King of Stage

Chapter 817: Climbing the list

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The airborne results of the billboard singles chart often represent topical interest and market attention. The explosive force creates a turbulent wave. Any single that can be in the top ten or top twenty of the airborne chart proves However, the overall characteristics of the bulletin board singles chart are also determined. It is difficult to get enough stamina for the singles just relying on the enthusiasm of crazy fans to brush the charts.

Just look at the one-way combination. The airborne top five on the Bulletin Board singles chart, but dropped out of the top 30 the next week, and even made the list.

Therefore, browsing the list also hides a lot of knowledge.

One day, the King and Shakira both airborne in the top 30, and the heat exploded, but what about the endurance?

In the second week of February, the top five on the Billboard Singles Chart did not change much. The only difference is that Katy Perry's "Dark Horse" finally surpassed the "Wooden House Carnival" to the top spot!

To some extent, this is also part of the Grammy effect. Although Katie still failed to win the gramophone trophy, the wonderful stage of her "dark horse" performance at the Grammy Awards was still a single bonus. After 19 weeks on the chart, she finally managed to reach the top.

In addition, the top five have not changed; at the same time, many changes in the top ten and top twenty are not too drastic. There are not many surprises in the rise and fall within a small range, and the overall start Showing the expected development momentum, the biggest bright spot is not the King of One Day, but the hidden winner of Grammys—

Pharrell Williams.

With the two hit singles "Blurred Boundaries" and "Lucky" successively, Farrell made a lot of money last year, and this year has continued such a hot trend. He contributed to the cartoon "Desperate Milk". The theme song "Happy" sung by "Dad 2" was officially released at the beginning of the year. The word-of-mouth and box office of the movie were slightly lower than expected, but I did not expect the theme song to become popular.


As a digression, by the way, "Happy" as the theme song of "Despicable Me 2" has a special background, because before "Despicable Me 2" ignited the market, "Frozen" was a horse The black and shiny dark horse subverted the entire market. This Disney animated film was incredibly successful in word-of-mouth and box office. It once copied the terrifying box office curve comparable to "Titanic 2" and became an annual hit.

Among them, the theme song of "Frozen" "Let-It-Go" has almost become a well-known hit single, and the soundtrack of the movie has set off a terrifying momentum in the global market. The crazy momentum is reminiscent of Ah Dayle's "21" dominance in the market has broken through countless spectacles.

The popularity of "Frozen" disrupted the entire album market, and the emergence of "Despicable Me 2" also borrowed some of the aura of the former, but the latter album did not sell well, it was the theme song." Happiness has broken the singles chart, once again achieving Pharrell Williams's crowning the top.

It was such a small accidental episode that "Happy" soared from the 25th place last week to the 11th place, becoming the single with the largest rise in the top 50 singles chart.

In addition, the "Frozen" version of "Let go" has also reached the 21st place. Although the single score is inferior to the explosive power of the album, it is still constantly refreshing its top ranking and continuously updating the peak data.

I have to say that Farrell is indeed red and purple.

In addition to Farrell, "Young Blood" also quietly climbed to the 14th place. If it weren't for "happy" to set off a monster wind, then the biggest highlight of the upper reaches of the singles chart should be "Young Blood". Although the soaring rate is not as obvious as "happiness", we can still see the popularity of the king in one day.

Early on, some people were already half joking, "One Day King VS Farrell-Williams" should become a landscape of the music market in the first half of the year.

At the beginning of February, the joke was just a joke, no one believed it, but did not expect it to come true later.

But this is all for the rest, and the sight is back on the bulletin board singles chart in the second week of February.

The rising trend of "young enthusiasm" also shows the positive and optimistic market reaction. Many senior music lovers are optimistic that this single will become the next top ten and even top five works of King One Day.

In direct contrast, naturally the other works released at the same time in the previous week—

Chris Brown’s "loyalty" did not rise but fell, with a small drop of two places; Calvin Harris’s "I miss you", rose slightly by five places, and climbed slowly; and Shakira’s "I can't remember to forget you"... plummeted 33 places, plummeted to 62 places, with no momentum.

As mentioned earlier, airborne is a kind of attention to heat, but it does not mean staying power. For singles, the duration of being high on the singles chart is far more important than a week in the airborne upper circle.

The collaboration between Shakira and Rihanna was indeed full of topics, but "I can’t remember to forget you" did not win the audience’s love, and the overwhelming publicity also suffered a positive blow, which was a positive blow to the publicity of Shakira’s new album. That is not good news.

Fortunately, before the official release of the album, Shakira and her team still have enough time to adjust their strategies and launch publicity. At this time, it is far too early to announce the outcome; however, in terms of the situation, the same week. One after another, the competitors did not explode in strength, and the king had already steadily seized the advantage in one day.

At the same time, a bunch of rappers and country singers have released new singles to join the battle this week, but the overall performance is mediocre. The best results are only Pip Paul and the new generation of tubing-born young idol singer Austin-Mahong. (Austin-Mahone) cooperating with "Well, UU Reading is (Mmm, Yeah, the 61st airborne —

Austin Mahone can be regarded as just another Justin Bieber, just so, his idol is also Justin Bieber.

Regrettably, compared to idols, Austin has missed the golden age of "Tubing Grassroots Singer's Popularity". Even with a top rapper like Pip Paul, it has not been able to make more waves.

Nevertheless, it must be admitted that more and more grassroots singers are using YouTube as a platform to win opportunities. Even if their performance cannot be compared to Justin Bieber, they can be seen in the top 100 on the Billboard Singles Chart. The figure of a grassroots singer is already very rare.

This also proves that the market structure is changing. Looking back at the results of the Grammy awards at this moment, it seems that it shouldn’t be too surprising. Behind the cake, more can see Grammy’s attempts to rejuvenate, market, and commercialize. I look forward to being able to Continue to hold the top spot in the most authoritative awards ceremony of the music circle in the new situation of the social network era.

Perhaps this year’s attempt is regrettable, but Grammys will certainly continue to try. The question is-is the direction of the attempt correct?

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