King of Stage

Chapter 829: Excited

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Dawn breaks, when the first ray of sunlight tears through the richness of the night, it penetrates into the thick ink color, and the sky is rendered into a fascinating and magnificent peacock blue, and the world wakes up bit by bit, the busy and noisy city It is also rare to see the birds flying over the sky.

Vigorous vitality was revealed in the silence, and then the heart regained consciousness.

Staying up all night did not make Kane Williams feel tired. His hopping footsteps were like a deer leaping forward and running all the way. There was no all-night tiredness on the face of the eyebrows, and people couldn’t help but sigh, “You’re really young. OK", then he accelerated as if a bomber dived, and rushed towards a group of friends.


"Ah! Kane!"

"God, are you crazy?"

"You guy!"

The chattering protests just blasted the pot, but Kane didn’t care at all. Instead, he laughed happily. The loud laughter reverberated in the streets in the morning, like a water bird falling on the lake, surfacing. The layers were like ripples, and then everyone laughed.

Kane was still very excited, and shook Josh Harms's shoulder vigorously, "The line is already two blocks away! Two blocks full! And when I just passed, there were people in succession. Come and line up! Ahhhh, the line looks like it's going to extend beyond the third street!"


All the friends looked at each other and couldn't believe their ears, but looking behind them, the mighty long queue stretched out densely, looking like the annual San Diego show-no, they are not dressed up. Becoming a variety of comic characters and superheroes is different or not the same.

So, Kane is serious?

Today is the day when King's second album "Nine" is officially on sale.

The album continues the style of the previous one, from "seven" to "nine", recording the numbers of the king's long journey in the next day, and expecting more and more people to follow them on the journey. The seemingly simple numbers have a special meaning because of the gathering of knights, just like a code between them.

Early on, the knights were surging and looking forward to it.

Although online ordering channels have been opened, fans in North America are still accustomed to going to physical record stores to touch the entity of the album for the first time. The feeling of getting started is special and wonderful-definitely not because of the mailing service of online shopping It's the sake of pulling the crotch.

As a result, the knights agreed to go to the record shops in their respective cities to wait. As soon as the record shops opened at nine o'clock in the morning, they flocked in, hoping to open the album as soon as possible.

Kane and the others are naturally no exception.

However, Kane thought that this was the agreement of a small group of enthusiastic fans, and the scale should be small. After all, the digital music website is so developed now, and albums will be released directly on the major digital music platforms at the same time. There is no need to buy physical albums You can already listen to it.


When they arrived at the record shop 24 hours in advance and lined up, they unexpectedly discovered that Washington had many like-minded friends. Fans and fans were naturally very happy to meet, just like arriving at a music festival in the Indio Desert. , The adrenaline burns.

Unexpectedly, this is just the beginning!

Over the next twenty hours, more and more knights came to the record store to line up. Some fans just came to the record store to buy records, but found that the mighty line at the door could not help but be curious. I asked about the situation before, and after learning that the second album of Kings was about to be released one day, I also stayed with excitement.

Twenty-four hours of waiting seems to be very long and suffering, but the fact is not the case.

Friends who have common hobbies gather together to share their stories and enthusiasm to the full. Those hot and hot public memories are all warm; they are discussing the king’s bits and pieces of the day, music, tour, and hearsay. Rumors of gossip, even a trivial matter can attract a lot of ears to eavesdrop, and heads of all sizes gather together.

Waiting becomes a kind of excitement and excitement of anticipation.

Just now, Kane was curious about how long the team was. He disappeared at the end and abducted. So he ran back along the team eagerly. As a result, it took nearly thirty minutes to return. Here is an unbelievable answer.

Everyone looked at each other and couldn't believe their ears.

But even if Kane saw it with his own eyes, it’s hard to believe, “It’s true! I really ran two streets. I don’t know. There should be at least 500 people at the scene. No, maybe 800 people. It's really spectacular."

At this moment, a blonde girl came over and said, "Sorry, excuse me, is this the line up to buy the One Day King album?"

"Yes, yes." Kane nodded repeatedly, "you just need to follow the team back. Now the team is on Wilson Street."

"Oh, God!" The girl obviously didn't expect it.

Kane nodded with a big smile, "Yes, we didn't expect it."

Although King One Day’s rise has been very strong throughout the past year, he is undoubtedly one of the most topical and hottest singers at the moment, but when it comes to physical albums, they are all bought by diehard fans. The king still lacks confidence—

The great success of "Seven", Grammy Aura occupies 80% of the credit, which triggered a fanatical pursuit. In fact, it has no direct relationship with the quality of the album itself, just like Nora Jones back then, naturally. The sales of "Nine" are full of variables, and the outlook should be slightly lower. The general view is that the King should be on the same level as Pharrell Williams for one day.

Until today.

Obviously, UU reading www. has built a reputation through one after another with wonderful performances and quietly laid a solid foundation for the King of One Day. Even professionals did not expect it, and it is only now shown in front of the world for the first time.

The girl's expression also flew up, "It seems that we can look forward to it this time." After speaking, the girl raised her right hand high, three-pointed salute!

Kane's eyes brightened immediately, and he also raised his three fingers in response.

What’s more amazing is that the girl walked all the way, and the friends who were queuing up all held up three gestures and responded like dominoes. The scene was magnificent, and the knights who were exhausted at the break of dawn were excited. Then the bustling shouts became noisy again.

Happy faces and excited figures are surging happily in the streets in the early morning at dawn, like a ray of sunlight tearing through the darkness.

"Become a king!"

The girl yelled, and then all the fans yelled in unison,

"Just for one day!"

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