Fox. After all, he is not a professional journalist, and interviewing and questioning is not his area of ​​expertise; what’s more, at this time, facing the powerful Ronan at close range, even professional journalists may not have the upper hand. , Fox's stutter and timidity are inevitable.

Fox really wanted to cry: He just came over to eat melons and watch the excitement. He originally planned to ignite and run away, but why is he now the target of concentrated firepower?

In the line of sight, Ronan lifted his jaw slightly, showing an expression of sudden realization. It seemed that he finally understood the question, but did not answer the question immediately. Instead, he showed a bit of embarrassment, which made the reporters in the audience curious:

Wait, what's wrong? Is there something in this question?

Slowly, curiosity rose again.

Then Ronan spread his hands, "Actually, this was originally a secret. I really don't want to publish it on the Grammys. You keep asking like this, and I am embarrassed. The only thing I can tell you is..."

A pause.

"...It's definitely not about Cathy."

One second, two seconds—

Silent laughter and protesting complaints were intertwined, "Ronan Cooper!" The reporter could even be heard shouting furiously.

The scene was chaotic but very happy, Ollie had already burst into laughter, completely free of restraints, and the shocking and deafening laughter came out of the rivers and lakes again.

Ronan pursed the corner of his mouth, and the smile in his eyes also surged without pause, and then continued, "Actually, our quarrel is about the new album."


When the reporters were expecting a heavyweight, Ronan threw a joke; but when the reporters had relaxed, Ronan threw a heavyweight.

After two consecutive turns, creating a roller coaster-like stimulus, the reporters all were stunned and held their breaths at the same time.

what? new album? Is such heavy news just said casually? Has the new album been repeatedly mentioned since the Grammys ended last year?

Ronan shrugged slightly, showing a helpless expression, as if he was saying: Look, I said, this news cannot be disclosed casually, and it is not what you have been asking for, so I was forced to say it. The truth is all to blame for you.


"In fact, in the past period of time, there have been a lot of quarrels between us, not only in the hotel, but also in the backstage of the tour, as well as in the studio, and sometimes even in the car, mainly about the new album. "

"Because the previous album received too much recognition and praise, we are all looking forward to continuing our momentum and producing an excellent album to give back to the public, but obviously, we are all under too much pressure, and conflicts inevitably occur in our conversations. , And even occasionally a physical collision may occur."

Silently, Ronan secretly changed a concept: the concept of quarrel; and put a patch. If TMZ can still capture other quarrels, then everyone should know that this is not a rare event, Ronan is now They had already admitted that they had quarreled more than once, so there was no need to make a fuss.

Naturally, the "crisis of internal strife" is no longer a problem.

Including the reporters, including the band members, everyone did not realize that Ronan was "implanting ideas" and focused all his attention on the new album, and then the change had happened silently.

This is where Ronan is really great—

The only person who discovered the secret was Johnny Quaid, who stood obliquely behind the red carpet and guarded the band. He followed the band members onto the red carpet to deal with emergencies. He was worried that he would have to take action by himself, but now It seems that there is no need at all.

Johnny only needs to follow Ronan's pace and clean up the mess, which is enough. The big things are changed into small things, small things are turned into small things, and potential possibilities are also cut off. Ronan's handling is so comprehensive that Johnny has no chance to play his own sense of existence.

Unconsciously, Johnny's eyes also showed a rare smile.

"However, we have made some progress now. The previous quarrel in the hotel led to tonight's performance."

"So, for a while, everyone can see the results of our quarrel through stage performances, and then infer whether our new album can meet expectations. UU看书"

Light, ingenious, and agile.

I have to say that Ronan’s interviews are always like this, inadvertently echoing back and forth, the wisdom that comes from hand can be seen everywhere, coupled with the relaxed tone, smiling expression and occasional humor through it, it can indeed make everyone feel like a spring breeze. It's hard not to like this atmosphere.

"Judging from the intensity of everyone's encirclement and suppression on us on the red carpet today, can we look forward to the enthusiasm for reporting after the Grammy ends? I believe you will not let us down, right?"

Ha ha.

The reporters in the interview area made a low chuckle again. Ronan mentioned the "encirclement and suppression" just now in this way. It is not an attack but a joke. Not only will it not disgust the reporter, but it will make the reporters show mercy, even Thinking, "We have already encircled them in this way, so should we say something nice?"



The atmosphere in the latter part of the red carpet is cheerful again, and the Grammys finally have the appearance of Grammys.

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