King of Stage

Chapter 850: Hurry hand hurry leg

, The fastest update of the latest chapter of the king of stage!

The "departure" tour just ended two months ago. From a marketing perspective, it is not a wise choice to invest in the second round of the tour so quickly. Even if you are not planning to conduct "hunger marketing", you still need a buffer period for the market to be able to More energy burst out.

But Atlantic Records has a different view.

On the one hand, the "departure" tour far exceeded expectations. It not only ended smoothly but was in short supply, and there were endless calls for additional shows. This also means that the one-day King’s tour market is far from being saturated, even if the second round of tour is started now. Attendance can still be guaranteed.

On the other hand, Atlantic Records believes that the biggest charm of King One Day is the stage. The concert is the magic weapon to attract audiences and create fans. Now the band is in a period of rapid growth. They should fully seize the opportunity to accelerate their expansion. The timing is absolute. Can not be missed.

It is precisely because of this that even if the tour is very tired and very hard, but Atlantic Records still believes that the King should seize the time to set foot on the tour again.

At present, Atlantic Records is actively contacting professional companies to tour the country (Live-), planning a new tour of the King in One Day——

Touring Nation is currently the world’s largest concert promoter. They have the largest network of contacts in the industry, from contacting venues, schedules, to tour promotion and finally ticket sales, and other one-stop services to ensure that they can complete the highest-level concerts, including Miss Gaga. , Beyoncé, Taylor Swift and other superstars touring are completed in cooperation with them.

The simplest, last year Madonna's tour revenue ranked first in the world, and the driving force behind the scenes is the tour country.

This time, when the Touring Nation takes over the one-day tour arrangement of the King, we can see the ambition of Atlantic Records.

At present, they are actively inquiring about the venue time and then formulating the tour schedule. Atlantic Records hopes that the King can embark on the summer heat wave train and start the tour from June; but if the schedule is not arranged, they hope to start in August at the latest. This also means that they have a lot of work to do.

Although the itinerary has not yet been finalized, the publicity plan for Atlantic Records and Touring Nation has already been launched, and the "Billboard" interview is the first exclusive public release.

In this regard, the "billboard" also gives the highest standard treatment.

From the idea of ​​the tour to the arrangement of the performance to the fun and memory of the previous tour, the interview team did everything possible to make the entire interview as vivid as possible.

Fortunately, they met Ronan, and the interviews you came to me were full of wit and laughter, and the passage of time was forgotten.

Waiting for the interview to end, the time was approaching two o'clock in the afternoon, and it was obviously already past lunch time.

Ronan went to the restaurant, Maxim and Cliff’s meal was over, even the desserts were finished, and they were enjoying the wonderful time of smoking after a meal.

"Where is Ollie?"

Ronan looked around and found that the band was missing one person, and the vacancy was too obvious, so he asked directly.

Cliff shrugged and said he didn't know.

Maxim replied, "Before I came down, I called him, but he asked me to eat first."

Ronan patted his forehead, "Ah, isn't he waiting for me to eat lunch, right? After the interview, I went straight down and forgot to visit his room."

Having said that, Ronan turned and walked towards the hotel elevator, and Maxim and Cliff stopped them one after another.

"Just call."

"Oli is not a child."

"You just eat yourself first, won't he come down when he's hungry?"

"Do you also make a special trip?"

"Are you sure you don't need to order food first?"

The chattering sound made Ronan chuckled, but there was no response. He just waved his hand and walked straight towards the elevator.

Although he didn't know what happened, Ronan could perceive that Ollie was a little depressed. It was not convenient for Ollie to say because of the presence of other staff members. Ronan still remembered it, thinking about having lunch with Ollie and talking about it. If there is a problem in the interview, it can be resolved immediately. It is really not a big deal. There is no need to worry at all.

"Ah! are... Ronan... Ku... Cooper?"

In the elevator, a guest who had just checked in saw the loud noise coming in, blinked and sighed.

Ronan showed a polite smile, "Yes, I am Ronan Cooper."

"Aha! I like this album very much. The Grammy stage is beautifully completed." The man's bright eyes showed surging excitement.

Ronan followed with a chuckle, "This is good news. After the album was released, there were so many scoldings that I have now put an end to social networks."

This is a humble self-deprecating.

The man was amused by Ronan’s words, "Don’t care about them. The most important thing is that we like them. I like them very much. I have been looking forward to your being able to tour again. One day in the future, I can go to the scene to enjoy your performance. That should be special. Great."

"Wow, then maybe you have to wait until... I'm not sure, June?" Ronan sold it a little.

The man originally thought it was "one year later" or "five years later," but he thought about it carefully, "June?" The cries of surprise surged in the elevator.


When the elevator arrived at the destination, Ronan did not continue talking, and said with a smile, "This is my floor. I hope you can have a good memory here, and I look forward to our next meeting at the concert. "After speaking, Ronan gestured politely and walked directly out of the elevator.

"Thank you, looking forward to seeing you next time..." The man's words were blocked behind by the closed elevator.

The corners of Ronan's mouth rose slightly.

Although the chances of being recognized are getting higher and higher, every time I meet, I still can’t help being happy, a little bit magical and a little bit excited, even with a little light on the footsteps, dreams are coming true and everything is getting better. Happiness is stirring in the chest.


Ronan knocked on the door of the room and called out, "Oli, it's lunch."

Waiting for a while, there was no response from the room.

"Is it asleep?" Ronan couldn't help muttering-once Ollie fell asleep, it was really untouchable. As a former roommate, Ronan couldn't know better.


"Oli?" Ronan tried harder and then fumbled out the phone in his pocket and dialed Oli's number.

After a short while, if there was a ringing from Ollie's phone in the room, one answered it.

Ronan's eyebrows couldn't help but frowned, and his relaxed and happy mood slowly settled, "Will you really fall asleep?" He muttered a few words in a low voice, and raised his voice again.


However, there was still no response, and the phone still did not answer.

Ronan thought for a while, hung up the phone, and then dialed Johnny's cell phone-asking Johnny to go to the hotel to ask for the key card so that they could go in directly and be connected in just a few moments.

"Huh? Ronan?" Johnny's voice came.

Before Ronan could speak, the door to the hotel room opened, but it was not Ollie that appeared in front of him, but a young woman with a disheveled hair.

", help..."

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