King of Stage

Chapter 865: If you get an electric shock

"I want to speak out my troubles but no one listens. I know I look mysterious. I am surprised that this happened so plainly. I don’t want to die young and there are so many things to do; I don’t want to do it for the camera. Make a strong smile, smile just for you, just for you."

Word by word, piercing.

Ronan just froze in place like this, his feeling of turning over the river made him breathless—

He can't remember the specific dialogue anymore, but he can still clearly remember Ollie's expression that day, a little hesitating, a little sad, a little struggling.

Ollie wanted to talk about his troubles, Ollie wanted to ask him for help, but he didn't realize Ollie's helplessness and distress, and then just missed it like a fool.

Perhaps Ollie was also helpless and at a loss.

Because Ophelia’s business is not the first time. When the "departure" tour just started, Ophelia officially made a clear statement with Ollie and then resumed dating. At that time, they had been persuading Ollie, once. Two or three times, over time, they also lost patience and began to become natural and simple.

Ollie still didn't come out, but they stopped listening.

Things didn't happen suddenly, but they lacked patience and care, so they slid into the abyss step by step.

Ronan is accusing Maxim and Cliff that they have lost their original intentions, but why isn't he the same? The splendor of Vanity Fair also unknowingly changed him and changed his relationship with Ollie. There were signs of it, but he didn't see it.

did not see.

"I don't want to die young, there are so many things to do..."

His sight fell on this line of lyrics, so cruel and bloody, and he cut off Ronan’s breath in an instant. He wanted to yell but couldn’t make any sound, so those roars were trapped in his chest, ramming, **** Drippingly, as if the whole chest was about to explode.

Dear Ollie, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry.

The internal organs curled up uncontrollably, like an electric shock. The stiff muscles made the body unable to make any movements, but the overturned stomach was almost about to vomit. Then Ronan froze in a daze, helpless, and fell into the trap. Amidst a magnificent impact, they retreat steadily.

"Will you hate me if I say goodbye now, so fast that you can't even see your back; if I run away, will you hate me? Day and night will die with the wind."

Reading this lyrics again, it was so dazzling.

"Yes, I hate you..." The words whirled on the tip of his tongue. Ronan really hated Ollie just turned and left, really hated Ollie just fleeing away without saying goodbye, he couldn't even tell. Was the incident that day an accident or... deliberate, but now it doesn’t matter anymore, does it?

Because Ollie left after all.

Damn Ollie, how can you?

Thinking of this, the heart is a piercing pain, almost out of breath.

"When you cry bitterly, you just waste time on a boy you don't like at all."

Silly Ollie.

Ophelia wastes time on a boy she doesn't like, so what about you? You waste time on a girl who doesn't like you. When you are struggling, your pain and sorrow will never move Ophelia.

Perhaps this is "the authorities are fans, the bystanders are clear".

Ollie could see Ophelia's difficulties clearly, but couldn't see his cage.

Then, Ronan's eyes fell on the last unfinished lyrics, "Can you not..." (Note 1)

His first reaction was that Ollie hadn't finished his creation, and then he lost consciousness because of the white powder, but when he looked at it carefully, he found that it was Ollie deliberately.

That string of ellipsis left too many unspoken words, but what can be done?

They are all fools, fools trapped in the love cage, struggling and fighting with all their strength, but in the end they bound themselves in a cocoon. It was never someone else's problem, but they did not let themselves go.

Perhaps Ollie understood this after all, so the brush strokes ended here.

Similarly, in real life, Ollie also left an unknown that could never be solved, waiting for those of them who still remained to answer.

Ronan could never imagine how Ollie felt when he knocked on the door of his room that day, nor could he imagine Ollie’s feelings when he found the girl and fell into the illusory world of a mirage, but he was able to beat the lyrics Seeing Ollie’s soul in color.

It’s still Ollie. Even though he’s scarred, he still doesn’t lose his smile. Even though life is rough, he still holds hope. Even though he’s bloody, he still hides his fragility with laughter. He is still the one in "My Devil" that is impressive. Liang has always maintained a modest and low-key creative talent.

Perhaps, among the four members of King One Day, Ollie is the one who has never changed, not at all, so he fell into the weirdness of Vanity Fair, suffering because he couldn’t change, and struggling because he couldn’t adapt. I lost myself and couldn't bear the noise and noise anymore, and then, it ended everything like this.



Outside the window, the wind seemed to be rising again, and the sound of hunting and beating of branches broke the tranquility in the room. Ronan did not hear it, but the golden sunlight on the ground shattered into a halo, which looked like a kaleidoscope. Attracting Ronan's gaze shifted over.

A warm but dazzling light fell into the eyes, and the swaying tree shadows, the rolling city lines and the sparkling swimming pool outlined a touch of tranquility in the violent turbulence. Ronan could see his figure falling on On the ground, the old elders were pulled, and the messy shadows were also reflected on the ground, like a symphony orchestra instrument, playing a melody.


Boom boom boom.

Qiang Qiang. UU reading

Vaguely visible, Ronan’s eardrums heard a sound, the mellow cello, the lightness of the violin, the lowness of the bass drum, the tragic and vigorous trombone, and the shock of the French horn are all intertwined. The sound of wind and sunlight, reflections and lines weave and jump. , As if the melody from the horizon.

From calm to grand, from light to grand, from delicate to magnificent, the graceful melody completes an ensemble. The whole world is played along with it, and then the world brightens bit by bit, and the violent and raging wind is like passion. Flamenco dancers of fire generally dance lightly.


That's... the drumbeat?

Ollie’s drumbeat?

As if to hear Ollie humming softly, it was a bit vague and distorted. The singing disappeared into the notes, without any sense of reality, and Ronan couldn’t help but hum along with it, matching Ollie’s voice. chorus.

He sang, "I don't want to die young, there are so many things to do..."

Note 1: Follow (—Joji)

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