King of Stage

Chapter 839: Fist fist

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From the "Guardian" 40 points to the "Rolling Stone" 100 points, despite the two ratings, but they are all sincere, with a heart to comment on King One Day's new album, from this point of view In fact, Ronan’s pure emotions that Ronan tried to convey through the album "Nine" have already achieved the goal—

Life is not easy, it is really not easy, but believe in the power of music, believe in the temperature of dreams, believe that never island is deep in your heart, believe that life still has more possibilities, believe in the energy flowing in the melody It is the most important thing to be able to light up the world.

"Los Angeles Times", 100 points.

"'Nine' is an album that is completely comparable to the previous work. Those works show the roughness of reality and the brilliance of dreams. They don't need to beautify our lives, but only need to believe in the power of music. One day the king has been walking on the road, they It took enough time to settle and cool down to prepare this album, and in the end we all heard it."

"New Yorker", one hundred points.

"Their music is like poetry. As a listener, you are willing to believe that those melodies are about love, pain, fear, loss and hope. The emotions released from the heart are real and private. In this album, They once again conveyed a message that belonged to the band, Ronan’s singing was so firm and so fragile, as if he could hear the sound of his soul blooming."

"Entertainment Weekly", 95 points.

"An album that feels fresh and familiar at the same time, the songs contained in the album can feel the message delivered by the band, but more importantly, Ronan’s voice is called the ninth miracle, and it is like Mount Everest, no matter what he sings. , Can give the note a light and moving."

Praise! Praise! Still praise!

After the “seven” foreshadowing, the hot and hot One Day King is obviously already a well-known band, and music critics are not stingy with their praises.

If there is a bad review, there will be a good review.

However, compared with "seven", not only the increase in negative reviews and mid-level reviews, but also the decline in praise scores can also see that the "super high expectations" are difficult to meet. The most direct thing is that the scores are more than 90 points. The score has been significantly reduced, and more concentrated in the eighty-minute area.

Of course, eighty points are already very rare.

"Q Music", eighty-eight points.

"Ronan Cooper, as a producer, One Day King’s music is obviously consistent. From the previous album, through the transition of the tour, and then continue to this album, they have always persevered in their daily lives. Looking for hope, just like the name of the band:

When the melody sounds, we become our own kings.

Because of this, some flaws and regrets in the album can be forgiven, because overall, this is still a complete and outstanding work. "

"New York Times", eighty-five points.

"It is difficult to find a word to describe the music of King One Day. If I have to, then I will choose temperature. From the previous album to this time, I can feel a different temperature behind each piece of music. , It’s hot and cool, but the temperature of these music is so appropriate and so sincere, that people can truly blend into it, and no one can say no."

"Daily Telegraph", 83 points.

"Is Ronan Cooper a genius? Yes. Is'Nine' an excellent work? Yes. Can'Nine' surpass'Seven'? Of course not. But this still does not hinder the excellent work of'Nine', if I don’t like those dazzling choices, so the two songs "Embrace the Newborn" and "Stranger" will bring healing—

The biggest surprise of the album is this kind of songs, including ‘trembling’, pure and simple, sincere and beautiful, and the hidden power is moving. "

Praise, Praise, Praise, and the 80-minute interval are also highly praised!

In fact, the most talked about in the album "Seven" is Ronan's attempts to arrange the structure of the composition, through the cooperation of different instruments to create a three-dimensional effect similar to architecture, and through different elements such as notes, lyrics, singing, etc. It is indeed a rare attempt to convey emotions.

By the "Nine" album, although Ronan continued a similar arrangement structure, there were still fewer innovations and breakthroughs, and more attempts were based on the different uses of drums-in the final analysis, it was the rhythm, which was created by the level of rhythm. The same is true for the fresh auditory experience, including the advance song "Young Blood".

But such an attempt has already been tried a lot in electronic dance music. Therefore, Ronan did not make drastic attempts, and it was easy for the audience to be considered a compromise closer to popular.

Such details have also become the cause of subtle changes in media comments.

Bad reviews have appeared; medium reviews have increased; good reviews have decreased. On the whole, the comprehensive evaluation of "Nine" is indeed inferior to the predecessor, which is predictable.

In the end, the "Nine" media rating was 84 points!

In fact, 84 points can still be ranked high in the overall evaluation, and it is even better than Nora’s "Like Home" and Adele’s "25" in the future, and it is still a lot better. But compared to the 93 points of "seven", it also lowered the level of a whole level.

So, how does the market respond?

From the standpoint of the media, they generally expressed disappointment; but with Atlantic Records, it was... a jubilation!

Eighty-four points!

That's eighty-four points! That's a full eighty-four points! The five albums nominated for Grammy's Album of the Year last year had an average score of less than 84 points!

Why should I be disappointed? Why do you want to squeeze your wrist? Why should I regret it?

Indeed, everyone hopes that the King can go further in one day. But, please be realistic. It is not possible to create albums with more than ninety points. Eighty-point albums are already the top percent of the entire industry. Ten, okay? This also means Ronan has succeeded again!

Under tremendous pressure, the second album of King One Day still received 84 points of media reviews! This performance is already very, very good. What bikes do UU reading need?

Later, at the end of 2014, in the year-end statistics, there were only three albums with a score of more than ninety points; and the eighty-four point "nine" ranked 28th, with more than 900 albums released this year. Among the records, it ranks among the top 30, and such excellent performance has been satisfactory.

Thus, a magical scene appeared:

When the media review came out, the major media expressed their disappointment, "The king can do better in one day."

However, the official announcement of Atlantic Records was full of joyous celebrations, "One day, the king once again handed in the perfect answer sheet!"

In fact, both parties are sincere. The media sincerely hope that King One Day can continue to make progress. Atlantic Records also sincerely applaud King One Day. However, such an obvious temperature difference has also created a dislocation, which has become a favorite of many people in the industry. Talk about capital.

The media review is just a reference. What really directly affects sales should be the evaluation of the mass media and the evaluation of senior fans. After all, they are the main force to buy the album at their own pockets, and whether the fans like it is the key!

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