King of Stage

Chapter 857: Lose weight

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The tumbler, no matter how it is pushed, no matter how it is shaken, and no matter what impact, will always be able to regain its upright state, but if the center of gravity under the tumbler disappears, then it will fall apart, and the magical appearance will fall apart in an instant.

It's like the king of the day now.

Solo, Trastan, two familiar and unfamiliar words are connected, and all the clues are connected between the electric light and flint.

Maxim's expression turned gloomy in an instant, looked at Cliff, and sternly asked, "Is this your plan? Or is Trastan's plan? Do you know that Trastan was planning all this from the beginning? "

"I don't know." Cliff reacted fiercely, and then couldn't help yelling again, "I don't know! I don't know anything! Ronan, what is going on? What did Trastein and you say? ?"

Ronan believes that Cliff should really not know.

Because Trastan’s proposal was for Ronan to start anew as a solo singer, rather than forming a brand new band, obviously Cliff was no longer in Trastan’s plan.

The corner of Ronan’s mouth slightly raised an arc, revealing a hint of sarcasm, “What did Trastan tell you? Build a brand new band with you as the core. You are the core of the band? Just like David Grew. Same?"

Back then, David Glu was the drummer of Nirvana. After the death of Kurt Cobain, Nirvana fell apart. Then David Glu founded the Spitfire Band as a guitarist and lead singer, and then created a brand new one. In the era, the Spitfire band has been active until now.

Cliff, "..."

He could detect the ridicule in Ronan's voice, and the pain in his heart was pricked in this way.

"Why, can't you? Do you think I can't be the next David Grew?" Cliff didn't like Ronan's tone. "You can go solo to open up a world, why can't I."

"Yes, I can, but I rejected Trastan." Ronan raised his eyes again, looked at Cliff calmly, and calmly told the truth.

Indeed, Ronan can fly solo. With his current reputation and popularity in the industry, whether it is solo becoming a solo singer or starting a new band, the starting point has stood at a new level, not to mention whether it will be successful, but There is absolutely no need to worry about publicity, signing and so on.

But Ronan didn't want to.

Ronan still wants to be a member of King One Day, he still wants to keep Ollie's memory, he still wants to carry on with the dream that belongs to Ollie.

Cliff felt that he had been insulted. Ronan didn’t say anything, but his calm eyes seemed to be condescending and mocking condescendingly. Isn’t it okay to win some breathing space?"

Cliff directly rammed back—this was tantamount to acknowledging Ronan's guess that the root of everything was Trastan.

That fox.

They are correct, and their judgment of Trastan has always been correct!

Maxim couldn't believe his ears, "Cliff, can't you see it? Trastam is playing with you. He is contacting Ronan with you behind his back. If Ronan agrees, you think Trastam is still Will he fulfill his promise to you? You are a stepping stone and a substitute."


Cliff burst open in an instant, his eyes seemed to explode, "You are jealous, you are jealous, Trastan has never contacted you from start to finish, you are not even as good as me, so you are angry, you I should really look at my expression."

Maxime laughed furiously, "You don’t need to look away, I don’t care, I can tell you, I never care about Trastan’s approval, because what he sees is never talent, just profit, you In his eyes it is a string of numbers. I don't want to pay attention to this kind of attention."

Cliff was stung.


Cliff yelled angrily, "You're half-hearted, there is no need to pretend to be upright."

"You once said that without you, there would be no Ronan now, but Ronan has completely forgotten about this, and has always supported Ollie's creation, ignoring your talents, and you also want to form a solo team by yourself. Band, prove your ability, don't you?"

The words like a machine gun were vented, and it was obvious that Maxim's handsome face changed color.

"What nonsense are you talking about?"

Maxim gritted his teeth word by word, as if he could hear the sound of teeth colliding.

Cliff has reversed the situation, with a gleeful smile in his eyes, "Ha, your own mouth is lax. After the rain and the rain, tell the bones and skins, constantly brag about your talents and abilities, thinking that no one will hear it, but you can't think of it. Well, the flesh and blood knocked on the door of my room later, and then lay under me, panting and sharing the information with me..."

"Shut up!" Maxim clenched his fist and slammed directly into it.

Cliff retreated again and again.

Without Ollie, there would be no physical shield to persuade him. The short and thin Cliff stood in front of Maxim like an ant shaking a giant.

"Because I was stabbed in pain and became angry. You are exposing your stupidity!" Cliff yelled and cursed while retreating.

Maxim's action came to a halt, and the raised fist didn't know if he should continue to smash it. At the last minute, he pulled the rein.

"Then what about you? Personally planned to disband our band, do you know that you are Trastan's little puppet?"

"I'm thinking about it for the band!"

"For the sake of the band? Haha, this should be the most ridiculous joke I have heard in more than 20 years. Thank you, Cliff, for making me happy on such a day."

"You obviously have the same idea as me, don't pretend to be noble, at least I haven't spoken until now, and what about you? Before Ollie left, you were thinking about flying solo, didn't you?"

"Go away! I never thought about it like this!"

Twitter, UU reading rustling.

The quarrel between you and me is hurting each other in front of your eyes, with splashes of mouth foam and red-faced confrontation in the clean and peaceful cemetery, like an Italian comedy.

Ridiculous and ridiculous.

However, Ronan never said a word, just stood on the side, quietly watching the two teammates in front of him accusing each other. Slowly, just like that, it sinks slowly.

Has the conflict broke out just after Ollie left?

Obviously, this is not a contradiction accumulated over three days and two days, so when did it start? Before the release of "Nine"? Or after the "Seven" summit? Or before the journey begins? Or else, when New Orleans was about to fall apart, the seeds were planted when Ronan forcibly gathered?

This journey, so magnificent and so magnificent, is unforgettable; however, perhaps this journey should not have started when it started from the beginning.

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