King of Stage

Chapter 847: Laugh at the situation

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Ronan is sincere, and Jonathan Hansen’s things have no meaning to him, because he is an "outsider" who has not really experienced those injuries and nightmares; also because he lives again and experiences death as well. After despair, his perspective on things also changed.

In fact, after the Coachella Music Festival, Jonathan Hansen successively called him several times and sent several text messages. The most absurd thing is that Jonathan’s current "female companion", that is, let him throw him away. The young girl who gave up her son, she also personally went to the hotel where the king stayed on a one-day tour to meet Ronan—

I have to say that she is indeed very beautiful and well-maintained, so that everyone else thinks that she is "flesh and blood", and there is no sense of disobedience among a group of fans.

She told Ronan that she was pregnant, so she hoped Ronan could persuade Alison Cooper to go to court to end her marriage with Jonathan. In name, she hopes to give her children a complete family, but Ronan knows that she is aiming at the legal distribution of Jonathan's inheritance.

Ronan pierced her disguise, and that conversation ended in her furious and embarrassed escape, so that fans who did not know the reason further realized Ronan's nickname of "slayer killer". On the one hand, there are countless skins. Everyone tried to conquer Ronan one after another. On the other hand, Ronan was always hard-hearted to kill him.

Before and after, things continued until Thanksgiving, and this was only a short period of time.

Originally, Ronan had also thought of completely blocking Jonathan’s phone calls and rejecting all calls and contacts, but such an action itself meant that he still had "hate", and the simple and rude way of blocking black and truncated was like a means of venting anger. . Anyway, Ronan didn't have time during the tour. Most of the time, his cell phone was left with Johnny. There was not much opportunity to answer the phone, so he just let it go.

Ronan really didn't feel any special about this, no irritability or anger, the only feeling should be funny—

Shouldn't a truly savvy businessman accurately judge the situation and complete the trade-off? Why didn't Jonathan notice that Ronan's road was blocked? After trying for half a year, he couldn't detect the abnormality? This determination is definitely not a good thing for business.

But at this time, looking at Max, whose eyes were surging with emotion, Ronan realized that those wounds were actually hidden in Max's heart.

Perhaps, for Alice, she didn’t remember what happened at all, so naturally she didn’t care. Anyway, since her memory, there was no "father" in life; but for Max, he Not only did he go through the whole process, but also faced those desperate moments. He was mature enough to stand up and shoulder the burden of the whole family, protecting his mother and his younger siblings.

Those memories have never been and will not disappear.

Thinking of this, Ronan took the initiative to walk towards Max, his steps stopped in front of him, and his gaze calmly and warmly met Max's eyes.

"Max, life is really too short, and it may disappear with a flick of a finger. There are so many things in our lives that we need to enjoy. Mom’s health, Alice’s movies, my music, and... you Our happiness, these things have made us too busy, where is there time to be sad and angry for an irrelevant person?"

Ronan has a smile on his mouth.

Max looked at the younger brother in front of him. I don’t know when, the younger brother who was always mumbling about wanting to eat candy and waking up tears was already as tall as himself, and his straight shoulders were fully stretched out, the confidence in those eyes And firm shining bright light.

"I don't care about him, because there are many people in my life who deserve to be cared about. Even if it's time for hatred and anger, I'm stingy to give him."

Ronan's facial features all wrinkled, made a grimace, and then counted with his fingers.

"Well, my schedule is full for new albums, concerts, interviews, program recordings, making friends, and composing music. Alice complained to me that day. I didn't even have time to talk to her. I bought her with ten strawberry ice creams, where can I have spare time?"

Seeing such a childish Ronan, Max did not hold back after all, and a smile surged under his eyes.

Max still remembers that Ronan was always sick and ill when he was a child. A little carelessness could cause accidents. His daily task is to take care of him; but he doesn’t know when it will start, but Ronan has grown up, not only for him and Alice supported a piece of sky, and in turn comforted him.

This made Max's nose slightly sour.

But Max still controlled his emotions, "So, what did you say to him?"

"Who are you here?" Ronan said very seriously.

Max was stunned to realize that this sentence was not to him, but to Jonathan. This made Max laugh happily, and he could imagine how bad Jonathan's expression was.

Ronan shrugged, "I'm serious. I really don't know who the other party is. He suddenly contacted me and I was full of question marks. What did he say to you?"

Max said subconsciously, "I will take care of this, you don't have to worry about it."

Ronan pursed the corner of his mouth and said in a weird manner, "Have you forgotten? He contacted me first, but he hit a wall with me, then turned his head to look for you. Max, I can handle things too, don't take me Treated as a child, and so is Alice. She also hopes that she can participate in the affairs of the family."

Max opened his mouth and laughed blankly. "He wants me to persuade you to take over the company, so I know he contacted you."

Ronan's mouth curled slightly, "It's all a year ago, is he still entangled? That lady's child should be close to the due date, right? Just re-training an heir, why can't he figure it out? Ah, yes, the body should not hold on anymore."

Ronan's words are very calm, there is no schadenfreude, just an objective analysis.

Then Ronan saw the surprise in Max's eyes piled up little by little. UU read www.uukā but it was too late to stop.

"One year?" Max raised his final tone, "Ronan Cooper, how many things have you kept from me?"

"Ha, ha ha." Ronan chuckled and scratched his head, "Max, I'm hungry, you know, if you have low blood sugar, I can't concentrate. There will be interviews next."

Max, "..."


Ronan was overjoyed when he heard a knock on the door for help, and quickly motioned to the door with his eyes.

Max looked at his brother helplessly, and said angrily, "Ronan, the matter is not over yet, please turn around and explain to me what happened." Although the words said that, he turned and strode towards the door. Walking in the direction, Ronan who was standing behind let out a long breath.

Johnny's voice came from the doorway, "...I just check if Ronan has gotten up...Does he need amoxicillin? He should have been very drunk last night."

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