King of Stage

Chapter 840: Finally debut

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After all, the media review is just a reference number. There are countless high and low art works, and vice versa. Works that have low artistic evaluations but have won the market are also everywhere. It is true that works that find a perfect balance between business and art are really not. many.

"Nine" won 84 points of evaluation among professional media. For Atlantic Records, it has taken a solid step; and the public evaluation has also brought good news.

It's eight and five!

On the professional review website, the majority of senior music lovers scored 8.5 points for this album!

As a horizontal comparison, the score of "seven" is 8.8. What does this mean?

"Seven" has a higher score in the minds of professional media, reaching the level of ninety points, but it is slightly inferior in the hearts of the public, the level in the second half of eighty points; "Nine" is inverted, and professional media hate it. Iron is not steel, but the public has given a higher evaluation, even if the high expectations affect the score to some extent, it still wins the hearts of more people in the end.

The slight difference can feel the difference in the treatment of the two albums.

But what exactly does this mean?

To say a thousand words and ten thousand, in the commodity society, after all, sales are the link that cannot be bypassed. Perhaps the sales number is not the most important criterion for success or failure, but it is definitely one of the criteria that cannot be ignored.

After the 1 million-level sales broke out in the first week, the entire music market blew up, a little surprise, a little excitement and a little anticipation, and then all the attention was focused on the music market in the next week. Because-

Pharrell Williams is here.

It is true that Farrell is not Justin Timberlake. From the previous predictions, it can be seen that the sales of Farrell’s albums are also predicted by professionals at the level of 250,000 to 300,000. No one is looking forward to Farrell. Like a giant crocodile, Er also showed the domineering aura of swallowing mountains and rivers.


One day the king took the lead to explode and broke the balance. Is it possible that Farrell also exploded?

After all...Farrell has exploded three times in a row in the past year.

Objectively speaking, the cooperation between Farrell and Stupid Punk is what everyone expects, but the ultimate popularity of "Lucky" is still breaking everyone's expectations; and the two songs "Blurred Boundaries" and "Happy" are popular. The degree was a shocking accident, and everyone was stunned by the accident in the accident.

So, by analogy, does Farrell's album also have upset potential? Think about it seriously. Farrell has already hit three legendary classic singles in a row, and the album sales have exploded. It's not impossible, right?

As a result, people began to eagerly look forward to—

Waiting and waiting, curious and curious, "One Day King vs Farrell-Williams 3.0" is finally here!

Friday, March 21st.

Farrell’s second solo studio album "Girl" is officially released!

From the producer list and the song list, you can feel that Farrell is ambitious and confident. The album only includes the first line of "Happy", and does not lazily include the two songs "Lucky" and "Blurred Boundary". Songs create topics, and the other songs are all new creations by Farrell.

At the same time, Farrell invited a series of heavyweight singers to join in to help out, Justin Timberlake, Stupid Punk, Alicia Keys and Miley Cyrus, all of which are the hottest at the moment. Singers, the stars are overflowing!

Moreover, Farrell is responsible for all the songwriting and post-production of the entire album, taking care of all the work. As the world's hottest producer in the past year, Farrell's effort into the album is undoubtedly a highlight.

On the first day of the album’s release, it attracted comments from 36 media outlets for the first time, and the discussion even surpassed "Nine." Then, on the next day, it attracted comments from 16 media outlets that followed closely, and a total of five were gathered. The sight of twelve professional media has become the most watched album in the past two years without any suspense—

Even Beyoncé and Justin Timberlake are slightly inferior.


The album "Girls" did not get a higher evaluation. It is generally believed that Pharrell was a little tricky, repeatedly using the retro rhythm and blues elements of the 70s, injecting simple and crude, catchy rhythms, repeatedly. Repeatedly repeating myself, even without any breakthrough in the arrangement, after experiencing the great success of "lucky" and "blurring the boundaries", "Happy" can already feel Farrell's composure in creating the cover—

Undoubtedly, "Girl" is a fast-moving album, superficial, nympho, vulgar taste, catchy melody, and straightforward lyrics. From the beginning of creation, I look forward to the response of the public who likes to quickly abandon quickly. There is nothing profound and does not need to be deepened. Digging, although the production lineup is luxurious, but the works are all sweet songs.

The most regrettable thing is that after the retro sparks of working with stupid punk gradually extinguished, Farrell still did not want to break his comfort zone.

The above is a professional music review from "Rolling Stone". They gave a score of 75, which is not high, but not low.

The point of view of "Rolling Stone" can represent the mainstream view. FMCG is the positioning of the album "Girl". There is nothing wrong with it, but when you turn around, you will be forgotten. From the standpoint of "commodity", this album is still above the average line, but that's all that is expected.

In the end... Sixty-seven points, the results of the media review surprised everyone!

At this time, people remembered that Farrell, like King One Day, was under tremendous pressure of expectation. The explosive success of three consecutive singles is definitely not something anyone can do, "character." The magazine even hailed Farrell as a new generation of male gods, comparable to the status of Justin Timberlake, and triggered countless discussions on social networking platforms.

In addition, Farrell only released an album after a lapse of eight years. The expected value of com is even worse.

To be precise, professional media have higher expectations for the King of One Day, and the general public have higher expectations for Farrell. This is why people look forward to the duel between the two singers.

It is precisely because of this that the media review gave a harsh evaluation of 67 points, and compared to professional media, the general public is even more "disappointed."

Six thirty.

Although the media review was far below expectations, the media sighed at the 6.3 points of the public's evaluation as to the extent of the deviation in the expected value.

According to common sense, the album "Girl" pays more attention to popularity. While being "slobbered" by professional media, it should be more affirmed by the audience, just like "happy"; but the public will not buy it this time. Accounts, one after another said that the "girls" did not meet expectations and couldn't like them.

"Forget it after hearing it", "No memory point", "Lifeless" and other related feedback information was overwhelming on social networks, and the listeners directly expressed their dissatisfaction and regret.

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