King of Stage

Chapter 867: Soul notes

Once, Ollie opened his heart cautiously, let Ronan enter his world, touch those scars, and feel the pure passion.

Ronan knows that under Ollie’s cheerful and unrestrained appearance, he has always hidden his own darkness, just like "my devil". Music is his only salvation. It is more dazzling than the future and more magnificent than dreams, because ... When the melody is gurgling, they are willing to believe that there are things that darkness can't take away.

It's like a ray of warm sun in life.

It is precisely because of this that one day the king was born.

"You feel that you are just a drop in the ocean, and your mind is the sea of ​​stars. You show a certain aspect of your soul to disguise yourself. Now the sun is set on our way forward. You know that your words are like a beacon. You should firmly believe that you are going forward. "

Everyone thinks Ollie is Ronan's shadow, hidden behind Ronan, everything is listened to Ronan, even the creative inspiration always comes from Ronan.

But Ronan knew that was not the case. Ollie and him were like a person in the mirror. They had similar wounds, the same passion and the same dream. Without Ollie, there would be no day for the birth of a king, and without Ollie, there would be no One day the king embarked on a journey to chase his dreams.

Ollie, who is shy and restrained, and Ollie, who has a unique laughter, is full of stars and the sea in his simple and honest skin.

The only difference between him and him is--

He had a second chance, so he ran even more determined and recklessly.

And now, Ollie has not been able to overcome those dark entanglements and painful sufferings, after all, he has not been able to find the space to settle down in the bizarre Vanity Fair, after all, this is only his first chance, and finally in a way of wanton burning, Like fireworks, the smoke disappeared.

"Life is rough, so you can get out of it. If you want to come back, it will be different. Whether you are willing to open your heart room, I can hug you now; you finally get relief, change from the moment of decision, whether you are willing to open your heart room, I can hug you now ."

Fingertips, jumping and flying above the black and white piano keys, blurred vision, closed his eyes embarrassedly, his eyes could no longer bear the weight of tears, and his cheeks were scalded hotly.

Ollie, my first chance, like you, escaped into the darkness in the struggle and resistance. I didn't see my heart clearly until the end, and then I was lucky enough to have the second chance. That's why I'm so determined, and that's why I'm so unflinching.

"Ronan, aren't you afraid? Afraid...lonely, afraid of pain, afraid of being lost."

Ollie, I'm afraid.

However, I decided to take the second chance and don't let fear grab my ankle. So, if you have a second chance, don't be afraid. Run, even if you are barefoot, run wild, until the end of the world, until the end of time, until the soul is burned out, don't stop.

"How do you long for me to understand your buried past, your hands are no longer able to bear those heavy burdens..."

Tears, burst the embankment.

Ronan could no longer bear the weight of his emotions. He pressed his hands heavily on the keys and interrupted the performance with a roar. Then he slumped his shoulders like a child, letting his emotions raging.

"I have recorded countless words deep in my heart, but I have never said it to you..."

The notes are still flowing in the ears, like apocalypse.

Ollie, you idiot, how can you just turn around and leave like this? I still have a lot of words to tell you, I still have a lot of inspiration to discuss with you, I want to continue to perform on stage with you, I want to continue on the tour with you, I want to complete a day of King’s with you Dream, how can you...

Sorry, it is my fault.

Dear Ollie, I'm sorry.

The heart, curled up fiercely, was almost out of breath.

"If I knew how to hug you, I would..."

With silent crying, piercing, and heartbreaking pain, the whole world was blurred.

Until exhaustion.

Then, the voice in the ear slowly and slowly became clear——

Hula la.


Looking over the sound, the wind is still violent outside the window, the branches are swaying, the water is sparkling, the wind and sand are raging, and the blue and blue sky can also be seen as clouds are scattered like a flock of sheep, stacked on top of each other. Covering a small part of the sky, the sunlight dimmed.

Even if you don't need to go out, you can feel the power of the gale.

But the interior is peaceful and quiet, as if time has paused in this enclosed space.

Then... the wind stopped, the clouds spread lazily again, the golden sunlight fell, and the room was full of radiance in an instant, as if the fingertips could touch the warmth.

"If I know how to hug you, I will."

The mood, surging, and regained firmness.

Ronan stood up and found a long-forgotten mobile phone in the drawer of the bedside table in the bedroom. He searched the phone book and dialed a familiar number.

"... Ronan?"

Johnny’s voice came with uncertain confusion. In recent months, either Alena contacted him or a text message conversation. He really hasn’t seen Ronan Cooper on the caller ID for a long, long time. Name it.


Ronan greeted him.

Johnny couldn't help but froze in place, his body stiffened slightly, "You... can you hear it?"

"Well, I think it should be." Ronan chuckled slightly, because he had experienced it once, and he didn't make a fuss and accepted everything very smoothly. "Johnny, I want to start the tour."

Johnny, "..." He was still in ecstasy and shock, and couldn't shake his mind in a short time. "Tour, what tour do you mean?"

"One day King's tour." Ronan let out a low laughter in his throat. "Although I am alone now, I still want to continue the tour.

"Johnny, do you remember Ollie’s wish? He wants us to board the Staples Center for our own He wants us to return to the road to tour, I want To realize Ollie’s wish, life shouldn’t end here."

Johnny nodded lightly like a fool, and his eyes were filled with tears in embarrassment. It took a few beats before he realized that he needed to make a sound, "Okay, no problem."

Through the phone, Ronan could also feel Johnny's heart surging, and his heart warmed slightly.

Many things have happened in the past few months, but there are still many things in the chaos that make people want to believe in the truth. Johnny’s waiting is one of them, even if Maxim and Cliff have already left, even if Ronan is lost. After listening, Johnny still did not leave.

"Johnny, about the record contract and the tour contract..." Ronan was a little worried, the outside world had already turned upside down.

Johnny took a deep breath, "Don't worry, Ronan, leave it all to me, don't worry." As he talked, his smile bloomed from the bottom of his heart.

Note 1: If I know how to hug you (If-I-Knew-How-To-Hold-You——Andrew-Belle)

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