King of Stage

Chapter 846: Celebration banquet

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The sound of water reverberated in the bathroom space. Ronan buried his cheeks under the surface of the water and held his breath, feeling a bit of coolness and gently massaging his eyes, alleviating the soreness of drunkenness last night, and his chaotic brain was a little awake until he reached his chest. She didn't have enough oxygen, so she suddenly raised her head.

Gasping for breath, looking at the face reflected in the mirror full of water vapor, bloodshots and dark circles can clearly detect deep fatigue, but the light and raised corners of the mouth can feel the joy of the mood, from the inside out. Happiness and ease just overflowed irresistibly.

It was officially confirmed that the sales volume of the first week of "Nine" broke through one million in history, and it airborne the Billboard Albums No. 1 in a reigning posture. It sounded the clarion call for the debut of the second album of Kings One Day. Last night, Atlantic Records was dedicated to the band in Los Angeles. The Hilton Hotel held a grand celebration banquet.

At the banquet, not only the executives of Atlantic Records and Universal Records attended the banquet, it was obvious that the king’s status as the company was rising in the day; but also a group of friends were invited to celebrate together, such as Justin Timberlake, Bruno Mars, Friends such as the Shining Band will naturally attend, and new friends such as Taylor Swift, Pharrell Williams, John Legend and so on will not be there.

The biggest surprise should be Alena Bayeva's quiet appearance-

She was on the trip to New York's Lincoln Center to perform, and learned of the great success of One Day King's new album. She secretly went to Los Angeles from Seattle to surprise Ronan.

Surprise, surprise indeed, surprise and joy!

Ronan’s mood is in full bloom. It is precisely because of this that he had a slight excessive alcohol intake last night. If it weren’t for Alena to stay sensible for the upcoming performance and take care of Ronan in a sober state, I’m afraid Ronan might have lost his temper last night. Finally, with Alena’s company, he checked in directly at the hotel.

But Ronan didn't remember exactly what happened.

In the morning, Alena also needs to fly to New York——

She sneaked out. The other band partners had already traveled from Seattle to New York to prepare for this Friday's performance. She turned a corner, but in order not to delay the rehearsal, she needed to go to New York to meet her friends as soon as possible.

When Ronan woke up, the quilt still had a slight temperature and fragrance, but the beautiful lady had already left.

After staying in bed for a while, Ronan also forced himself to get up. Today is still not a time to sleep in. The album promotion period is still going on. Today, the most important and official interview is also arranged, the cover interview of "Bulletin Board" magazine. , Will be updated on the homepage of the website and the cover of the magazine at the same time.

The band members must cheer up.


He exhaled a long breath, his head still throbbed, but his consciousness was basically clear, Ronan thought he needed to eat to fill his stomach.



Outside the bathroom, the door of the room could be faintly heard knocking. Ronan thought it was Johnny Quaid who came to urge him and drove out in a stride.

"I'm coming."

However, when I opened the door, I saw Max Cooper’s familiar face. The kind happiness calmed the nervous and flustered mind-

Last night, Max and Alice also attended the celebration banquet, but because of the presence of reporters, Max left early and did not stay until the end.

By the way, Alice’s first film work has entered the post-production stage. What themes and content are all kept secret, but Alice has already sent out an invitation:

"After the editing, we will hold an internal preview. You two must come. I also look forward to your objective opinions."

This "you" is obviously the two brothers Max and Ronan.

"Oh, brother." Ronan greeted him kindly and was not polite. He opened the door of the room and turned around and went back, muttering, "Interview, interview, interview should be ten o'clock, what time is it now? Click it? I need to take care of myself. I don't know if they are up."

"Nine thirty-five." Max replied in a deep voice.

Ronan exclaimed, "Ah", patted his head annoyedly, "Then I have to speed up, I need to change a suit, as for the makeup, I can wait until the interview team arrives... Johnny said today's The interview is conducted by one person and one person in turn, and finally the group will take pictures, so there should be time..."

Max looked at Ronan, who was in a hurry but light, like a busy little bee, he could feel his joy and happiness with every gesture, which made him feel a little relieved, maybe...he doesn't need to worry about Ronan anymore.

"Max, what's the matter?" Ronan suddenly stopped and turned to ask.

"Huh?" Max was stunned, not understanding Ronan's words.

Ronan looked over, "You came to the celebration party yesterday, didn't you have something to tell me?" Otherwise, with Max's personality, he should be reluctant to attend such a lively occasion with many stars, "Sorry, it was really busy last night. , I don’t even remember what happened, ha. But you came back this morning. It should be an important thing, right?"

Max hesitated.

He thought that maybe he didn't need to mention it, but he didn't expect Ronan to have noticed his intentions, then--

"Did he find you?"

Ronan, "..." With question marks all over his head, his brows frowned. After waiting for two seconds without further explanation, he couldn't help but chuckled and asked, "Who? Which one?"

Max met Ronan's brilliant smile, and finally said, "Jonathan."

"Jonathan, which Jonathan?" Ronan vowed, he really didn't mean to play stupid, the question marks in his head couldn't fit, but looking at Max's serious look, he realized that Max didn't seem to be joking.

"What is he doing? No matter what he asks you to do, don't pay attention to it, understand?" Max's words became slightly anxious, showing a little offensiveness.

Ronan finally reacted at this time:

Jonathan Hansen.

The man who was supposed to be a "father" from a biological point of view, but completely disappeared from their lives because of abandoning his wife and abandoning his son.

Ronan’s eyes showed a shallow smile, "Did he look for you too? Is this the target of the transfer? But the speed of this transfer is too slow. I thought he had already given up on business. Humanly speaking, he doesn't have the decisiveness to kill and fell as I imagined. It should be that he has become soft after he is old and frail."

A little bit of joking, a little bit of banter, as if discussing something that is not important at all.

Max looked at Ronan in front of him, and there was a sorrow in his eyes-how much pain did he go through before he could grow into his current strong appearance?

"Ronan, he's looking for you, why didn't you tell me?" Max involuntarily clenched his fists again, and stormy waves were also set off in the depths of his eyes, which was always calm and steady. The real and profound pain of the skin was fully revealed.

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