King of Stage

Chapter 866: Sing to your heart's content



Above the eardrum, there is still a noisy sound. It feels like burying your head in a pool of singing. The gurgling sound can't spread at all, but the melody and singing echoed in my mind, like "The Little Mermaid" "It's like a heart-catching singing voice."

It's like a fairyland, it's fascinating.

"I don't want to die young, there are so many things to do..."

As I sang, my eyes moistened, and those sorrows, pains, and dazedness all surged up in an instant, defeating Ronan's defenses.

Olly Love, you idiot, didn't you say that there is still a lot to do? Didn’t you say you don’t want to die young? Didn’t you say that you don’t want to laugh for the camera? Then you should stand up and continue singing! Then you should run wild and continue to chase your dreams!

You are the one who should get rid of the shackles and embrace freedom and prove that the three of us have changed and only you are still sticking to your dreams!

But why did you step on the brake?

"Ronan, how about we form a band?"

"Ha, because I like to hear you sing."

"I listen to Ronan, and all of them listen to Ronan."

"Ronan, you said, will we stand on the stage of a concert at Staples Center one day and sing in front of 30,000 audiences?"

"Performance is really a very happy thing."

"Don't laugh, I really believe that music can change life and change the world, ah! Ronan! I mean it."

The fool who believes that music is the infinite gem, the dreamer who longs to shine on the world’s top stage, the Don Quixote who sincerely likes music and performance but never expects more, who guards his dreams with practical actions and The knight standing firmly behind the band--

Just left.

Ronan closed his eyes in pain, but still couldn't stop the hot tears from filling his eyes and his mouth was full of bitterness, but his smile bloomed.

Proudly blooming.

Please rest assured, Ollie, I have not given up and will not give up. It belongs to our dream. I will continue to chase it, carrying your enthusiasm and conviction, continue to run wild, continue to fight, continue to move forward, until the end of time, and then When the time that belongs to me is over, we meet again on the other side of the world, and play together again belong to our dream.

Sadness and pain are still surging, but the smile that blooms wantonly reveals the enthusiasm from the heart, and then Ronan laughed out loud——

It's like Ollie.

Unreservedly, unscrupulously, laughing out loud, the deafening, earth-shattering exaggerated smile burst directly at a level comparable to a weapon.

Vaguely, Ronan seemed to be able to see Ollie on the opposite side of the dining table, just like himself, with a belly and laughter, he was about to fall under the table in a forward and backward posture, but his two mobile phones sensitively grasped the edge of the dining table to stabilize his body. After being stupefied, he laughed louder and laughed until tears came out.

Then Ronan stood up abruptly, turned and strode towards the piano in the corner of the hall.

That piano has been forgotten for a long time. Although the staff responsible for cleaning will regularly clean and maintain it, the black and white keys seem to have no vitality. There is no dust but it is still dusty, as if all the brilliance has dimmed.

Ronan sat down in front of the piano, a little strange, because it was really too long, too long to play; but more familiar, the curvature of the corners of the mouth could not help but raised gently, hands freely on the black and white keys, but not in a hurry Play immediately.

The fingertips move lightly back and forth between the keys, a little apart, and feel the luster and the air surging on the keys carefully. Each key and one note gurgling silently in my mind, even the most The basic notes are as clear and moving as the sounds of nature.

One and another.

Until I re-understood each key, I seemed to feel that the strings deep in my heart were plucked, and then my fingertips fell on the keys.


The clear and clean keyboard sound rang in the ears.

He heard it.

Ronan was a little unclear about whether he really heard it or was the imprint in his subconscious suggesting that he heard it, but this is no longer important, because the melody flowing deep in his mind falls along his fingertips, and then It evolves into a keyboard sound, ding dong on the eardrum.

Happiness sprouts quietly in this way, just like after a severe cold winter, I can’t wait to finally drill out of the hard soil, capture the quiet spring breath in the air with the tender green sprout tips, and cheer and call forth the sprinkling of golden sunlight, even if it is still snowy. , The world is already different.

"You don't understand your own heart, and you can't find a place to put it." (Note 1)

Melody, flowing.

Singing, blooming.

After four months, Ronan sang again, the voice from the depths of his soul twitching gently, so natural and so smooth.

This is not the song just composed by Ollie, but a brand-new song, condensed and formed in my mind, flowing along the fingertips.

"I entered the house where you grew up. That was the opportunity you gave me. I saw your brother reading, your sister sleeping peacefully, and we also watched a comical parody show on the Internet."



Clear and bright keyboard sound, without any modification or modification, with the surging of emotions, the keyboard sound that gradually becomes louder and stronger can deeply feel the emotions sprayed out, a little sad, a little bright, a little bit Sigh a little bit of relief, floating in the air.

"I don't know how much you want me to understand your buried past, or your hands are no longer able to bear those heavy burdens..."

Then, gently and shallowly, just humming like this.

"I don't know how many words I have recorded in my heart but I have never said it to you..."

The slightly raised treble did not release and It was just like a kite floating on the clouds, trying to embrace the sun with open arms, but a trace of heartbreak was revealed in the gentle turning and blooming, no The collapse did not scream, just gently flowing and surging.

Then, fall again gently.

"If I know how to hug you, I will."

Gently, Ronan closed his eyes, hiding the surging deep under his eyes. The warmth in his eye sockets was blocked before it could be released. He plunged into the darkness, and then danced along with his fingertips. Make a note to show all the wounds.

Sight, smell, touch, and taste are all turned off at this moment. Only the hearing is turned on. The gurgling and whispering black and white key sounds can hear the trivial sound of the soul falling apart and gathering sand into a tower, all All turned into the power of the fingertips, infused with notes.

The melody, with wings on, soars freely in the golden sunlight on the ground and the strong outdoor wind, and the world is gorgeous.

Note 1: If I know how to hug you (If-I-Knew-How-To-Hold-You——Andrew-Belle)

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