King of Stage

Chapter 861: Cut off from the world

A bird flew away from the lush bushes and landed on the grass lightly. When the golden sunlight was shining finely, it became dazzling. It walked leisurely between the leaves and leaves, looking down the grass from time to time. The crumbs left in it, yesterday the humans drank afternoon tea in the yard and interrupted its rest. Now it seems that those guys are not so bad after all, at least they left some snacks.


There was a rustling sound from the bushes, and the **** turned her head sharply, and then she could see a little squirrel holding a pine cone.

The squirrel seemed to realize that he had been spotted. The big fluffy tail was erected like an electric broomstick, keeping full vigilance. His jet-black eyes turned round and round, and finally saw the bird, and his eyes turned to each other. In between, the two little guys formed a confrontation.

The air was slightly tight, and no one dared to act rashly.


The glass door facing the yard was pushed open, and the rough and heavy sound shocked Sparrow and the squirrel in an instant. The two little guys disappeared as soon as they slid. The panicked Queer had no intention of taking care of snacks, but the squirrel still did. Hold its pine cone firmly-never lose it!

"Ha ha."

The muffled laughter rang out in the yard. Although it was not loud, I could still feel the happiness from my heart.

Alena looked down at Ronan with a bright smile, and the corners of her mouth couldn't help but rise. She was about to call Ronan, but thought that he could not hear it.

It has been three months, but Alena is still not used to Ronan's loss of hearing.

After the funeral, Ronan went to the hospital for a comprehensive examination. There was no physical problem. The doctors did not find any suspicious lesions; then it could only be at the psychological level. The psychologist believed that Ronan had a heart deep in his heart. The knot "blocks" the hearing in both ears. In a situation like this, you may be able to hear it tomorrow, or it may be indefinitely.

Since then, Ronan has insisted on seeing a psychiatrist every week, but there has been no improvement.

Alena's work also pressed the pause button, and stayed with Ronan for three months.

But in fact, Ronan's daily life had no effect at all. If he were a stranger, he would not be aware that Ronan could not hear him. Ronan went to the supermarket several times by himself and never exposed his feet.

Alena stayed not to take care of Ronan, but to accompany her.

Life slowed down.

In contemporary society, the pace of life is getting faster and faster, especially the information fragmentation of social networks is continuing to accelerate this process, so that people are trapped in a vicious circle of anxiety, even if they are resting, their lives are **** by computers and mobile phones. It's stubborn, can't really rest.

Whether Alena or Ronan, they are no exception. I was immersed in work for too long and too long, completely forgetting when was the last real relaxation, and I can't remember what it was like to rest both mentally and physically.

"Maybe, this is God's signal."

This is what Ronan said, with a shallow smile at the corner of his mouth. It was neither open nor brilliant. It was just as calm and inclusive as the deep sea, but it could make people feel the sparkling waves above the sea and a burst of light on the face. The sea breeze is bright and warm.

As a result, Ronan and Alena slowed down the pace of life.

Look up at the clear and thrilling sky, go to the beach and spend a whole afternoon reading a book that you like for a long time but never open it, or take a walk along Santa Monica Boulevard towards Sunset Boulevard to enjoy the sunset , Or observing the daily life of the small animals in the bushes and trees—

It's like just now.

If you really slow down, you can discover the different aspects of life, and surprises are hidden in those corners and corners, waiting for your own discovery.

For example, the sparrow and the squirrel. Maybe they can try to become friends?

Seeing the bright smile at the corner of Ronan’s mouth, Alena sorted out her messy mood a little, walked around to Ronan’s front, then squatted down in front of him, slightly raised her head to look at Ronan’s eyes, those clear and bright A little bit of starlight can still be seen in her eyes, but there is a little more sorrow.

"Are you ready?" Ronan said first.

Now, Ronan is still working hard to speak, even if he can't hear him, he also tries to maintain the feeling of speaking. After the vague thing at the beginning, he is better now, although his pronunciation is still a bit too straightforward. The roundness looks a little weird and not enough for life, but the meaning is much clearer and more accurate.

It's just that Ronan is avoiding long sentences. Because long sentences may become vague again when they are spoken.

Alena lightly chins her head, "The taxi is already outside."

"Aha." Ronan sighed lightly, "Let's go, I'll see you off."

Alena grabbed Ronan's right hand.

The warm and soft palm wrapped Ronan's palm, but Ronan turned around and wrapped Alena's left hand in turn, his mellow voice raised slightly.


The softly rising tail sound was like the lingering aftertaste of the slight vibration of a cello string, which was pleasing to the ear, which made Alena show a smile.

"I like your voice."

she says.

Such a direct confession made Ronan's eyes slightly dodge, but he nodded seriously, "I know." A smile was drawn at the corner of his mouth.

Alena still wanted to tell Ronan a thousand words, but she didn't know how to express it when the matter came.

It has been four months since she left her job. Although she really wanted to stay with Ronan, Ronan had different ideas.

"I like you. UU Reading just likes your concentration and devotion. When you stand on the stage and play, when you talk about your professional work, you will really shine, as if you like me. You look average at work. I don’t want you to lose the most precious and shining part of yourself."

Ronan still hopes that Alena can go back to work. Their lives shouldn't be suspended forever, because they are still young, and because they all have a long life, the pace of suspension should continue after all.

Alena reluctant to give up, but deep down, she knew Ronan was right.

Life in isolation will one day open the door again and return to the real world. They cannot live in a vacuum bubble forever; moreover, they should not lose their truest selves for each other, otherwise one day in the future. Will evolve into regret and resentment.

Today is the day Alena leaves Los Angeles. She will take an international flight to London, where she will resume her orchestra tour life.

Obviously I have made a decision, and I know it is the right decision, but the intense perseverance still makes Alena weak. Such a self is too unfamiliar, but it makes Alena realize that if we continue to do this , Maybe she will really lose herself because she loves this man too much.

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