King of Stage

Chapter 805: Good show

Beyoncé and Jay-Z’s hot and **** opening performance has sparked a series of discussions because of the off-site situation of "love as drunk". This seems to be a commonplace for the awards ceremony. After all, things big and small in Vanity Fair They all affect the whole body, and the breadth of the radiation surface is often unpredictable.

However, it is a rare accident that the classic rock concert led by David Grew was directly interrupted by the producer because of the timeout of the show, and it is even called a "live broadcast accident".

Not only the majority of netizens are arguing, but singers have also expressed their opinions to join this big debate. There are also both supporters and opponents. It is chaotic. Almost all the guests attending the Grammy Awards ceremony were asked about relevant questions. People can make exceptions.

One day the king naturally does the same.

In this regard, Ronan said that he can understand the purpose of the award ceremony trying to control the duration, but the serious overtime of the award ceremony is not the reason for David Grew and others——

All performances go through layers of rehearsals, and the time is controlled accurately. In the end, the program is still overtime, either because of the timeout and the award-winning testimonial, or the program group has problems.

But no matter what the reason is, the program team should self-review, rather than simply and rudely cutting off the ongoing performance. "This is definitely not the consequence that David Grew should bear. It is unfair to the performers. "

Some people were worried about offending Grammys and said that “controlling the length of the show is everyone’s responsibility, and no snowflake is innocent during an avalanche.” Obviously, Ronan is not one of them, completely disregarding Cliff’s constant wink expression. , Bluntly gave his own opinions.

Moreover, the differences of opinion within the Kings team are just a small epitome. The whole music industry is like this. Everyone has their own opinions.

The bustling scene, which lasted for a long time after the award ceremony, is also a spectacle.


This is still not all!

The fifty-sixth Grammys were really accidental again and again. It would be too exaggerated to describe it as "disaster", but it was true that there were too many things going off track at the scene.

"Give me a reason" is undoubtedly one of the most popular singles last year. Not only did it top the Billboard Singles Chart, and won three consecutive weeks, but also won the Grammy Song of the Year and the most Two nominations for the best popular combination.

This song by the Pink Lady and the lead singer of the Huan Entertainment team, Knight Royce, also appeared on the performance stage tonight.

The pink lady who first appeared on the stage is worthy of last year's "Gymnastics Queen". At the beginning, she grabbed the suspended sling to perform difficult gymnastics performances, and opened the wheat throughout the whole process, while flipping juggling while singing on the spot, she could also keep her breath stable and solid—— What's more frightening is that she didn't wear any safety measures!

The performance of the whole volley singing won the cheers and applause of the guests on the spot.

Then, Knight Royce came on the stage—

Later, I learned the news at the backstage of the awards ceremony. Because he was too nervous, Knight poured a lot of whiskey before going on stage and stepped onto the stage in a slightly drunk state.

As a result, Knight became excited, and just as he spoke, he realized that the tune was raised!

However, there was no turning back when he opened the bow. Knight could not temporarily overthrow it and start again, nor could he lower the key to sing.

Entering the chorus part, Knight, who was unable to retreat, turned his head on alcohol, and continued to soar the high pitch. At this time, the pink lady who had just finished the high-altitude acrobatics performance joined the performance and started a chorus with Knight, but her breathing had not been fully adjusted , Facing the treble Knight.

Faced with such a scene, Pink Lady did not flinch at all, so she and Knight soared each other on the spot.

Both of them are challenging their limits. They have tried frantically on the edge of the sound breaking and wandering several times. The violent blue veins seem to burst at any time, but both of them turned the tide and tightened the reins on the edge of the cliff. , Completed all the performances abruptly.

In fact, Knight still appeared out of tune-not the kind that was completely out of tune, but a small flaw with a deviation in pitch. He faced the crisis in a precarious manner several times, but Knight still cleverly used the skills of the scene to sing to cover up, if not Professionals, I am afraid it is difficult to hear it.

In the end, Knight and Pink Lady ended up perfectly, and all the guests were excited, as if they were slightly drunk, standing and applauding.

All the people present are professionals, and they naturally know the crisis and the difficulty.

Because of this, the whole performance was ups and downs like a roller coaster, but there was still no car accident, and it ended smoothly. The difficulty and thrills of the show were really clear. The guests at the scene could not help but relax and expressed their admiration. So the performance ended. At that time, this won the grand treatment of standing up.

The audience in front of the TV couldn't feel it at all, just marveling at the wonderful live performance of the two singers, but the on-site staff and guests couldn't help sweating their palms——

Firstly because of the difficult gymnastics of Pink Lady, and secondly because Knight started to sing away from the original tune from the first sentence.

Ronan is no exception.

After standing and applauding, he couldn't help turning his head and sighing with Ollie, "Great, still great!"

I faltered in the crisis of falling off the edge of the cliff several times, but in the end they were successfully pulled back, and in the collision between one and the other bursts of incredible sparks, raising the charm of the scene to a whole new level-without a doubt, This is the most fascinating and magical part of live performances.

Ollie also laughed, because he was completely absorbed in the live performance, and his anxiety was calmed a little bit, and he slammed Ronan lightly with his shoulder, "Trust me, so can you."

Ronan tilted his head slightly, "If I can, I don't want to face such a problem." Everyone hopes that the performance can proceed smoothly.

"Haha." Ollie was amused by Ronan's grumpy expression, and laughed happily.

Pink Lady and Knight retired hand in hand amidst thunderous applause from the audience, Ariana-Grande and Miguel have already appeared as award-giving guests.

The Staples Center is still raging with a raging heat The rustling trivial sound is still tumbling in the air without time to settle quickly, so that the two guests are left out in the cold.

However, both Ariana and Miguel know that the award-presenting guests are only supporting roles tonight. Their main task is to introduce the protagonist to the stage through needles. Therefore, after a simple cross-talk, no more nonsense, they started to introduce the nominations. Alternate.

"Hey! Hush!"

Cliff was a little nervous, leaning his head sideways, winking at Ronan and Ollie, who were still excited, so that they could focus on the stage, at least showing some respect.

Ronan and Ollie exchanged their sights again. Although there were smiles in their eyes, they did not speak any more, and both looked towards the stage.

At this time, Miguel had torn open the envelope and handed the card inside to Ariana, who announced the answer directly.

"...'Fall to pieces', one day king."


what? What awards did the king win in one day?

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