King of Stage

Chapter 860: Silent world

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Ronan's world was peaceful, as if completely isolated from the surface of the water, and then he looked up at the reflected image in the depths of the lake.

Judging from the experience of the previous life, those images will gradually become blurry, become more and more obscure and darker, and finally become completely invisible.

He could faintly feel a slight vibration from his chest, but because Alena was pressed against his chest, he could not see the mouth shape and could not read the lips. As a result, he could not hear anything. In order to avoid exposing the horse's feet, He can only keep smiling.


Ronan realized that Alena had spoken again. He could vaguely read some lip language, but it was incomplete. He just noticed that the situation was not good from Alena’s slightly anxious expression, so his mind quickly turned, thinking that he should How to tide over the difficulties, continue to hide Alena.

However, the reaction was a little late.

Alena noticed the abnormality. Facing her anxious questioning, Ronan still kept a gentle smile. Such a response seemed very weird. The inspiration in his mind before it disappeared completely became clear, but Alena’s The first reaction is to question one's own judgment—

how is this possible?

what happened?

So Alena opened her eyes wide and looked at Ronan in disbelief, trying to overthrow her guess.

Ronan realized that he was exposed.

I concealed it from Maxim and Cliff, and Johnny, but still could not conceal it from Alena.

After all, Alena has been dealing with string music for many years, her hearing is very sensitive, and she can often capture those details changes-not only Ronan's hearing is temporarily inaudible, but also the way he speaks, the focus of his eyes, etc. all different.

Ronan couldn't help but sighed lightly, and said half-jokingly, "Oops, if you let you go back on tour now, you might be even more reluctant. But, Alena, I'm really fine, don't worry."


Ronan couldn’t hear what he was saying at all, so that the pronunciation of the words also changed. He clearly hoped that the pronunciation would be more accurate but the result was more vague; moreover, with the advancing of time, the sense of chaos that lost his quasi-centeredness was still It is becoming more and more obvious, so that it becomes more and more difficult to bite the word.

The harder you work, the more obvious.

Alena covered her mouth and looked at Ronan blankly. She still couldn't believe it, and then she couldn't help but shook her head slightly, as if she could deny reality as long as she did, "Ronan, you tell me, It's not that you can't hear me, my guess is wrong, it's just my own cranky thinking."

Because Alena covered her mouth, Ronan couldn't read her lips at all, and communication failed.

The only thing Ronan can do is to speak according to the situation, "I'm fine, really, don't need to worry." He just repeated the same words.

The emotions deep in Alena's eyes were trembling slightly, showing a trace of fragility, but it was fleeting, and she quickly regrouped.

Taking a deep breath, taking a deep breath again, Alena calmed herself down and regained her sanity. The confusion and panic at this time did not help at all.

Alena put down her right hand and said with a clearer mouth, "Are you completely unable to hear now, or can you still hear some?"

Ronan paused, a little helpless, but after thinking about it, he finally said, "I can't hear it at all. But, Alena, don't worry, I have experienced it, so I know how to deal with it and it will definitely not affect my life. Yes, you can go back to participate in the tour, there is really no problem."

"Ronan, rest assured, I will go back to participate in the tour, because I know you can overcome all the difficulties, even without my company, you can also, this is one of the advantages I like you, but not now. Now, let We are focused on this matter, maybe things are not that bad."

Alena has regained her sanity and calmly sorted out the situation.

"We should go to the doctor to see what is going on, but first of all, when did this happen?"

Ronan looked at Alena, who was doing his best to restore her composure, and his heart surged slightly.

Only then did he realize his "compromise".

Perhaps it was because he had experienced such a situation in his previous life, so he took it for granted, as if it was an irreversible disease. He didn't even fight or fight. He didn't try to seize the opportunity to regain his hearing. He just took it for granted. Accepted reality.

It's not like him.

After winning the chance to "do it again", he told himself, don't leave any regrets this time, even if you join the "27 Club" after releasing all the splendor like a summer flower, don't regret or regret it. So far, he has been It’s done this way, it’s a wonderful journey, so it should be the same next.

Regardless of the result, he should continue to try, continue to fight, continue to take risks and continue to fight.

The gaze fell on Alena's eyes again, and a tough light could be seen deep in the dark and bright eyes, staring at him intently without any movement.

Mood, Wei Yang.

At least, this time he is no longer facing this silent world alone.

"Just now. I'm not sure, five minutes ago?" Ronan replied. The smile on the corner of his mouth rose again, but unlike the mask just now, he regained his sincerity and enthusiasm this time, and the whole mood followed. Relax a little.

Alena wanted to say something, but Ronan stopped her.

Ronan gently hugged Alena into his arms, buried his head in Alena's ear, and said softly, "Just a while, just a little while."

Puff through.

Puff through.

Ronan still couldn't hear, but he could feel the heartbeat from Alena's chest, so powerful and so hot, as if he could touch the energy of life.

Slightly raised his head and looked into the distance—the crowd around the cemetery still hadn’t left completely, they were turning around one after another, but the staff of the funeral home was already busy, preparing to complete the last part of the burial, and complete the remaining work of filling the pit with mud , And then everything will return to calm.

Ronan couldn't help thinking, UU reading www. Ollie, have you seen it too?

At the end of the endless darkness, there is a faint blue light. If you see it, then run and try your best to run towards the blue light, just like the journey of a king chasing the light, until the whole person rushes into the blue light. Here, you will see a whole new world.

the same with me.

Maybe, one day in the future, you will appear in front of me in another appearance and posture, with different skins and the same soul. It doesn't matter if you don't want to say hello, one look and one smile are enough, let me know, you are still continuing your adventure, it is enough.

A rush of warmth rushed to his eyes, and Ronan hurriedly closed his eyes, but the corners of his mouth rose up, blooming in a brilliant arc.

Then, hug Alena tightly, hug tightly.

Alena seemed to be able to feel Ronan’s surging emotions, she also hugged Ronan tightly, until both of them were out of breath, feeling the heartbeat, feeling the body temperature, the whole world was quiet, those The confusion, those worries, and those anxieties all temporarily disappeared.

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