King of Stage

Chapter 830: National grand occasion

, The fastest update to the latest chapter of the king of stage!

Oh oh oh!

Oh oh oh!

Cheering and shouting, jumping and swaying are intertwined, like a deep blue ocean wave hitting the cliffs, gently but persistently hitting.

The blue of dawn, swaying.

Shaky, a taxi slowed down and passed the vast line of people, slammed the horn to respond, and then all the knights cast their sights, one by one, cheering and shouting loudly, and the driver rolled down the window to explore Out of his head, he shouted with a smile on his face.

"What are you doing?"

The knights exchanged their sights, how should they explain?

"One day king!"

Kane’s voice exploded in shock, and then other people shouted, and the sound waves were vented on top of each other. In an instant, the tranquility of the morning was disturbed. The surrounding residential buildings could be seen to light up three times. Four, five or six lights are like waterbirds with flapping wings.

The driver was stunned, then laughed happily, reached out a hand and patted his door, and then pointed to the billboard on the roof of the taxi—

"Nine", the king for a day, looking for his own never island!

Obviously, this is the billboard that the driver has just put on. It is the sign of Atlantic Records' spread of publicity in the United States. It instantly reminds people of the feasting New York in "Sex and the City."

Ho Ho Ho!


Screams and applause rushed to the face, and then the taxis displayed their brand-new billboards around the street like a carnival float. The waves of cheers rolled out, and the street lights on the street corners slammed out. Then the golden sunlight penetrated the shackles of the horizon and poured down in the gaps between the tall buildings.

It's sunrise.


Boom boom boom.

The billowing sound is boiling, and the echoes hitting between the buildings are layered on top of each other. You can feel the turbulent crowd without seeing it with your own eyes. It seems to be confirming what Kane has seen and heard—

Everything is true.

Kane looked at his little friend with enthusiasm, with a smile blooming in his eyes, as if to say: How about it, now believe it again?

The first thought in Mark Rich's mind was, "Today's traffic jams should be very serious, right? Do traffic policemen need to pull up the isolation belt?"

"..." It's also strange to think so. The little friends are full of black lines and don't know how to respond.

But Mark’s concerns are not unreasonable. The situation in Washington is temporarily unknown, but the New York Transportation Department has already started to act early.

Unlike other cities, New York’s traffic is the most crowded, even without any special events, the daily commuting peak is a disaster.

Today is Friday, the last working day of the week, and of course it is no exception. The transportation department received the notice early-

The line at the door of the record shop has been lining up since Thursday morning.

At first, there were not many people, that is, five or eight, which is not surprising; but as time progressed slowly, the team began to lively, and there was more than one place, in front of the flagship stores of major record shops and downtown areas. One by one, the line extended to the door of the record shop.

The situation gradually became urgent.



The sound of the propeller of the helicopter is transmitted to the fish tank studio of the "Today Show" through the radio microphone—

As NBC's morning trump card news program, "Today Show" has firmly held the morning ratings champion for more than 30 years. Except for the ABC's competitor "Good Morning America" ​​in the mid-1990s, it was overtaken by ABC's competitor "Good Morning America" ​​for a period of time. They are always the most popular morning news program in North America.

The "Today Show" is a news program, a talk show, and a small concert. The overall performance also makes the program the best choice for people to open the day's agenda. The fish tank studio located in Rockefeller Plaza has become a symbol. Often passers-by can see the live broadcast scene, and may even enter the mirror to greet the audience in front of the TV.

Today is no exception.

"Today Show" once again accompanies the audience to open a day early in the morning.

The two host partners, Matt-Lauer and Ann-Curry, still guard the fish tank studio, waiting for the live report ahead.

"...We know this is a day worth looking forward to, but obviously we have all underestimated their influence." Matt has been on the "Today Show" for 20 years, handling such breaking news with ease.

Ann Curry has also been partnering with Matt for three years and said proficiently, "But we have all seen the grandeur of the Coachella Music Festival and the Grammy stage. Maybe we have already got a clue. It shouldn’t be too unexpected, so today we are also ready."

Matt lightly chins his head in agreement, "Then let us follow the front camera to see what happened this morning, Natalie! Natalie, can you hear me?"

Ahead, the frontline reporter Natalie-Morales (Natalie-Morales) in the helicopter is clearly ready.

"Matt, I can hear it!"

Natalie said loudly.

"Dear viewers, I’m now looking down over Manhattan, following the camera lens. We can see Central Park, we can see Times Square, and we can see the Hudson River. When our helicopter is lowered a bit, we can see. The typical rush hour to work on Friday."

"However, today is a little bit different, and some additional friends have been added on the way to work."



As if feeling the helicopter's overlooking view, the surging crowd on the ground that was lining up raised their heads and waved their hands to the helicopter and cheered loudly.

"Yes, what you are seeing is the fanatical fans who came here today to wait in line for the King's new album. They have a common name, UU Reading Knight, guarding the King for a day and guarding himself. Dreams, and then use practical actions to express your love for life."

"As we hovered over Manhattan, we could see that nearly two thousand people gathered in Times Square, and the entire mighty team was overflowing. Not only did the four nearby blocks be completely blocked, but the nearby Rockefeller Plaza was already Facing the crisis of congestion."

"Our transportation department has reacted as soon as possible, in order to ensure the normal operation of the road to work and maintain order, but obviously this is not an easy task. In addition to Times Square, other large record chain stores are also gathered at the entrance. With the queue, the vast crowd has become the most beautiful scenery this morning."

"Here, I can spoil it a little bit in advance. The reason for the crowds gathering in Times Square is directly related to our show, but I will keep it secret for the time being and leave it to our two hosts to announce."


Without waiting for the helicopter to leave, the camera can feel the turbulent air waves coming again, the dense and mighty crowds hitting their teeth and claws, as if they can directly feel a heavy fist hitting the bridge of the nose, and the vision is blurred. One piece, only a sea of ​​people can be seen.

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