King of Stage

Chapter 852: Turmoil

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The world fell into a blur, and all the sound disappeared, leaving only a sharp and piercing scream pulling a long straight line above the eardrum; the sight in the line of sight was like an overturned jigsaw puzzle, and the originally assembled pictures were broken into thousands. Thousands of pieces were completely disrupted, and then the memory became blurred, leaving only fragmented fragments tumbling.

The silhouettes of medical staff rushing into the room, Ollie’s shoes that fell on the floor when he was carried on the stretcher, the dazzling and bright red and blue lights of the ambulance, Maxim and Cliff’s flustered and lost eyes, and the white hospital In the ward, reporters shoulder to shoulder and flashing lights overwhelming the sky, messy electrocardiograms and pungent smell of formalin, as well as curious and inquiring faces.


Ronan was in a trance.

Then, a large piece of memory was missing, and the chaotic and trivial picture fragments rushed in, leaving him breathless.

It's his fault, it's all his fault.

Ollie came to him, Ollie issued a distress signal, but he was being interviewed, **** interview, he was there chatting and laughing with reporters, but Ollie escaped into the darkness in the next room, proudly blooming flowers. Just withered a little, if he catches Ollie, will all of this not happen?

Yes or no?

"what happened?"

"What's the matter?"

"God! What did Ollie do?"

"That **** idiot."

"Is it that woman? What did she do?"

"I want to kill him, I want to kill him!"

Maxim’s frustration and Cliff’s anger are intertwined. Ronan can’t distinguish time and space. The river of memory has been completely disrupted, sometimes in the hotel room, sometimes in the hospital corridor, sometimes in the ambulance, sometimes Back at home, all the people around had only one face left, and the chaotic voices mingled together in time and space, and then Ronan's head began to tingle faintly.

"Ronan, it's not your fault."

Johnny stared at him deeply. He raised his head and looked over, trying to say something, but his voice disappeared from his throat, and he opened his mouth and couldn't say anything.

Is it really his fault?


There was another call, which sounded softly in his ears, but it exploded like thunder in the ears. In the trance, he could feel the billowing waves of air rushing toward his face, which made Ronan tremble slightly and suddenly awakened. .

Is it a dream?

The sight was slightly focused, but they found that they were on an empty plain. Looking around, they were green and lush, and then you could see the uneven marble monuments erected, and a group of people wearing black suits and black dresses gathered in a bustling crowd. , With a sad look on his face, the air was slightly solemn.

Ronan couldn't help but slapped a spirit, a piece of goose bumps appeared on the surface of his skin, and then he saw Alena next to him, as well as Maxim and Cliff standing next to him.

This is... the cemetery?

The nurse slowly stretched the white sheets to cover Ollie’s face. The doctor shook his head expressionlessly and announced the end of the rescue. He looked at the pale face lying motionless on the hospital bed and didn’t know from The crying and roaring from somewhere disturbed the calm of the hospital corridor.

There was another large fragment of memory in his mind again, and then Ronan took a moment to relax, he realized-

That was three weeks ago, Ollie, passed away.

The hospital did its best, but after all, it was not able to rescue Ollie from the death god, so it was declared on the spot that Ollie's life had come to an end.

Nothing is true.

Just a few hours ago, Ollie was still standing in front of Ronan. Although he was a bit disappointed, the smile on the corner of his mouth was still blooming, and he could not detect any signs at all---

They released the second album and achieved incredible results. They are about to prepare for their second tour and embark on a new journey. They finally have a place of their own and initially climbed to the top. The whole world is spread out in front of their eyes. You need to open your arms to have it.

They really stood at a peak.

However, it stopped abruptly without warning.

How did all this happen?

It was too accidental and too sudden, like an emergency brake, so that there was no sense of reality at all. The next second I fell into a chaotic void. The only thought in my mind was to deny reality and continue to convince myself that everything was just a dream. Fantasy, the expansion of a demon.

After that day, Ronan’s world seemed to be disrupted by subversion. He was completely unaware of the passage of time. He didn’t know what happened during this period of time. How did he come over? The memory of a large period of time was blank. He couldn't even confirm, what month and day it is now.

Three weeks ago? sure? Wait, or four weeks ago? Or was it yesterday?

Otherwise, things seem to have never been discovered before. This is the funeral of their mutual friends. He can see Maxim can see Cliff. He only needs to turn his head to look for it, and he can see Ollie in the crowd. .

Ronan raised his jaw slightly, turned his head and looked around, as if he could see Ollie's simple and lovely face in the next second, waving his hand sternly at him.


Maxim gently touched Ronan with his shoulder, and called out in a low voice, "Everyone is waiting for you."

There is no sign of Ollie.

Ronan's eyes dimmed, and his disappointment was concealed by his lowered gaze.

Alena seemed to be able to perceive Ronan's grief, raised her eyes and asked with a look in her eyes: How are you?

The corner of Ronan's mouth raised slightly, trying to squeeze a smile, but the arc rose up, but there was no smile in his eyes.

He gestured towards Alena's jaw, and finally stepped forward to the tombstone.

At this time, the tombstone has not been erected, it is just lying flat on the ground, but the writing on it can still be seen:

"Oli Love, 1987-2014".

At the age of twenty-seven, the lovely Ollie, the honest Ollie, the shy Ollie, the real Ollie, the cheerful Ollie, and the cordial Ollie, after all, joined the brilliant and brilliant "twenty" in the history of rock and roll. The seven-year-old club" has become an angel by God's side.

In 1994, Nirvana's lead singer Kurt Cobain was found drinking bombs at home with his suicide note next to his body. "It's better to burn more calmly than to survive." That year, the Pisces Kurt was twenty-seven years old.

Of course Club" is not an unsolved mystery. Anyone can die at any time. Although suicide and a car accident look so different, they are accidental events in life; However, in the long history, a group of jealous and talented artists all became angels by God at the age of twenty-seven, which also gave the number "27" a romantic and poignant mythological color.

In 1938, the great blues singer Robert-Johnson (Robert-Johnson) was the first person of the "Twenty Seven Club".

After that, British jazz singer Amy Winehouse, The-Doors lead singer Jim-Morrison, Hole lead singer Kristen-Pfaff ).

The blues queen Janis-Joplin, the founder of the Rolling Stones, Brian-Jones, and the greatest electric guitar player in rock history, Jimi-Hendrix.

They all came to an end when they were twenty-seven years old.

Now, one more angel, Ollie Love, needs to be added.

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