King of Stage

Chapter 856: Fall apart

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Last night, Ronan had a long, long dream.

In his dream, he saw Ollie, who was still the youthful appearance he had just met when he was in college. He no longer remembered what they were talking about. He just remembered that they were sitting on the windowsill of the club room holding the guitar and looking at the distance. The other students playing tennis were joking around with ice cream in their mouths.

The cheerful laughter is so clear and so real.

Then, the ice cream melted and dripped onto the fingers like this, making it sticky and wet.

He vaguely remembered what he wanted to say to Ollie, but he couldn't remember, so the two of them continued to laugh unconsciously.

"Ronan, I want to hear you sing."

This seems to be Ollie's last sentence.

Because after this sentence was finished, the dream was broken, leaving only a cloud of chaos, not black or gold, but an endless gray. He tried to struggle to break, but he could not find an exit, and fell into a groggy way. Among them, it just fell into suffocation little by little.

Then, he woke up.

Looking at the large swaths of darkness in the room, I remembered that I was going to attend the funeral today, as if I was shocked. I realized the fact that Ollie was no longer there, but I only felt tormented. The internal organs were so hot and uncomfortable, confused. He slept again until the sun rose.

The dream is vaguely divided, unable to think of the specific story, until now, he thinks of the scene again—

He and Ollie sat on the windowsill to eat ice cream, and the ice cream melted and dripped.

That wet sticky feeling, so real and so clear.

In the dream, everything is so simple and pure, the body is very light and light, and I didn’t say anything or thought about anything. I raised my head and looked towards the blue sky, as if I could touch it by just reaching out; but, back to reality, the ground The pull of gravity makes the body fall quickly and freely.

As if the whole body was crushed.

His chest became so heavy that he was almost out of breath. This made Ronan subconsciously take a deep breath, and take a big breath deeply, but he could not feel too much oxygen, but he felt more and more dull in his chest, as heavy. The hammer is generally pressed down, gathering little by little.

"Ronan, what are your plans next?"

Cliff's voice broke the silence. Ronan only felt his mind was messed up, and he didn't have time to discern the emotions hidden in Cliff's words.

Raising his head, Ronan rubbed his chest, "What do you mean? What else is there to plan? Start preparing for the tour, the tour arranged by the company has entered the final stage, we still need to continue on the stage, don't we?"

Cliff asked, "What about the position of the drummer?"

Yes, what about the position of the drummer? Without Ollie, the king would be incomplete in one day.

Ronan was slightly stunned-he still couldn't turn the corner, and sometimes realized that Ollie was no longer there, but sometimes he didn't have any real feelings.

Cliff went on to add, "I mean, Ollie just left, and we turned around and chose a brand new drummer to continue the tour. Isn't that not enough respect for Ollie?"

Maxim frowned slightly, "What then?"

Cliff looked at Maxim with an elusive expression.

Maxim disliked Cliff's silence, as if throwing the question back again, "I don't understand what you mean. Looking for a new drummer is disrespectful to Ollie, so what's your suggestion?"

"Postpone the tour? Cancel the tour? Should we take a one-year or two-year break? Wait until Ollie rests to find a drummer? Or should we just stop the drummer? But is there no drummer or the band? How can the performance continue? The band might as well be in place Disband? Wait, is that what you mean?"

Maxim's tone also gradually smelled of gunpowder, and the faster he spoke, the more excited he became, and he smashed towards Cliff.

"I haven't said that, Maxim, don't smear me casually."

"If I am wrong, sorry, I apologize, but can you explain what you mean?"

"I didn't mean that."

"So what's going on? You raise a question and then you don't explain anything?"


The words you come and go burst into gunpowder. Both Maxim and Cliff’s emotions are more agitated than usual. A little bit of the words have collided. It seems that the reins of reason have loosened a lot, and it is difficult to control the situation. In just a few words, you can feel the tightness of the air.


There was also a roar in Ronan's head.

If it is usual, Ronan will calm down and control the situation; but today, Ronan just wants to flee, fleeing from these thorny problems far away, indifferent, as if just covering his ears and eyes, he can pretend to be a problem. There is no general.

But... he can't.

Ronan turned to look at the cemetery not far away. The crowd was leaving one after another, but there were still many people staying in place, and the darkness overwhelmed the California sun.


Ronan let out a long breath, forced himself to calm down, and turned his head again. Maxim and Cliff were still arguing with red faces, "Quiet, quiet!"

In just two sentences, most of the strength in Ronan's body was exhausted, but after all, the two guys in front of him shut their mouths temporarily and calmed down.

"Cliff, this is what Trastan urged you to say behind the scenes, right?"


Trastan Kuban? That lingering former agent? Why does Trastan's name appear in the conversation at this moment?

Maxim couldn't understand, and looked at Cliff with an angry stare.

Cliff was a little panicked, but he calmed down quickly, "What the **** are you talking about? Is it Ollie talking about you again?"

"If it's Ollie, we can't verify it at UU Read, right?" Ronan lowered his gaze, his eyes flashed with sadness.

The memories of this period of time are broken and chaotic, time and space have been broken, so that Ronan is also confused, but this does not mean that Ronan does not remember or knows, in fact, all those memories exist, just being beaten. The chaos is ignored, just like a broken jigsaw, the fragments are in a mess, but they haven't disappeared.

It is generally believed that King One Day’s captain is Cliff, King One Day’s facade is Maxim, and King One Day’s inspiration is Ronan. There is only Ollie. The simple and shy Ollie seems to have no sense of existence. Even if "My Devil" wins the Grammys, his existence still fails to get more attention.

But what people don't know is that the king's center of gravity is Oli one day, and it is precisely because of Oli's existence that they will not lose their balance and fall into chaos.

until now.

Ronan lowered his eyelids, as if talking to himself, "Actually, Trastan sent me an email, describing to me a grand vision, saying that Ollie left, I don’t need to stay in the band anymore. Inside, I can open the fettered wings and fly solo, and have a vast world."

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