King of Stage

Chapter 816: Debut

, The fastest update of the latest chapter of the king of stage!

In the fifth week of 2014, in the fifth week of the beginning of the year, on the Billboard Singles Chart, Pip Paul and Keisha's dance music "Chalet Carnival" won the championship again, and the popularity remains the same.

The second place, Katy Perry's "Dark-Horse"; the third place, the Republican era "Counting Stars", the two singles changed their positions compared to last week's ranking.

Fourth place, "Say-Something" with A-Great-Big-World and Christina-Aguilera; fifth place, Eminem The position of the two singles of the "Monster" that collaborated with Rihanna was also changed from last week.

On the whole, it was relatively stable. After the Grammy Awards ceremony ended, there were no soaring singles. The side also proved that the results of this year’s award ceremony evenly split the cake lacked some hot spots. The winning works were basically last year. For a single that has achieved great results on the bulletin board, even if it gets the Grammy effect again, it is difficult to break out of the rocket's stamina.

The most direct beneficiaries?


The "Royal Nobles", who had won the championship for nine consecutive weeks, remained flat at seventh place, showing excellent stamina, and still ranked among the top ten in the 29th week of the release.

The second single "You and Me (Team, which has been released for 17 weeks, is continuing to climb the charts. With the help of Grammys, it has risen three places and reached eighth place this week, refreshing itself. Peak.

However, just like the results of the awards ceremony, Lord is indeed attracting attention, but still has not been able to fully release. It seems that he is short of breath, and the singles' results are also reflected on the list—

The final highest ranking of "You and I" only reached the sixth, and it lasted only three weeks. From explosive power to endurance, etc., it was inferior to "Royal Nobles."

The "Grammy Effect" obviously did not have the energy to make Stupid Punk, McMur & Lane-Lewis, Lord and others explode again against the sky; naturally, the new faces that appeared in the list Attracted more attention, a little care and attention were divided among the Grammy halo.

What's more, among them there is the King of the Day, the focus of the Grammys.

Sure enough, one day King lived up to expectations and continued the popularity of the last two years. The first single "Young Blood" from the second album airborne the 20th place.

This is the fourth single released on the day since the King turned out, and it is also the single with the best airborne performance. It strongly refreshes his past performance-even better than the "classic" airborne performance. , Which also proved the appeal of the band's ever-changing.

At the same time, in the fierce competition that is coming in the summer, the king also made a high-profile appearance on the stage one day. From the propaganda strategy to the actual results, they showed their competitiveness, announcing that the band will join the battle with their heads high and have strong combat effectiveness , No opponent should underestimate them.

For the majority of music lovers, this is good news.

Just this week, I can smell a little gunpowder.

This week, many popular singers have sounded the clarion call to release new albums, but in the end, the airborne results of "Young Blood" were the best!

"Latin Queen" Shakira and Rihanna released the advance single of her latest album, "Can’t-Remember-To--You".

Since this legendary Latin goddess became the mentor of "Voice of America" ​​last year, she has opened a new career peak in the North American continent. She is confidently prepared to have something to do in the new album. The first single has been invited to the past year. Rihanna, who has released a new album but is everywhere, joins forces.

Obviously, when the two queen-level characters met, the single broke out astonishingly topical. In the absence of the Grammy effect, it still airborne the 29th place on the billboard singles chart, attracting countless eyeballs. , Shakira’s new album expectations have also risen.

One day King and Shakira both made high-profile debuts and strong publicity. They kicked off the promotion of the new album early, and the first round of competition has already begun. The two sides can be said to be irrelevant. It is foreseeable that the next two singers The album is bound to start a battle.

Airborne twentieth and airborne 29th. Such an incredible result can be seen from a horizontal comparison:

Chris Brown, the former R&B genius for many years, finally won his first Grammy gramophone trophy with his fourth studio album "FAME" two years ago, and got back on track slightly. But because of the anger management problem, he fell into the mud again.

In February, Chris, who has just finished his three-month anger management course, has been preparing for his sixth studio album. He is looking forward to returning to the peak of his music career. In terms of orientation, none of them met expectations, which also made Chris have more high hopes for the new album.

The first wave of the first single "Loyal", collaborated with rapper Lil-Wayne (Lil-Wayne), and ambitiously produced two versions, one is the West Coast version recorded by rapper Too-Short One is the East Coast version with the participation of rapper French-Montana, which injects two styles into the song.

He even launched a heavy-duty music video.

But... "Loyalty" only dropped into the rankings in the first week of the 82nd place, hanging on the tail of the list on the bulletin board. The publicity and the actual results are seriously inconsistent with the profit ratio, which is slightly disappointing.

Calvin Harris is well known for his 2011 champion single "We-Found-Love" with Rihanna. UU Reading successfully reached the top of the world last year. The most profitable DJ ranking champion is undoubtedly the hottest top DJ in the world.

This time, Calvin is not planning to release a new album, but just a brand new single. He and the British independent female singer Ayah-Marar's "Thinking-About-You" made a low-key appearance. It seems that it should be ready to be hot again in the summer party season.

However, the airborne performance of "Miss You" was only the 93rd place. A large part of the reason was the lack of publicity. It was more dependent on the follow-up word-of-mouth communication to slowly climb the list. The ranking is not disappointing. , But compared to Calvin's influence, it is still slightly lower than expected.

Of course, entering the chart in the first week is just a manifestation of influence and attention. The endurance of subsequent climbs is more important. The airborne chart is only the first step in the battle. There is no need to assert the performance of a single early. A grand and magnificent fierce competition began slowly.

However, the excellent performance of "Young Blood" with the airborne 20th place confirms the effect of the topic frenzy after the Grammy Awards. One day, the king truly has his own solid audience, and the influence is rising. Power has changed from a popularity bubble to a substantial achievement.

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