King of Stage

Chapter 851: Suddenly

, The fastest update of the latest chapter of the king of stage!

"Huh? Ronan?"

Johnny, who had just finished his busy work and took a short breath, connected Ronan's phone for the first time, and then heard a panic and anxious voice on the other side of the receiver.


Johnny was confused.

In the next second, Ronan's panicked voice could be heard on the phone, "What happened to Ollie..."


The phone was hung up.

Johnny only felt that his heart contracted sharply, an unknown premonition hit his heart, and he stood up abruptly, but he was dizzy because of too much effort and urgency, as if the whole world was in chaos, and the heart was beating wildly uncontrollably. stand up.

The same is true for Ronan.

He felt that he was about to be unable to breathe, falling from the top of the mountain into the abyss, the acceleration of the free fall was hunting in his ears, all the sounds disappeared, and the heart slammed to the ground and fell into thousands of pieces, breathing instantly He was chopped off instantly, but his voice seemed to be from the outside world.

"Oli...what happened to Oli..."

The woman in front of her looked like she was in her early twenties. Her long dark brown hair fell like a waterfall. Her slightly flushed cheeks were in embarrassment. Tears and nasal mucus were mixed, and her eyes trembled with panic and fear, big and large. Tears continued to fall, and he hugged himself tightly with his hands, but couldn't say a word.

Ronan didn't have time to take care of her anymore, strode forward and broke into the hotel room directly.



Ronan is like a lost child, constantly shouting and searching, but can't get any response. The silent void is swallowing all of Ronan's courage. He didn't even realize the tears were falling, but just tried to widen it. Eyes, trying to find Ollie's figure in that blankness.

Olly Love, where are you?

Then, he stopped with an emergency brake and stood at the door of the bedroom, looking at the wolf in front of him.


The sound just disappeared into the depths of the throat, like an electric shock, standing still on the spot, motionless, even breathing has been forgotten.

Brilliant golden sunlight pierced through the floor-to-ceiling windows and spilled across the room. The white curtains danced in the breeze. The clear and clean light resembled the holiest and brightest altar in the world. Ollie lay there, quiet. Lying there on the ground, silently and lifelessly.

The white powder spilled all over the floor, the overturned alcohol lamp and the spoon with dark brown traces, the belt tied to the blood vessel of the right elbow, the dirty needles that fell on the side, and the faint drips that did not completely dry up on the ground. The blood, the chaotic mess has disrupted the sanctity of the altar.

Ollie, lying quietly like that, with a bloodless face, like a sleeping angel.

Ronan stood on the spot like a fool, his body trembled slightly uncontrollably, raised his head blankly and looked around, trying to ask for help, but the focus of the collapse was only to see a golden light, and a wave of fear hit the sea. My heart, my stomach couldn't help but tumble.

A sharp pain awakened the numb thoughts. Only then did I realize that the nails clenched into fists were deeply sinking into the palms, the thick blood in the hands exuded a faint warmth, and then the paralyzed heart finally calmed down. come over.

With a stride, Ronan rushed forward, patted Ollie on the cheek lightly, and shouted in a daze, "Olie, wake up, have lunch. Ollie?"

However, Ollie did not respond, and he started with a cold.

"Oli? Oli... Oli, it's lunch, Oli, wake up, don't sleep."

Ronan seemed to lose his mind, and suddenly laughed, "Ha, Ollie, happy April Fools' Day! You scared me, you succeeded, I admit, you are the king of pranks. Very well, I give up. , Can you wake up? You will be the prankster from now on! I surrender."

However, Ollie still did not respond, as if an angel was asleep.

Looking down at Ollie, whose lips were so pale that there was no blood, Ronan raised his eyes and looked around. There was only a dazzling golden halo, a cloud of chaos, and a life-saving straw was vaguely grasped in the depths of his mind.

"Cell phone, cell phone...911...911..."

He hurriedly found his mobile phone and tried to dial the emergency call, but his hands trembled uncontrollably, shaking violently, and even the action of pressing the three-digit number required all his strength.

Take a deep breath.

Ronan, take a deep breath.


Ronan forced himself to calm down, "Oli, it's okay, it's okay, it's too late, everything is too late. Oli, I'm here, I'm here, Oli, don't worry, I'm here."

The call finally got through, "Hello, 911."

"Hello, this is Beverly Hilton, Room 714, my friend is OD, and now I am unconscious, hurry up, will you hurry up? Help, I need help, help, I need help, please, I need help, can you hurry up?"

Ronan seemed to be crazy, his brain had stopped thinking.

"Sir, calm down, the nearest ambulance has been dispatched, would you please calm down? We will do our best..."

The sound in the earpiece drifted away, and in the end nothing could be heard, only a roar surging above the eardrum.



A distant voice seemed to be coming from the depths of the universe. Ronan raised his head and looked over, and Johnny appeared in a panic in his sight.

When Johnny rushed into the room, he saw Ronan sitting on the ground and holding Ollie tightly in his arms. Only a hollow darkness remained in those bright eyes, unable to find any look, full of tears. There was a daze and helplessness shining in the middle, as if the soul could be seen falling apart.

The world seems to stop at this moment forever.

Johnny's heart missed a beat, a kind of fear overwhelmed, and then he saw Ollie motionless in Ronan's arms.

In an instant, the heart stopped beating.

Johnny tried his best to barely support his body, straighten his soft knees, keep standing, and strode forward, "Ronan, we will help Ollie."

Ronan stared at and said word by word, clear, no trembling, no confusion, no ambiguity, as if sanity had returned, "Johnny, save Ollie , Hurry up, we need to hurry up, now it’s too late, too late, Ollie still has body temperature, I can still feel Ollie’s heartbeat, Johnny, hurry up."

However, there is no temperature in the sound, like a robot constantly repeating the program language mechanically, and there is no vitality in the big pupils, only an unfathomable death and chaos.

Johnny's breath was cut off in an instant, and his nose was sore. Seeing such a Ronan like Ollie, a desperate collapse came in, but he still held the reins on the verge of losing control, "Luo Nan, we need to call 911..."

Ronan seemed to have grasped the life-saving straw, and a gleam of light flashed in his eyes, "911, Johnny, hurry up, 911." He completely forgot that his cell phone was still dialing 911 and did not hang up, "Hurry up, let's hurry up. Click to the hospital, Ollie needs help, hurry up, Ollie needs help."


The world was in chaos and chaos, and the golden sunlight burned like a raging fire, swallowing them all over the sky.

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