King of Stage

Chapter 89: burn one's boats

   The warm sunshine fell like broken gold, the water vapor floating in the air also refreshed, and the breath of summer fluttered along the gentle breeze.

Unknowingly, after the carnival, people who ate crazily left one after another, the noise next to the hot dog mobile stand gradually calmed down, and the atmosphere between the bands also eased down, bathed in the warm golden sunlight, and even breed A touch of comfort came.

Ronan could clearly perceive that the stiff and jerky air was easing off, so he said, "I mean, Scout is not 100% correct. The opinions and opinions he expressed are only based on the knowledge he has. What comes out does not represent all of them."

   "Sew buttons skills?" Ollie interjected and asked. After speaking, he still felt amused, and he chuckled.

Ronan felt funny thinking about it. He couldn't help but leaned forward to the table, patted the table continuously, "You imagine Scout holding an embroidery needle, wearing reading glasses, and then sewing buttons in front of a kerosene lamp...hahahaha... "Ronan's smile was also touched, and he chuckled like a brake.

   Maxim tried his best to control himself, but his shoulders still moved slightly.

   Cliff, who is sitting next to him, still has a serious face, and has nothing to love.

After laughing, Ronan managed to control his emotions, and then went on to say, "However, Scout does have unique insights into the market. Maybe we don’t need to listen to his opinions completely, but we can extract valuable Part of the reference. For example, he believes that'inherent' has market value. What does this show?"

After a short pause, Ronan paid attention to the expressions of Ollie and Maxim: Because Scout’s point of view on this matter really hurt the two people in charge of the creation of the King’s Band for a day, and it is still dealing with it now. Very tricky, he needs to be more careful.

   Ollie didn't have any special expressions, he didn't seem to realize what the words meant at all, and he didn't need to worry about his careless appearance.

   Maxim's expression was slightly dim, and his head lowered slightly, hiding his expression in the shadows. He couldn't see clearly, but he could still feel his struggle and bitterness.

   Ronan reminded, "Carefully recall how we created the song "Innate" and how we practiced it all night."

Maxim raised his head and looked at Ronan in a puzzled way. In fact, he already had the answer, but he temporarily lost his confidence because of Scout's words. He couldn't say his thoughts as boldly as before. He saw Ronan's bright eyes with a hint of encouragement.

   "...We don't have any distractions, we are completely immersed in the music, those melody, those lyrics are all emotions from our heart." Maxim said hesitantly.

Ronan nodded slightly and showed a smile, confirming Maxim’s words, "Yes, this shows that we should not actually think about how to cater to the market, because this is not our strong point. We don’t know anything about the market. ; But we know how to create music."

"Music flowing from here," Ronan patted his chest lightly, indicating the position of his heart, "The melody and lyrics that really flow from the depths of our souls are our emotions and ours. Where the individuality lies, this is the real edge and color."

   What Ronan saw was indeed different from other band members, because his position was originally different from that of the band members—

   Not only because Ronan is a bystander, but also because Ronan really has a desire in his heart. As long as he can stand on the stage and perform, it is enough to be happy.

Compared with the previous life, he now has a lot, and he can continue to explore more and wider world in the future. He firmly believes that life is beautiful; he can also come from his heart. To feel the enthusiasm in the soul of the Kings for a day.

   It is precisely because of this that Ronan has always maintained a clear head, even in the face of the double blow of Trastan and Scout.

   At this point, Ronan paused for a while and changed the subject again, "Actually, I saw him the night Trastan left."

   Suddenly, all eyes were focused on Ronan, and the mixed emotions of astonishment, shock, surprise, and panic surged up.

Ronan knew that he had to say, "I tried to stop him and I tried to accuse him, but he didn't give me a chance. I said similar words with Scout, and he couldn't see the market value in us. I I didn't refute him—no, I should say, I couldn't refute it, just like a fool, I watched him go away in a daze, and I couldn't say a word of refutation."

   Ollie recalled immediately.

That night, Ronan came back like a walking corpse, his eyes lost focus and focus, and then sullenly wrapped in a bed. Even if he asked Ronan what was going on, he could not get an answer. UU Read later in the middle of the night , Ronan began to have a high fever.

   It turned out that it was that night.

   Ollie tried to comfort Ronan, but didn't know what to say, but looked at Ronan worriedly, his nose sour.

"...Ronan, you can't be blamed." Maxim immediately expressed comfort, but the follow-up words couldn't go on. He finally understood now, and many things can be found. The first is Trastan, and then the clues can be found. It was Scooter, Ronan had two frontal blows.

   Cliff's eyes also dimmed, and now he finally knows the reason why Ronan started to change.

"I'm okay." Ronan smiled at Maxim. "I just thought, maybe we are all too urgent to forget our original intention, day after day, year after year. When we got to the way forward, we were all lost and gradually changed our appearance."

   "Maybe, we can change our creative direction and style, and return to ourselves, ignore Trastan or Scout, but really make music that we like, music from the heart."

Then, Ronan’s gaze fell solemnly on Ollie and Maxim, “You have creative talents. Don’t forget the praise and recognition of Shining Band and other bands because of Scout. You have your own. The ability is nothing more than sewing buttons."

   Maxim was amused by Ronan's words.

"Cliff, as well as you. We can try and see together, try hard, really return to our original intentions, make music that we can like, maybe we can see a whole new world." Ronan is sincere. In fact, I think so, "I think this can be a beginning."

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