King of Stage

Chapter 803: Dislocated jaw

Wait, nothing... Wait, wait, things are not quite right.

What is going on here? Why are you happy? How come the time has passed? How did you resolve the crisis? Why did you suddenly enter another world? What about infighting crisis? What about siege and suppression? Unity is strength? Why did all the reporters seem to have drunk ecstasy soup? One or two keep laughing like drunk?

what happened?

Fox's head was full of question marks, and he stared at the reporters who were laughing in the audience, his jaw dislocated and he couldn't close it at all.

Even though he personally participated in the whole process, Fox still did not understand. How did Ronan resolve the crisis? Obviously Ronan didn't say anything!

Or, he just lost power to his head and missed some important plot, and then the story couldn't be connected?

No...this, this is wrong, right?

Fox felt that he was about to explode, but the atmosphere in the interview area had returned to the right track, and Fox didn't know how to intervene.

"The band won two more nominations this year. What are your expectations for tonight?"

"The album'Seven' has achieved incredible results, so does the band's new album want to change its style, or is it going to continue its usual style?"

"If the band wins tonight... Honestly, the band should have thought about the possibility of winning tonight?"

Asked questions and continued.

But the difference is that the problem has returned to the normal track, as if the "crisis of internal strife" has never appeared before, and the atmosphere is very harmonious.

At the same time, the baton to answer the question returned to Cliff and Maxim, and the tacit cooperation between the two was also very smooth.

Occasionally, there are still one or two questions thrown to Ronan, such as "'Classic' has also won two nominations, what do you think", "now more and more people express their hope to cooperate with you, how do you feel", "Who is the singer you most want to work with"...and so on, Ronan's answer is still full of wisdom.

"Kathy, the singer I most want to work with is Kathy. I mean stage cooperation. I know that she used to be my rumored girlfriend, but it does not affect my love for her talent. I hope we can break the gossip. Embarrassed, cooperate sincerely once to see if it can collide with sparks."

Generous and calm, the most important thing is that the circumscribed words are full of jokes, and the laughter in the interview area has never stopped.

It is precisely because of this that the King’s stay in the interview area for one day was slightly longer, about ten minutes, and three groups of guests failed to enter the interview area and went straight into the Staples Center, and then saw Bruno Mars have already After boarding the red carpet, the reporters reluctantly let the king go.

I have to say that King One Day is not only a "Grammy darling", but also a "journalist darling"—

Regardless of personal relationships, reporters always like focus and gimmicks, but outside of these concerns, who would not like interviewees who talk and laugh in a relaxed way?

Just when everyone thought that the king would leave the interview area like this one day, Ronan stopped a bit, "Hey, Big Ben, we will drink together another day."


what? Fox and Ronan actually have a personal relationship?

and many more! What does it mean to have a personal relationship?

The revelation of the "crisis of internal strife" was due to personal contacts who obtained first-hand information, and then Fox betrayed Ronan and broke the news to TMZ; or because of the close relationship and cooperation, the two sides planned this good show to take advantage of the so-called crisis. To create a hot spot—

At this time, the reporters slowly came back to their senses, and things seemed a bit wrong.

Obviously, I was fighting against the crisis of internal strife to encircle King One Day, but in the end the crisis of internal conflict turned into a publicity stunt for King One Day's new album. It is conceivable that after the awards ceremony tonight, the discussion about the band's new album should be lively and become the focus of social networks.

Even without Ronan's instructions, after the awards ceremony, the reporters slowly recovered and were able to detect the anomaly. After all, they were all foxes, and no one was a fool, but Ronan had detonated the bomb ahead of time.

More importantly, Ronan took the initiative to "expose" Fox, which seems to imply that Ronan and Fox are unlikely to conspire, and the possibility of encountering betrayal is relatively high.

So, what exactly is Fox planning? What kind of evidence does Fox have? The reporters in the audience have become his stepping stones? In addition, is the crisis of internal strife fake news? Something that didn't exist at all from beginning to end? Everything is just a strategy to promote the new album?


The reporters' eyes all swarmed toward Fox once again. If the eyes can turn into arrows, Fox is now a porcupine.

Fox stood in place dumbfounded: What...what's going on? Why did he become a target again? help!

In this compartment, the reporters' eyes all gathered towards Fox; in that compartment, Ronan, who had just left the interview area, could see a figure waving vigorously from a distance.

Not who Bruno Mars is.

You can feel the joy and joy that Bruno exudes from all over his face from the dazzling expression. Although his height is limited and his vision is limited, he still jumps on the spot, just like "Super Mario", constantly hitting the mushrooms. Trying to attract Ronan's attention.

With a smile, he couldn't help but climbed up to the corner of his mouth. Ronan was already ready to leave and stayed in place, and then Bruno could be seen trotting happily all the way, giving Ronan a big hug, jumping on the spot with excitement. , Twittering expresses his excitement.

In fact, Bruno was talking to Ronan about what he had just seen, what traffic jams, what cheers, what shook the sky... It was completely eye-opening, even if he has participated in the Grammys for the third time, UU Reading I have never seen any superstar able to win such treatment.

When he learned that the host of this uproar was the King of One Day, Bruno was really happy for his friends and came to celebrate as soon as possible.

This sincere enthusiasm was passed on to Ronan and also to the audience. They all felt that this friendship was definitely not a special offer for public relations occasions. It is precisely because of this that the "classic" song is behind the song. The chemical reaction became more and more real.

Ronan was also faintly excited by Bruno's excitement, but he still kept a little calm, let Bruno return to the red carpet, thank the fans who came to the Staples Center specially for him, and the enjoyment that should have been. The light belonging to Bruno—

Compared to King of the Day, Bruno and Justin should be the protagonists tonight. After all, they released their new album last year and got the Grammy's affirmation. Tonight should be a harvest time.

After waiting for Bruno to return to the red carpet, Ronan turned to join the ranks of his teammates. The four of them continued to move forward talking and laughing. In a blink of an eye, they disappeared at the entrance to the Staples Center, leaving behind a blazing red carpet. Still burning.

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