King of Stage

Chapter 806: Tianjiang surprise

"...'Fall to pieces,' King for a day."



Ollie's first reaction was to look at Ronan, questioning his ears, and then seeing Ronan's eyes full of surprises; both of them laughed.

In addition to accidents, it is more joy and happiness, but it is not so busy as last year, not sitting in the same place with dumbfoundedness, but standing up one after another, hugging each other's teammates, exchanging eyes, it is accident and happiness, smiles It blooms brilliantly like fireworks.

Definitely a surprise!

Maxim excitedly hugged Ronan, slapped Ronan's back, cheerful laughter surging in his chest, then turned around and strode towards the stage and sprinted to catch up with Cliff’s. In the footsteps, Ronan also patted Ollie on the shoulder, and the two followed one another.

Boom boom boom!

Boom boom boom!

There was thunderous applause from the audience, and the footsteps stepped on the thick red carpet, and there was a solid feeling, as if the gorgeous and dazzling red was in full bloom.

Then Ronan had time to look at the big screen and saw the subtitles at a glance:

"Best Rock Song,'Falling Down', King for a Day."

That's it!

Because of the turmoil, unexpectedness, and suddenness, Ronan knew the true identity of their sixth gramophone trophy.

Regarding this year’s Grammys, the members of King One Day did not have any hope. Even though Cliff still had a faint expectation in his heart, he knew that this year was not about King One Day. The protagonist who shining brightly had another Others, so he didn't keep talking about it.

Looking back on last year, even if I knew that the hope was slim, I was still uncontrollably nervous when the results of each nomination were announced. In the final analysis, it was because I still had longing, expectation and dreams deep in my heart. That little hope is enough. It's crazy.

But just now, including Cliff, everyone calmly and relaxedly immersed in the atmosphere of the live performance. They did not notice that King One Day was also on the nomination candidate. This essential difference also made the final stand out. Bring more pure and simple happiness.

After the Grammys started tonight, the King took the lead as the guest of honor and announced the newcomer of the year, one of the four major comprehensive awards.

The awards broke out a small accident that is not unpopular.

Ed Sheeran, Kendrick Lamar, McMur & Ryan Lewis, James Blake (James-), Cathy Musgraves.

The five nominees, all of them are not small, and even squeezed out the 17-year-old New Zealand singer-songwriter Lord Lord, who was the most hotly discussed this year. However, after the Grammy nominations came out, no one expressed surprise or surprise, because The five finalists are all well-deserved.

In terms of commercial achievements, Ed Sheeran has a great success, since he appeared on the stage of the closing ceremony of the 2012 London Olympics, he has become the most popular singer-songwriter of the new generation; and McMur & Lane-Lewis last year There are two championship singles on one album, and they have been popular from the beginning of the year to the end of the year.

In terms of professional criticism, Kendrick Lamar has been praised by countless music critics as a genius rapper, and his posture turned out to be the attention of the entire East and West rap circles; and Cathy Musgraves can even be in the rural area. Here, it's on a par with the accomplished Taylor Swift.

So, who is James Blake?

It can be understood that James Blake is equivalent to this year's Frank Ocean. As early as 2009, he has won numerous excellent reputations among British professional music critics. Subsequently, his recorded cover singles can also be ranked on the British pop charts. , Has long been recognized by the professional and market.

It was not until 2011 that he released his first album of the same name. This album not only deconstructed the form of music from the instrument, but also the emotion that penetrates into the notes is light and deep, from simple dance music to experimentation. The challenge of electronic music has surprised countless professional music critics.

At the professional level, James even surpassed Kendrick.

So, who will be the newcomer of the year?

Because the competition is too fierce, it can be said that the bayonet has become popular. The predictions before the award ceremony are also varied and opinions. After the comprehensive opinions, the one that has received the most support-

First, Ed Sheeran, followed by Kendrick Lamar, then McMur & Ryan Lewis, and finally Cathy Musgraves and James Blake received a lot of support. .

The main reason is that the King had counterattacked from independent rock all the way to the top one day last year. Ed Sheeran had the temperament of independent folk songs when he first fledgling, and then launched the open-hook mode and achieved a lot of brilliance at the commercial level, even though he It has been criticized for being too popular in terms of arrangement, but it is generally considered to have the potential of a master in terms of lyrics creation.

In all respects, Ed Sheeran and King One Day are singers of similar numbers, and the newcomer of the year should also be in line with Grammy's orientation.


In the end, it was McMoore & Ryan Lewis.

Simply put, from an artistic perspective, McMur & Lane-Lewis is definitely unable to compete with the other four alternate competitors. The only advantage is the absolute advantage of commercial performance. Does it mean that Grammys Has the balance between business tilted again?

Accidents are indeed small accidents, but they are not unpopular.

Grammys have never been a genre of high and low music. Commercial performance has always occupied an important proportion. With the strong rise of digital audio sources in recent years, it has changed the music market and played an increasingly important role.

The announcement of the newcomer of the year also makes people wonder, is it possible that the tone of the Grammy tonight has been set? Will business performance be the biggest key to award trends?

After the newcomer of the year, UU reading www. uukanshu. com took the lead in awarding the best popular combination award. The dumb punk's "lucky" successfully won and defeated a group of powerful competitors:

"Give me a reason", Pink Lady and Knight Royce; "Blur the Boundaries", Robin Seak and Pharrell Williams; "Suit and Leather Shoes", Justin Timberlake and Jay-Z; "Classic", Ronan Cooper, Justin Timberlake and Bruno Mars.

Every single is a masterpiece; more importantly, every single has achieved excellent results on the bulletin board. In addition to the "classic", it has once reached the top of the championship, and even the "classic" is the end of the year. The hit work at number four on the singles chart.

However, the Best Pop Combo Award was not awarded to the annual single champion "Blur the Boundaries", but to "Lucky".

To some extent, it proves that commercial performance is not the only indicator. At least the Grammy is not a bulletin board award or a youth choice award, but the "lucky" excellent commercial performance still prevents people from making accurate judgments. Then, it is the best rock song. Award, does it mean anything to win "falling apart"?

Amidst the applause of the audience, the king stepped onto the stage one day.

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