King of Stage

Chapter 838: Word of mouth is out

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The previous album, Grammys turned out, sales peaked.

The next album is highly anticipated. Although the album is still above the standard, it is difficult to achieve the expected height. Even if the quality is similar, it still triggers grief and sorrow, and even constant swearing.

Adele, this is the case. The global sales volume of "21" is 30 million, and the global sales of "25" has dropped to 22 million.

Nora Jones is no exception.

The explosive power of "Flying Away" was insufficient but powerful. In the end, the global sales exceeded 20 million, and it is still the top ten works in the highest-selling album list since the millennium, which established Nora's position in the industry in one fell swoop.

"Like Home" is explosive but lacks stamina. The global sales figures are finally fixed at 12 million. Although the performance is still good, it is no longer a tonnage compared to the previous album.

"Fly away" until five years later, can still be Changhong on the sales list; "Like a home" has disappeared from sight in less than two years.

One day the king almost perfectly copied the career curve of Nora Jones, and now he has also come to a similar situation, so does the dilemma of "like home" also continue to "Nine"? Will the pressure brought by the expected value break affect the reputation of "Nine" and thus the album sales?

Don't forget, the album "Seven" won a high score of 93 in the media review. This is the album tied for the second highest score in 2012.

In other words, one day the king is burdened by Binola and Adele with heavier pressure and more ardent expectations, and the score of "Nine" will face a more severe test.

With the sales volume of 1.17 million in the first week, the media reviews have appeared one after another.

At the beginning, the "Seven" appeared quietly, and the scores of professional music critics gathered scattered. By the time the Grammy was nominated, it had 42 comments.

Now that the "Nine" is on the stage, the ratings of professional music critics are naturally bursting out, and forty-nine comments have erupted in less than five days.

Treatment is not the same.

However, looking around, the number of medium and negative reviews has increased significantly. The year before last, "Seven" was a work with zero negative reviews, but this time, "Nine" had one negative review and twelve middle reviews. Great changes can be seen from the quantity to the ratio, which makes people think of "like It’s like home.

"Guardian", forty points, this is also the only negative comment among the 49 comments.

"The overall style of'Nine' is a little messy, and you can clearly feel Ronan Cooper's struggles and difficulties as a producer. Although he tried to break through, he still did not get out of his comfort zone. It is more popular and more mediocre and boring."

with full force!

I can deeply feel the "Guardian"'s hatred of iron and steel, and it calmly and objectively gave severe criticism. However, the evaluation of 40 points still has not fallen further below the bottom-after all, 20 points and 10 points It is still a bottom line that can be explored, and the Guardian still has no further criticism.

However, the "Guardian" is not alone. At least, they have twelve critics to accompany them, and the overall disappointment and frustration of the professional media can be seen.

"Now" magazine, forty points, although it is also forty points, but they give the middle evaluation affirmation-middle-lower, but not to the level of bad.

"The best day of the king is still gratifying. The album again dedicated three top works.'Mars Splashing','Rebel' and'Strangers' are completely comparable to the peak of the previous work, or even slightly. Even better, the sublimation of artistic conception and thought is eye-catching; but the worst day king breaks the bottom line. The album is over-doped with popular elements and lowers the overall quality of the work, such as'young blood' and'lost self'. The work is intolerable."

"Now" magazine made a discussion on the upper and lower limits, and finally gave it a 40-point evaluation. You can see between the lines that they have more expectations for King One Day.

In fact, in the final analysis, it was the great success of "Seven" that made music critics look forward to Ronan and hope that one day the king could rise to the next level, but "Nine" failed to meet expectations. "The emotions let them pass on to the band through their own words and scores.

"All Music", sixty points.

"What is worthy of recognition is the King's breakthrough attempts. Ronan Cooper is still trying to break his own security field. He did not stick to the success; but unfortunately, these attempts are boring and more popular at the same time. More mediocre, the band’s edges and corners disappear into the clamor of electronic sounds."

"Obviously, this is not the one day king we are looking forward to."

"Spin", sixty minutes.

"One thing that the King talks about for a day is the re-creation of the composition of melody, creating a three-dimensional architectural experience. The melody and lyrics burst out of the powerful control of Ronan Cooper. , But in this album, we did not see "My Demon" or "Falling Down", only Ronan's clumsy imitation and copying of himself."

The situation seems to be slightly uncomfortable.

Everything is developing according to Nora-Jones's line, the same situation and the same situation, of course, more than Nora and King One Day? It's not just Adele who released "25" in 2015. To be precise, every artist and every ordinary person in real life is like this, living under the pressure of expectation.

For example, for elementary school students, if they scored 60 points in the test this time and 70 points in the next test, then people look forward to getting 80 points in the next test.

Or, genius, I got 100 points on the test this time, so people naturally look forward to seeing 100 points every time, even breaking people's imagination.

Look forward to, that's it.

One bad review and twelve middle reviewers can feel the sincerity of these music critics every It is not a brainless accusation for the sake of scolding, more is to look forward to one day the king can change Further objective criticism given.

However, they are not the only voices, don't forget, a total of forty-nine comments, of which a total of thirty-six good reviews accounted for the majority.

Again, there are a thousand Hamlets for one thousand people, and the appreciation of art is inherently private.

Before, the "Guardian" beat his chest and beat his feet for forty points. Later, there was a "Rolling Stone" who gave a hundred points in worship.

"Whether it is the casual humming of the transitional part or the free release of the chorus part, when Ronan Cooper is singing, he can always inject the temperature and weight of the soul into each note, and then bloom Gorgeous light. The most moving part of King's music in one day is always the sincere and pure power that makes people willing to believe in the real existence of Neverland.

Is the album "Nine" perfect? Obviously not. But it is precisely this imperfection that makes perfect, an attempt, a challenge, and a throbbing to break through an uneasy status quo and continue to embark on the journey. Ronan Cooper once again proved his talent through a day of King’s music. "

Full score, gift!

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