King of Stage

Chapter 90: 1 point of inspiration

   "...I think this can be a beginning." After a pause, Ronan added, "I mean, a fresh start.

   At this point, Ronan's thoughts were all stated, and he cast his sights on the band friends, waiting for their response.


Ollie slapped his hands heavily on the table, slapped up, and then raised his right hand high, even on his toes to express his urgency and expectation, repeatedly saying, "Count me one, count me one", the eyebrows are overflowing. The joyful look has explained everything, and no more explanation is needed.

But the voice hadn't completely fallen, Ollie grinned and began to rub his hands-apparently because the movement of hitting the table just now was so hard that his palms ached. Look at the table that was shaken and almost fell apart. How fierce the effort is.

   The hot blood fan turned into a funny fan immediately.

Ollie was the first to see Ronan who was laughing forward and backward, but then he noticed Maxim and Cliff, who could not laugh next to him. At this time Ollie realized that he actively responded to Ronan’s call. Only by himself, he can no longer care about the pain. "Aren't you two responding? Ronan said such a passionate and touching thing, neither of you were moving at all?"

Maxim could feel Ollie’s scorching gaze falling on him, and he gave a wry smile, "Oli, we are not eighteen years old. We have been running on this road for seven years, if we start again now, What does that mean? Another seven years?"

   Ronan’s words are indeed passionate, but their scarred soul is no longer the eighteen-year-old who can continue to run wild by relying on chicken blood.

Maxime cast an apologetic look at Ronan, "Ronan, I'm not saying that your idea is not good, you should know my idea... I just..." The words became weak, and the volume gradually weakened. "I just don't know what to do."

   Cliff remained silent all the time, buried his head deeply, and said nothing.

   Ollie looked at Maxim, who was slowly lowering his head, and his irritability and anxiety rose again, trying to say something, but didn't know how to express it, and finally could only ask for help again, "Ronan!"

  Actually, Ronan can understand the feelings of Maxim and Cliff:

Just three days ago, they cheered up again and practiced the song "Inborn" all night long, but the faint hope that was slightly ignited was extinguished again—and less than three hours have passed since now, and then Asking them to ignite hope again, this is indeed too difficult.

More importantly, Maxim’s confidence in music creation has been hit so hard that he is now in a daze. He doesn’t know how to adjust and how to move forward. In a mess, he asks Maxim. It's really too difficult to make a "fresh start".

   This is also the reason why Maxim needs time to adjust quietly. They all need to calm down and buy time to organize their thoughts.

Ronan greeted Ollie’s gaze and motioned with his eyes to "Be calm and restless." This made Ollie gazed at the sky with a long sigh, but in the end he sat down heavily, but still expressed strong body language. Dissatisfied, the whole person simply turned his back in the direction of Maxim and Cliff.

Ronan couldn't help feeling funny, but did not discourage Ollie. Instead, he looked up at the clear sky above his head, raised his right hand and grabbed it towards the air, feeling the warmth falling in his palm, slightly hot and stiff. The muscles also eased down, and people couldn't help but relax.

"You know, everyone is actually chasing the light, looking forward to reaching out to touch the ray of sunlight. However, the night is always so long, no one knows when the destination will arrive, and in which direction it should go to reach it, or It will never reach the other shore."

"So, most of them chose to give up, just fell into the darkness like this, and told themselves that the morning light would never come anyway, the light did not exist at all, just like this, the darkness was wrapped around the ankle forever with peace of mind, and finally Slowly swallowed. But is it really?"

   "Deep down, we still yearn for the sun."

Ronan didn’t say any more principles, but quietly felt the warmth of the sun with the palm of his right hand. He seemed to be able to feel the light dance steps of the light jumping, and even the corners of his mouth rose. He liked the color of the sun, in the golden touch. With a glorious rainbow light, the world was stained with a colorful halo, and even the blue of the sky became colorful with it.

   "Everyone is chasing the sun..."

   "Everyone is chasing the sun..."


He whispered over and over again, and then, a touch of inspiration lit up the entire brain like sunlight shining into the darkness, and the notes of the melody flowed down continuously, the kind of warm and comfortable flow that made the whole body go down and down. A cell screamed joyfully and jumped.

"Looking around the hustle and bustle, teardrops become a window to reflect the soul...(Note 1 In this way, Ronan hummed softly, a cappella without accompaniment, slightly thin, but felt a little in the clear and bright voice. The faint warmth of the sun is not the afternoon sun of midsummer and July, but the first ray of dawn in the early morning of the severe cold winter—

I can still feel the cold and bitterness that has not had time to retreat at the darkest hour, but the warmth of the sun has slowly spread in the air, making people want to move towards the sun and get closer. , Get closer, and when he reacts, he has completely bathed in it.

   At this time, the same is true.

   Ronan's softly humming didn't make too many waves, but the pricked ears couldn't help but approach one after another, and he could faintly feel the resonance of the soul.

   "Like a silent symphony that has never been sung, that wild and magnificent hidden secret, a masterpiece that will never be explored."

  Simple words collide with each other, but they burst into exquisite sparks, like the same poetry, beautifully and movingly telling the fragility and sensitivity in the heart—

Each soul has its own story, a secret that no one else has ever explored. The wildness and magnificence can only be known by itself. It is like a silent symphony, but now it is reflected in the full of tears, silently telling that piece. The depth and emptiness in the secret realm.

   is refreshing.

The band members in it are listening carefully, their attention is slowly condensing, they have not yet felt the grandeur of refreshing and happy, they just vaguely feel the surging of emotions, the hot and hot blood is rushing wildly under the skin. Just can't help but want to get closer.

   However, Alice, who was recording everything in front of her with a camera, could clearly feel this, and the lens couldn't help but zoom in again to aim at Ronan.

  Note 1: Chasing the light (Looking-For-Some-Light—Colony-House)

   Note 2: The music that appears in this book can all be found in the works related to the catalog.

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